Crave Ep. 73: Let's not turn this into a Warcraft thing
Crave Ep. 73: Let's not turn this into a Warcraft thing
it's tuesday january twenty fourth I'm
Donald Bell you're experiencing the
crave podcast and I'm here with the AH
eric franklin sure oh god he's gonna
take all day with this introduction to
that's a look that was at your face is
like all manly other dulcis dude yeah
you were you were definitely a Georgian
you're soaking in that interval is
speaking of take a long time what time
is it now what what time oh you know I
some of us have other things to do this
is an important kind of gas but yes you
can just sit in the pot all day long
there's definitely some Facebook and
then neither they have any polish bar
coaster we're also joined by bonnie
bonnie charlie yes thank thank you for
joining us again here well we never want
to take you for granted ever all right
although we made this podcast you don't
want to know we don't want to the word
lost well I want to know yeah we don't
want you hear what I said damn leaving
oh she's leavin I'm leavin Eric and then
just gonna be back man I got you here by
yourself just like you started yeah I
hope you come back I probably won't
leave this you'll see me with like a
giant beer to be like a 26 Donald L I
keep expecting him to walk into any way
be talking to the sound effect machine
like it's me Stephenson Stevens what's
funny handcuffed to the tables like
please let me go to babble you know
check out shot Donald coming back well
if you care if you extend it out long
enough it will become its own thing will
get some momentum going yeah well just
tuned in it'll be like oh you know just
watching you die basically happier watch
a man die on live all right that's my
legacy is fine great
on that note dark who wants to see the
world's biggest original Nintendo
controller I do I I said an original
intent I should just say nes people know
what I'm talking yeah yeah I have to
dumb it down yeah I don't dumb it down
it is the world's largest reproduction
functioning reproduction of an NES
joypad scaled up 30 times in each
dimension is being shown off at London's
Liverpool Street Station it is was made
by an engineering student Ben Allen
disguise and some collaborators from
healthy diversities way to fit so you
need two people you need two people to
play at least two people I crave it you
know genuinely it past my crave test I
wouldn't want one of these yeah all
right well I'd want to rent one of these
for a party maybe you know that would be
that would be a great party yeah yeah
that'd be awesome if so are when the Sun
was made like two years later they'd
probably have they'd probably would i
would also it would be like a furry
theme party where we all come dressed as
our favorite like you know this Mario
sorry why you throwing that in right now
if you're gonna go on all the time in 13
times i'm not saying it's not an
explicitly sexual furry party I'm just
saying that would really take lied right
not explicitly sexual free part it's
just a party where you leave your keys
in a bowl you know maybe let your animal
nature take its course that's all drop
that out there he what the reaction is
no I mean Mario with the the tail is
still counts I think that's pretty free
yeah that's pretty and illicit little
years yeah that's I could just see yeah
that's actually I get him bad really
this guy knows what I'm talking about
yeah he'd made my first was a little
furry yes he's a lot free but God lost
him for making this thing now uh that
said I do hope that you know
world's engineering students have bigger
projects to tackle beyond this not just
in scale but I don't know how much the
world needed this not okay to admit yeah
okay sure like most things on crave it's
there's not that much of a need you
crave it you don't necessarily need it
yeah yeah sure yeah I use may be really
sad about what I do as a job you know
like anything i can write any and all
are we promoting it yeah why we all just
look tackle bigger figures no matter
what you do in your life and how you
hundred years no one care you don't care
what you do well it's not okay you can
be dr. evil and just you know calculate
exactly how to bring about the end of
the world and in which case keep 100
years now aren't even be alive that's a
worthy goal right sure sure if it's
something you're going to make a
difference if that's cuz you're gonna
blow up the planet with the giant laser
you know I don't think the you get you
could actually accomplish about but even
if you did everyone's dead know you're
super heated with the laser I probably
could yeah I mean there's no yeah you
could be like you know the the
elseworlds Batman his wants to just
destroy the world because there's no
point in living right you know for our
then Holly came to that conclusion after
reading the crave blog I'm sure you know
like you know this is the best humanity
k this exists and this is it let's just
yeah destroy it all right let's do it
time well you will be survived though by
a fleshless robot baby I'm happy about
this uh animatronic creation please
sighs does it it moves we should
definitely cut to the video your next
nightmarish mache like a so long again
it's happening right riving around why
is it around because it's meant to be a
very realistically kind of articulated
animatronic baby is Houston I uh
apparently was used in a soap opera
because they needed they didn't want to
sneak one else's January
you're my god is a robot baby coming out
of this woman Oh God and then like
credits was that baby brother for the
One Life to Live season finale that
announced that would have been pretty
great yeah so I mean things like this
need to be created so that actual stunt
babies which don't exist no baby wants
to be a stun baton babies want to be
much baby yeah but yeah you're right so
things like this need to exist so to
keep a natural baby out of harm's way or
from having to be a stage sure for you
know hours on end share so this is a
good thing it I mean it will haunt you
you probably already wish you could have
done seen that yeah but here's here's
the other secret to making a creepy
robot they exist everywhere like we
listen used to work there was like a
Santa dancing Santa robot you could have
just got at like walgreens for four five
dollars if you start peeling the clothes
and skin off that thing at the doll head
it's great like that is really scary
yeah make us terrifying nightmare bot
for like ten bucks yeah it's kinda like
the futurama Santa Claus or the killer
Santa Claus robot guy yeah oh yeah
that's pretty yeah yeah I reminds me of
Emily drivers doing in their own anger
I'm so angry angry I am so that's what
she sounds like wow this is a thing this
can't end well we're going we're going
way low today big dark and deep in in
addition to robot babies we will also be
survived by the trees right the trees
will speak for us they will make
beautiful music thanks to H I would
playing turntable this is an art project
by actually I don't know who it's by its
by a genius
that it's art name yes it's actually
it's using a tone arm on a standard
turntable with a slice of wood rotating
around it and the there's a little light
and a camera on the tone arm that is
looking at the particular color and
grain of the wood and then running that
through software and creating you know
kinda threshold of pitch and tones and
little bursts of piano plotting sadness
that mix de lies a horrible you are as a
human being to have cut this tree down
on the lonely years this tree spent an
in the wilderness to grow these rings
I'm feeling that food is manager pretty
heavy pretty yeah intense trees all make
happy music today no no I mean well it's
been chopped down it's I would think
after we're all dead and gone for you to
be pretty happy yeah you know how long
the trees live about before they I mean
how long would they live usually what's
what's the what's the life span on trees
for its growing ready forever I think
they don't think they just live for your
digging in some jeopardy knowledge that
I don't have access yeah I'm sure search
away but the longer you live it seems
like the sad of your life is I think
that's what we're getting from this yeah
so you know our our continued search for
immortality as human beings um I don't
we're going real dark music gotta hey I
can't really help it with this well
here's a good thing is that the music is
really generated by the software right
yeah you can i plug in Herb Alpert and
the Tijuana brass and play this dude I
mean that the artist decided to make
this all filtered through a minor key
you know piano yeah he could have chosen
to have it all be FUBU zella that's
coming out of this tree trunk right I
want people to feel something but if
you're gonna make your gonna make art I
don't picture gonna sell if you're gonna
sell a serious piece of already have to
make it play some some plotting John
Cage you know music yeah that's the way
to do it if he had it playing kazoo
sounds no
wouldn't be no one would take him
serious acts can we read it that we had
sex instead meet with their there now
needs to be like an nth that comes out
to tell us that that was not what they
intended to sound like at all right and
that they really sound like yeah
Kinsella Wow images of people running
really fast take everybody back around
the tree man chasing older man chasing
half-naked women yeah that'd be great we
can get the book but this ya know this
is Star Wars and then what I said that's
satyr that I could identify the for the
for opening notes of the start which
names on that's pretty impressive
alright so that that lead us to our next
story which is the star wars uncut
project yes a crowdsourced version of
the original version of Star Wars yes
filmed 15 seconds at a time incredible
yes any watch the horribly difficult to
watch incredibly difficult
every-everything seconds you know
something new is coming you know yeah
and some a different er pretation of
that scene or and how how precise it is
to like you know one you know once he'll
start with what's you know what actor
saying it you know and would like a Lego
configuration saying it or something
like that it definitely laughed more at
this version yeah giggling yeah um yeah
it's pretty cool I liked it I can't get
it to play oh no then hang on it's
taking a second oh here it comes okay
you can see if you can cut in a little
bit further because even the original
version of Star Wars doesn't you know
well there's a home up for a little bit
that's cool scene up I I encounter I
encounter a lot of pain when I see this
as much as I don't understand not on
look at this BBQ oh come on that's a
cop-out yeah
d 2 g's so this goes on for two hours
and three minutes yeah yeah it's I
skipped around a lot yeah I can watch my
fault yeah like this watch like it was
but I yeah other than that I'm pretty
amazing pretty amazing accomplishment i
absolutely and they started with in 2009
2009 was when they can they put the word
out figures and then it just goes some
in this a completely different you know
and the phallic look man one so how do
they avoid a lawsuit though I mean
ultimately they actually got the okay
from George Lucas okay yeah POTUS Oriole
Kevin yeah and they knew she was not the
worst guy i'm kind of realizing lately
i've been reading a lot of interviews am
like well over the last few years uh I
feel like he's been more more like a
publicly available like doing interviews
and stuff not the worst guy me you know
the whole like ruin your childhood thing
that's you know that's pretty
unforgivable but yeah um but other than
that uh IIIi understand his point he's
like hey it's my movie at is my movie so
I could do what I want and I mean you
can't argue with that yeah he hasn't
seen us yet for talking about his
machine okay yeah that's coming on the
same star wars uh you know theme here we
have a gigantic well I should say almost
life-size stormtrooper cake yes mm-hmm I
like like this oh that's the cake that's
the case holy yeah snowy it was six foot
and 300 pounds oh my god yeah I actually
a hundred pound pound i interviewed the
the woman who owned the cake shop who
made that is it in some cisco no oh
Boston it's all gone by the way we have
a slide to it someone at CES attacking
and you know it was for
um a sci-fi trade show in Boston and
they they asked them to make that cake
and all it took two weeks in the hole
like Baker's amazed and people like that
skating how do you do that how do you
sculpt the cake you do a lot of fun on a
rice krispie treats lot of fun only use
all the pipes and then mm-hmm that was a
structure okay this one has no charge
yeah and they had to transport it in
like sections to the to the conference
in our still pretty amazing um and she
said the most challenging part well
they're two things one was making the
cake delicious yeah right um and then
the second part was the fondant because
that's the sugary kind of coating
outside but like hanging it vertically
it usually like falls off so they had to
like do it in sections wow yeah wow
that's what it's pretty mean yes awesome
that's great all right who's next though
I mean now this is really I do yeah she
wants to work on um something for the
hobbit movie next Oh Peter Jackson to
call us like some life-size wardrobe you
laid off three feet tall well it'll be
fine yeah what'll Gandalf will be
critical yeah well I say small they are
just lay lifeless work to be able to
kind of hack into an ordinal if you have
some kind of like bloody cake like
seeing something like black licorice
juice coming out Nelson do it some teint
II darkspawn taint no darks let you have
that I was I was mixing middle-earth
with dragon age I'm sorry that was
anyone knows about dragons knows what
the taint didn't even look at which is
bet they do they might not actually I
would suspect that most people who are
very knowledgeable dragon age probably
don't know they know okay it's a disease
people reminds out of the gutters all
right um whisk us away into the magical
and wonderful world what was the last
one was he saying something yeah I
missed that I was clapping meanwhile
nice great thank you so much pressure on
that I like that like that that's
something that can be refreshed like you
know every few months or something like
that I mean up you know any of your time
Stephen pressure I I appreciate haha and
seeing what's his name was Apache chief
yeah yeah how do you get a growing giant
yeah yeah what do you what do you say no
joke or so like that anyone could make
that is ok to really use awesome um not
much oh no I'm not gonna see it don't
say that yeah and those tons of stuff in
geek news is weak tons of stuff first I
wanna you can just start playing that
clip I just want to talk about um
finally umm don't say teen aight ain't
gonna say it um no I finally uh plucked
down the world actually I didn't plan on
anything but I finally uh went in and
started playing the old republic these
star wars MMO the new star wars in the
mo and um i was i just finished dragon
age 2 I was really into the whole story
and whatever and this is you know this
is just a cinema opening cuz I just want
to play that cuz it looks really cool I
was really into the story and the kind
of way that Bioware does their RPGs is
very character focused you get to make a
lot of choices that matter
game like me I want more of this so Star
Wars has that one to play it and you
know experience that more and it's the
star wars universe as well even try it
30 days for free why not right and I get
in and it's awesome it's great i'm
playing a sith inquisitor you know being
all dark making these dark choices and
like at one point yeah you know I have
to torture his guide of a choice whether
my torture man at night to watch her
room and I guess dark points and people
that yes they hate flow through you
bring out the robot baby yeah exactly as
an angry walk there's no you are i don't
wanna i know i know i'll stop you lost
me no um that you haven't seen any walks
in the game yet by the way um and it was
great that was very story focus and then
the game started to remind me that it's
an MMO and I I remembered how much I
hated some aspects of MMOs from my
experience by seven years of playing wow
um or six years of playing wow and I
like last night I was playing I know
this is kind of hard to not get this
games pretty awesome um last night was
playing and you know I did like the
story is great knowledge stuff you make
the choices but it's too far and I mean
it's it's uh it's not um what hormones
when I try to say the story is great but
you have to do all the MMO stuff in
between the story so you have to do all
this like questing and finding stuff and
group it up with people that you hate
and don't like that Arun and all that
stuff and you're trying to solve all
these quests or complete all these
quests and there's mobs come you know
that are that are a growing on you and
I'm use all these different
terminologies doesn't matter people know
I'm saying all these moms are a growing
on you and you're just trying to get
back to the to the main base to turn in
the quest that's all you want to do but
these mobs keep a growing and keep
killing you in so frustrating it's like
what happened to the story all I want is
a story no it's an MMO so I don't know
if I'm going to continue playing past 30
days I mean I'll play a little bit more
but the thing that keeps me playing that
keeps them keep the thing that keeps
everyone playing is that whole like that
addictive quality of the game that hold
that you get in that that that dopamine
drip every time you open up a chess and
it's like oh I didn't get what I want to
try it again you know that kind of stuff
and that's
hitting a little crack button exactly
exactly just give it to me it almost
feels as good as the first time but not
quite I got you go back exactly exactly
so uh that's but that was my experience
and it's funny my my wife came up to me
last night i was playing she's like oh
honey you go together suck yeah nice
very nice thank you oh no she was like
oh honey you know you again yes great
she's like all right just just don't let
it turn into a while I just got over
that me you're so much so much so much a
better husband since you quit wow this
is we not go back there I was like all
right well yeah but anyway that was my
experience it Oh Republic um I'm so
happy for you know yeah don't be well
okay that's all right again you can
leave it what it doesn't have to be yeah
resolved yes I resolved yeah oh I'll
catch you guys up in a couple of weeks
but you know yeah cuz you think you're
at home back well we'll stage an
intervention if after the 30 days you
still get the call your wife and can I
do this remotely from my house is that
frosting yeah exactly hey guys sure us
baby robots late anyway Oh discard that
kind of stuff it um move it on all right
other geek news yeah you guys ever play
D&D the tabletop game had a top game
whatever you call it older cousin who is
hooked on loved it binger play okay so
no nerds here it's what you say phenix
except for me cuz i used to play the
hell out of D&D back in the day when I
was like 12 that's how you got your
brain wired for mmm yeah I know and I
they just announced it was it the coast
or a couple weeks announced that their
come out with a fifth edition of the
rules they're receiving a lot of
competition or getting a lot of
competition because of MMOs because of
games i agree more crap because of games
like skyrim where people are just like
well I don't really need to play this
table game that we know the way I can't
see anything I was going to his world
where everything's done for me
Dungeon Master make up rules on the fly
I can just play the game and you know
get that kind of fulfillment that the
kind of like achievement fulfillment
from this thing instead of going to this
other thing where's things always
planning I think a nice people together
but i really hope like these types of
games don't they don't go away because i
really did the thing about those games
is the social aspect and even in WoW in
MMOs the social aspect was never as but
it was always about the achievement in
WoW so I was like we have to kill this
thing this is I go and do this and DNA
was always like well let's see what we
do if we don't kill this thing let's see
what happens if you know you flirt with
this woman or something like that where
are you or we try to talk to the top our
way out of this situation so my or not
quite you know that kind of stuff and it
just you'll be ready in a room with
people right they can't aggro mob on you
yeah termas you know like computer
that's so cute yeah I mean it's true
that mean you're actually face to face
with people is a different it's a
totally different dynamic yeah yeah it
is behind your computer exactly and we
would plan stuff we would take like 15
20 minute stuffs gonna let's plan this
out and see what house every we take the
time to plan it was fun man it was it
was great so I hope those games old so
noodles what are the new rules how are
they adapted well they're the unique
thing that are doing is they're actually
getting feedback from the community
they're kind of they're gonna have this
really long play testing on time to kind
of get feedback from the community too
so that like the community can be very
much involved in the direction that the
new D&D goes because one of the things
about me not playing DD today the
reasonable politicals on my friends I
please play with you know they'll marry
yeah they have kids is no time it takes
a lot of planning and for the dungeon
master especially has they have to
please a plan all this stuff out and if
you have a you know two kids it's you
don't really have time to do that kind
of stuff so I'm hoping that it goes in
the direction of you know not requiring
so much planning you can just kind of
drop in get in there have your fun
excuse me and drop out so that's what
I'm hoping for so we'll see that's going
to be an ongoing thing so no
see ya pretty interesting uh Oscar nods
came out today guys yes yes yes I like
that fascia making right now Nick and uh
the rise of the planet of the apes face
but when I Andy Serkis did not get that
snubbed once again am um on the Oscar
not yeah this year not that exciting for
me that's there's a few Oscar
nominations that I'm pretty happy with
I'm I was glad Jonah Hill and Brad Pitt
got nominated for money blocklist
probably that may be my favorite movie
of the year appreciate it yeah I haven't
seen it yet it's so good it's so
well-written it's um the sort Sorkin is
this organ know who does a writing from
West Wing and the guy did the is a
sweetness organ yeah okay and I did the
writing for the social network I did
originally I feel like yeah okay well
what is the writing for that that guy
wrote it and stuff and yeah it's just
yeah okay it's working so yea the
rioting is great as quick is very witty
are the story though I knew the story
get out still on the edge of my seat
yeah you know like that they end it was
like I think I'll change it because this
looks like they're going to change it
was so good so I really hope that um at
least one of those guys or at least a
movie get some recognition other than
the nomination oh and that it was like
the top go through the top 10 films i
got nominate it right quick if i can
find them right quick best picture the
artists the descendants extremely loud
Incredibly Close the help Hugo Midnight
in Paris Moneyball the tree of life and
war horse cassie is bliss i tells me I
have a gun I've actually only seen two
of these movies on his list I've only
see Moneyball in Midnight in Paris I
want to see Hugo I want to see tree
alive I kind of want to see warhorse I
don't want to see help I don't want to
see the artists well I'll see the arse
I'll say and I'll see everything else on
it because Gary Oldman's Allison
extremely close and the descendants I
heard its kind of overrated Hollywood it
was actually saying something about that
on Twitter but anyway um right I we
started we started watching The Tree of
a couple of weeks ago or a couple of
days ago and is a little too terrence
malick for my wife turns erotic movie
you know they can be pretty abstract you
know and not very dialogue heavy and
just kind of lie about images a lot of
weird camera stuff going on and yeah so
she don't want to finish that so I have
to finish it my own well anyway talk a
lot yes right um so you guys excited
bout the Oscars ago no you guys on Karen
well it's just gonna start to remind me
how little the active social life /
movie viewing life I have yeah I just I
don't need that yeah don't shame me
Kabaddi I'm sorry yeah I'm that I'm no
longer in tune with the the zeitgeist
pop culture's aight guys okay yeah I'm
okay with that yeah you look like you
I'll see the movies two years from now
and no one care yeah no one discussed
the weather late to the party on twitter
but Moneyball my money good for my money
money balls the best picture of the year
I can't watch you that's my money yeah
that's so expect that diffusion and
lastly in geek news uh you went through
up that image I grew up whoa really
reading the x-men I can understand why a
young impressionable mind would read a
comic and in the 90s this character
Elizabeth Elizabeth Braddock I've known
also known as Psylocke I was turned into
like before before she was like his kind
of kind of mica SH she wore this for
body power her ability to fart out robot
is that picture showing no you should go
back to that oh she was a telepath but
she was very kind of mica shoes she was
you she wore this like pink sued like
full bodysuit that you have her whole
body and then when she went through the
siege perilous she got remade as a as a
Japanese assassin chick that wore that
outfit and instead of doing like she had
an instead of like using her telepathy
whatever she had to check this this this
sauce sonic knife there and she would
like you know hit dudes with no cuz up
and she wore that outfit
as an impressionable young 14 year-old
elizabeth Braddock's also nice i like
made a very strong impression on me and
marvel actually released that no other
reason saying this cuz Marvel actually
they don't usually do this with a lot of
panels but they actually made a gif out
of that panel and was like we released
it and for some reason and layout this
is what people have been doing and the
one above it is even worse I don't know
it yeah that's so yeah I just want to
bring a little tension the psylocke one
of my all-time favorite Marvel
characters and not she's not that
interesting but she's awesome she made
same time to say that and that's what
week I think he covered all the bases
perv quotient Yeah Yeah Yeah right cool
success it that's it great that's a show
all right yeah you should check out our
crave blog you can find it at this thing
right here crazy scenic amor ya seen
accomplished favor news that sandy
that's great many different many
different ways you could google it and
would probably take you right there yeah
well yeah what were they greet move the
google crave grave just crazy if you
think that'll come on man yeah if you're
if it was already identified you as a
geek then probably okay you know we
don't crave com we don't I figured what
has it it does come up first fine tell
us I'll go looking for it don't get down
the money cubicle hey guys just
completely let us don't do it maybe
you'll find us yeah you'll find us next
week is where you'll find us on Tuesdays
same time thanks for joining us today
thank you
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