it's Tuesday februari 21st your
experience in the crave podcast I'm
Donald Bell eric franklin Bonnie cha
welcome hello we're all here again hello
welcome back here enjoying the joy ride
thank you I'm feeling really good all
right you fools glados man you cannot
get a more dynamic and exciting
beginning to you everyone I'm
trying to hold it back and try building
up just like that we're talking the book
that's right I was a highway guys the
best and we're at it yeah you know what
that means no no it means you want to
talk about lego minecraft i do is
happening who does it it's already
happened it's happened it's a they
already have a preview page here for you
can pre-order your 480 piece lego
minecraft microworld set do this summer
for thirty four dollars and ninety-nine
cents huh and it's all over that bet
you'll see little connector pieces that
connect the little grids of minecraft
soil together yeah i can have you ever
expanding minecraft world because him
lose a little Greek credit I've never
played minecraft I've never actually
went on that's not true i played the
iphone version of Minecraft for like
five seconds before i decided that it
was not worth my time I turn off I was
more excited about this just being an
expansion of lego universe I love ya oh
yeah but how did you have any experience
with my friend no no no no no next week
when it's the actual lego lord of the
ring set coming out i'll be just as
excited about that right I'll be more
excited I'll be excited about that yeah
I guess one thing can coexist in the
same lego universe though you can have
Lord of the Rings trampling over your
minecraft creation you can have mine
craft Mordor yeah I got the orcs
attacking your your your fortification
that you've built in Minecraft I
understand that's part of the game like
you build these forts and people
monsters come attacking me up the bath
in the mall for some little hat all
right moving on then story always good I
thought we had a video for this know
there is a most exciting videos all
right that guy you know he looks like
that guy looks like if you're watching
CES messiest CS I and they have the one
guy who created minecraft it's like one
guy it would look just like that guy
like not that one guy could create a
game like they're they're playing what
if they did it would be that dude yeah
you're gonna say it was like David
Caruso when he was younger oh no uh-oh
seriousness reducing lego minecraft a
minute by these guys yeah like we need
to monetize yeah and that's then they do
that and they print out the lego
minecraft using their probe ninja the 3d
printing skills in the 3d printer no it
just started pouring out of his laptop
okay that works apparently sounds nasty
it was funny fish alright so what you
will not be building with minecraft
unless you have a very long time and I
like actually no I guess this would be
only place you could in your lifetime
build this thing instead about to death
sorry yeah you could build it in
Minecraft digitally in a day may be
right sure like a hours yeah but if you
were to actually build the Death Star
using real-world materials in this case
it's a estimated that they would build
it out of steel right and using a
typical steel density of a modern
warship it's been estimated from
economic students at Lehigh University
that it would take around 800,000 years
to produce the Death Star at current
rates yeah I like that that's your
thinking that this is gonna be built by
robots right well does mean that man a
little BOTS yeah the fine name they're
not yet this name didn't look like was
like you know well you're talking about
you're trying to return a Jedi of course
when it's like it's like it's like
two-thirds or three-fourths built
already and like there's a one piece I
wasn't built yet and I'm so building
alright well yeah I mean we could we
could debate you know the the
fictionalized movie version of it but if
you if you were an actual person you're
like you know what that was a really
good idea why don't we do that right why
don't I build a moon-sized warship that
can just travel in outer space and
destroy stuff I can't why don't we do
that och now but uh because it would
take a hundred thousand years according
to the corn to these guys I'm just
saying what why why limit yourself
disease why limit yourself to steal
Madison you want your you deliver
yourself to something yeah right um if
you're gonna do this little is no fun
estimate thing whatever I I don't want
people to be discouraged in building a
REAL Death Star's I'm saying right I
don't want people to be out there like
wallets we can never have it 800 that's
impossible right it's like people we
have building the pyramids are like oh
well it took you know forty thousand
slaves you know hundred years to build
these rocks and huge boulders coming
from miles away like no need a little
bit of rock yeah what are you which what
do you imagine a bathroom conspiracy
it isn't a bit yeah no I just I
don't want the next evil empire to be
discouraged uh you know not building the
desk so if you were estimate if you were
Darth Vader's second-in-command that it
survived the the chokehold yeah you
would say you know what we could do this
a lot faster no I balsa wood and a
stronger force field Plexiglas it
oxidizes by the way the future is my
pain is that I guess so I you know
anything quite see the toxic residue
from manufacturing entire planets worth
of Plexiglas it's the movie overboard
taught me anything it's that Plexiglas
he's the answer to all our problems that
movie let me be walking around the dust
are not just the reek of plastic with
that knock you down no
no I wouldn't bother you get used to it
let me get used to I think well people
if we're gonna really make this happen
we're gonna have to work with Eric and
these economic students define yeah yeah
because they should contact me for sure
can't really rule over the universe as a
single Empire without a really kick-ass
moon sighs you know battle station that
has a really really stupid weakness and
we point but I just shine frickin laser
yeah a little hole that you can shoot a
torpedo down there you go gotta breathe
somehow right breathe one just cover
that why is that there is why don't you
need an entrance into that I room with I
don't know either smells we die
basically it's what you say another
story that blends the movies with
reality here is that DARPA is actually
putting seven million dollars of funding
behind a program code-named avatar okay
which will develop develop interfaces
and algorithms to enable a soldier to
effectively partner with a
semi-autonomous bipedal machine and
allowed to act as a soldier surrogate
okay now this is actually happening this
is at we add we have been million dollar
program what do you say dog-eared seven
million dollars of funding here I don't
say that it's right over here in the
second paragraph yeah um DARPA's got it
they're gonna make it happen avatar ish
in at least robotic Lee becoming closer
to reality so is this not on them is
this james cameron influencing the real
life or is did he get that idea from
like a like an idea that someone else um
engineers had years ago right and he was
just like well I could make I should
make a movie out of it you know and like
you know put that in the movie or
something like that my oars is like is
it both are they both feeding off of
each other in this you know i just i
don't i defended me I don't want to give
James Cameron credit yes I knew that's
what you're going with
yeah the the take your gonna have um
this seems like a really in and I would
actually put the having just finished
and I hate to admit this from my own key
credibility having just fender finish
finish orson scott card's ender's game
why I'm trying to slide again put a
person for the first time oh wow nice
everybody oh we gotta gotta talk after
right there it's like it's not the spoil
the book but it kind of plays into the
same thing / ya are sure by decades sure
sure sure oh yeah for sure that yeah and
he wrote that we was like early 20 so
they should have they should have really
nickname this thing entered or something
the ender program maybe I've been
waiting for that movie for so long the
Ender's Game movie it's I don't think
they should do it at this point I
actually what before I heard they
they're actually cast it they just got
ya know they're actually actually are
doing it now they're aging the kids wow
I think I'm in the book fair like from
five to ten maybe yeah right at least
for the first half of the book but like
they're casting like 12 and 13 year olds
it will just fine I don't want a five to
10 euro act try to act its kind of
totally turn into a disna fight
monstrosity no matter how you got it
because if you get kids why do it big
why do if your dad is no Phi monster
because that best story is so
undignified especially want to get an
end like when you say this you know all
the speaker for the dead stuff and this
is on deep agencies Hollywood can do
weird twisted things to a story that
involves children that's what no one can
to help good at twisted horrible things
out of know that's I mean if they're if
they're done in the way that this book
was done sure treating kids as like kind
of delicious and adults yeah Hollywood
has a hard time doing that room
authentic less true without making it
that's that's the month es part that's
the best part of Ender's Game you know
there's there's a this is a shower
murder scene in that book it with its
kids and some kids try to murder one
dude and and people a person gets killed
in that shower so much for
I spoilin and well the way I was reading
candles who's anything in that book is
like 40 years old so I think we're
losing the chatter oh my god let's talk
about the last blending of reality and
horribleness and twisted this an AR what
is this an app that blends Barbie and
your photographs tell me about this
guy's it's showing Barbie's dream closet
and using augmented reality you can try
on clothes him thank you for that aqua
for you um Barbie and Ken's outfit you
can try it on yeah so but Bonnie came to
me last week was like give a whit cam as
I I could find one and I ventually
brought one over to her and she made me
I did try on these clothes virtual
clothes you were happy to volunteer
don't even put that on me he forced me
to do this o people and but we did get
at least one very cute picture about
that yeah um out of this is not ok you
can tell them both these these photos
that be the costumes are made for kids
like little necks or something you're
supposed to get wired like an arrow my
shoulders to try to fit into that little
thing it's just wasn't hey guys the app
wasn't very busy and it kept switching
like it wasn't I don't know what some
when i was in the buggy or somehow knows
why but you can make fun pictures that
you post on facebook yes does it play
this in the soundtrack the entire time
you do fortunately no would have been
that much better than this is this is
like my my life soundtrack so always
playing in my head so i don't really
need it so yeah this enthusiasts I khals
between this and hold my hand on me p
that's why I'm so happy all the time
yeah bubbly I need to do that all right
this last one here I'm throwing in
because I don't know how I feel about it
I'm am ambivalent about this the D can
the camera of the future yeah yeah so
basically the designer said you know now
that we don't have like actual film
canisters anymore you don't have to have
cameras that are square yeah and he
thinks this is a more ergonomically
better camera sure I guess cylinder and
it reminds me of the lytro camera yeah
more about the lens and the the actual
so he like post Vegas uh selection with
this as well it's it's really just a
kind of just a fantasy here yeah but
what I guess what has my throne is just
the scale of this it looks like it's
beer cans size flashlight so yeah
there's another picture on a what a
pig's little bit device is something
else shows it to scale kind of yours
that the batteries i got me 50 good not
in a source petapixel keep talking about
all I'm saying is that like something
going in my pocket and it looks like a
roll of quarters it might be a weird if
you by chance or it might be beneficial
be sure to keep your g maybe I just say
you angle it the right way square you
can interpret as a wallet oh that's
camera this is this wallet honey don't
work oh that's right that's right this
is me Donald Bell wap fem Street the
holidays even my TRO goes for a little
bit more of a square design I'm sure the
first design was very um cylinder like
and someone's like you don't want to it
looks a little yeah yeah you can't see
the kitchen think of the kids my kids
are just walking down street just path
it's like the fight club subliminal
thing kids will all pass you the only me
know either upset they just start crying
you got a big smile on your face yeah so
cool if they make this I just I think
it's going to need a design revision or
three four I'm gonna use it sure I don't
know uh yeah but it could take amazing
pictures yeah I think we're focusing on
exactly the reasons why people won't buy
it but whatever even thought of that but
it but it's all about ergonomics I by a
woman yeah baby that's a little a lonely
woman oh there's a vibrate question no
but if the macro selection does go from
vigorous to calling which in particular
now you know this is welcome back to
gadgets oh no no welcome to our favorite
segments meanwhile oh I love it I love
I'm gonna perfect the awkward pies oh no
no it's so good because it really does
feel like you are you take control of
the board your telekinesis all of a
sudden just like he's like you get your
shining on or something and exactly i
use my youtube I get your Cooper guys um
anyway yeah what do we have what
everything is um so I was out last week
guys well if you remember this we cry a
little bit I made it through okay good
alright cool that's good good to know I
was missed um one of the things I did do
uh when I was at home sick and I finally
woke up after my nyquil induce
unconsciousness is I download the mass
effect 3 demo the mass effect
to a mass effect one or two of my
favorite games of all time aspect to
especially these are great games that
are there RPGs but they have a very very
defined shooting mechanics so they
they're almost like Gears of War plus an
RPG on top of it you have all these
decisions you can make all these moral
choices one of the best things about
mass effect is that the choices you made
in part one will carry over to part two
and and now part two in the part 3 so
characters that you know probably one
you actually have to decide if someone's
going to live or die like there's two
characters you can't save them both your
decide who's gonna leave a diet made the
selfish choice in part one to save the
woman I was banging oh my character was
back in the game so in the subsequent
Mass Effect she's there what the dude
who I chose to have killed you had me a
virtual banging banging games yes it's
kind of weird our debt amazon prime here
we go so anyway um one of the UM so I've
been playing through that the demo and
it's it's of part three and it's so good
like the part to that the control was
was awesome but they've further refined
it to be more like your kicks more agile
run faster doesn't get tired what he's
running show us a little oh yeah you can
start playing at UH run this while you
ran yeah sure yeah you don't listen look
at my face when it's going on yeah that
was just go by is that that's that's
that's no that's that's you that the
great thing about mass effect is that
you kind of you create your own main
character so you can create a woman or
man they can be you know whatever race
you want them to be they can be gay they
can be straight it's not like you pick
old gay or straight you just make
organic choices throughout the game of
who you want to have relationships with
you can you know men can pick certain
men women can pick certain women or you
could pick the opposite sex as well you
pick aliens or humans whatever this is
our I which is what you see in is a
multiplayer that's the new thing a mass
effect mass effect 3 is that there's a
multiplayer mode which is basically um I
can I love that this guy you use the
inception music for this stuff it works
really well um but the new thing as
effects that there's a multiplayer mode
that's basically horde mode from gears
of war
but you you know you're trying to
survive these 11 rounds as opposed to
like 50 rounds of hormones is like kind
of you know unattainable stuff 11 rounds
I can survive which I've done in the
demo planet demo and basically you have
like you're taking out all these AI
troops that are coming in and you're
kind of defend your positions and you
also have like missions every every
couple of missions you'll have specific
missions to take out certain AI stuff
anyway it's awesome stuff and that
character burglar you have actual
character progression in the multiplayer
so it's like you make these meaningful
choices every time you level up like in
previous mass effects you don't make as
many people as many meaningful choices
like it can be like you know you can
choose from like well I want thirty
percent more damage on this thing or I
wanted to affect more larger radius or
some like that so we making these
meaningful choices like all the time so
it's really awesome in there's different
classes and when do we get it March sex
is when we get it um I've never really
played a demo this much like it's a demo
and I'm planned crap out of it it's it's
crazy how much how addicted i am to this
game right now so is this why we didn't
see you last week or is that well no um
and if you're interested in the Mass
Effect universe you should check out io9
day this is great one of the writers did
a great write-up it's called why mass
effect is the most important science
fiction universe of our generation and
you can read it and read you know his
take on that why he thinks that is one
of the the best things he says about
that is because in like you know Star
Trek Star Wars and all these other
science fiction universes the the main
protagonists is whoever they want the
main protagonist to be but in this you
know in this universe like I said you
this the main protagonist could be non
male non-white and can be gay you know
so it's like and and the the character
the main character of shepherd is one of
the only characters in science fiction
or in video games where the main
character is people's favorite character
because it's you and you make your
choices based on you know whatever you
want you know you can be go down the
Paragon um away you go down the renegade
way and make all these really cool
badass choices or you could be like you
know paragon of virtue whatever its
yeah so it's really good you agree that
it most important I actually do agree
that thought that even before i read
this i was because it's so well thought
out so detail I mean there's a lot of
reasons these go he goes into but beyond
just that kind of stuff like like these
the history like the kind of lure of
that universe is very well thought out
and it seems very plausible at the same
time and when the biggest thing he says
is that human beings aren't the most
important people in the galaxy in this
universe where is like you look at Star
Trek is always like you look at the
Federation is like well the Federation
of Planets and it's like mostly human
and I was kind of so they even make
jokes about that in the Star Trek
universe and the same thing with Star
Wars you don't see as many aliens you
humans and with hit with this one you
get to see like human beings put in
their place so they like you guys what
you just started this thing you just got
this fashion light travel you can't have
this much responsibility that kind of
stuff so the Admiral Ackbar quotient is
raised up definitely definitely all
right definitely lots of Akbar's anyway
uh-huh Admiral Ackbar's uh it's always a
trap uh select to the last episode yeah
yeah yeah but I ever I saw it good hey
support and why do you say was amazing I
just rated show ever Jacqueline was not
there hmm it's look into that see the
meaning of that villain is um there's
also a new trailer from a severe you can
start playing that we don't have to like
go through the whole trailer anything
like that but it just looks really cool
um you know the hell of that warning the
whole thank you the whole fame is odd
take back the earth because every there
there there Reapers are finally
attacking Earth and it's been kind of
you know something you know you've your
characters kind of predict it's gonna
happen and no one kind of believed you
and it's finally happening Earth's being
attacked and whatever and it's just
really really great suit egcg if you
want to check that out we all have to
play the whole thing here I kind of want
to move on to the next thing but it's
really cool the next thing is someone
did an awesome they mailed it to my
favorite well one other movies of all
time and one of my favorite movie series
of all time
prestige and the dark knight series they
kind of melded that and and they kind of
like kind of put the depressed ease
audio over the three Dark Knight
trailers or the great Batman trailers
and you could play that right now
because it's really cool every magic
trick consists of three parts Thanks
first part is called the pledge the
magician shows you some only becomes
he shows you the subject
perhaps the ocean teach me
Satan is it a grip I don't know
course it probably isn't
the second is called a tow the magician
takes before me something and makes us
do some extraordinary now you're looking
for the secret where you weren't found
because of course you're not really
looking if you don't really want to know
want to be full but you wouldn't clap
yet because making something disappear
isn't enough you have to bring it back
that's why every magic trick as a third
act now or this power
the part we call impressed e
pretty great ads off and if you didn't
know about the movie again you just
assume that's just the most elaborate
prank yeah trailer for The Dark Knight
but they went through this whole magic
thing about the deconstruction of the
magic trick but it works for me whatever
you ever seen a prestige anyone a stable
i have i've seen it okay i know you see
it it's awesome yeah it's great yeah
anyway that's a free-kick news this week
that's it for the great podcast this
week what a great block has like a baby
body shower slide it off and then we're
off well be sure you for some much side
flood come out that come on down to
shakeys at your face is killing me i'm
sorry i couldn't get gonna give it going
you just said sitting and staring at the
air it's not fun davao downtown just
stay there how about Donald interact
with does a little bit let's go it was a
lil sumpin here it's a is 1143 day of
Donald bells in the studio what is sated
shirt on say where was that about Donna
hates when I do like I cuz he knows I'm
just hamming it up thank you guys for
being here sure this last episode of
cribs over we just handed it in it hang
it up no with any luck we'll be back
here next week Tuesday's eleven o'clock
pacific please join us continue to join
us yeah in spite of all of this let's
see next week
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