it's tuesday march six a date that
totally tests my lispy abilities i'm
donald bell eric franklin well done on
Liz yeah I tried I tried to really
annunciate I couldn't hear you and I
Kyle no I'm snuffaluffagus you are your
friend you're here now though is not I
am here how's this we're not if
we get out delivery already thank God
your mind it's all right so has the
crave podcast thank you for joining us
on this thank you this episode that I'm
like I guaranteed last week is
completely free of anything
apple-related awesome it that way yes
yeah for that sowed should I ever
mention apple during the course of this
in any real way not me mentioning it in
the context of mentioning it right like
any time after this right after this you
can use this on me the shut up gun all
right yes this is a speech jammer yes a
weapon of speech silencing he's gonna um
this video is actually really play dumb
but the technology I don't know yeah so
what is doing is combining a little
handheld you know microphone it's got a
directional microphone like a high
quality mic and it takes that input the
directional input from what you're
pointing at and then it it put that
applies a to like a point two second
delay to the audio and shoots it back of
the person to cancel out not cancel out
the frequencies but to them it gives
them this really weird distortion
distorting echo effect like like like
there's just been an explosion near them
their ears are kind of it like suddenly
they're talking
went 3d and flipped out their brain and
so it disorients them alone all they're
talking so it shuts them up but it
doesn't it doesn't cancel out the sound
it doesn't cancel out this all you can
still hear them but then they feel weird
talking so it probably shuts yeah it
makes it so annoying to them to talk and
hear their own voice back then write a
stop interesting interesting is
interesting it's kinda like the wrap it
up box from chappelle's show member to
repre- people got along like of you on
the Oscars or something like that avenue
b school inviolate search yeah exactly
the video is kind of amusing it's worth
it's worth a play just for like the the
weird turns a phrase that the they talk
about like it what is it like the cell
phone call with empty speech this is it
it's like when someone's talking on the
phone without really saying anything
meaningful but on the little and the
video translation all like the
translations like empty speech well they
put this stuff on YouTube now yeah
yellow then but we have to get will be
um so it is is a it's a prototype here
from the national institute of advanced
industrial science and technology at
substitute all connected university well
I'm glad they're spending their time
well yeah yeah by working on really
meaningful um inventions delayed
auditory feedback is the well that
sounds a little bit nauman on more I
don't know important yeah I mean um the
I shut you up gun or the shut shut up
gun is pretty cool as for a name I think
that what are they calling it like a
speech jammer speech jammer yep hmm they
need to work on naming here there's a
beautiful name for this thing but it's
probably not the speech jammer if you'd
be like the empty speech disorient array
I like that one yeah yeah there's an
acronym in there somewhere I probably
said something really dirty another
prototype here is the skin stretching
game controller pitch for the next Xbox
360 720
this I saw this uh this head earlier and
kind of scare me i don't know what they
meant by skin stretching yeah you how
you feel about cuz you if I said skin I
thought it's gonna be stretching my skin
that that's not happening way actually I
have to imagine yes for the same one
thing for me I can't talk right now but
I imagine something far more invasive
and weird than what this actually is yes
something like out of as extends or
something like that movie it's like a
haptic feedback control right but it
just basically stretches the skin under
your thumb yeah instead of 0 does so
your thumbs are over the little controls
a little red like think patty type nubs
okay and but they're being controlled by
the xbox to either move up or down or
wiggle around or give you directional
feedback about what's going on on the
screen so your thumbs are being massaged
while you play and I said the thumb
massages is that the point like to see
those cramp no so one example the
research gave researchers gave is like
you're playing a fishing game and you
hook a fish and then the buds under your
thumb will kind of like jerk back like
you've liked captured a fish right like
instead of like right now the only
haptic feedback on the controllers how
is that vigorously it shakes right sure
hungry but now this could be like a like
a rumble just for your thumb and
individual two different little rumbles
for each thumb just in and they could
not just rumble but actually pull your
thumb in a direction Oh based on what oh
yeah okay I get it I get it that's nice
like it would you be into that like
would you wanna game control like that I
wouldn't mind the feature in certain
games yeah like you say like a fishing
game or something like that to to apply
a little bit more subtle game plays at
me loading oh man sorry yep burrito for
lunch um no it's um yeah I like the idea
that like have I like having any kind of
any kind of new types of feedback in my
games and the feedback is always good
for a game so sure if it's implemented
well I'd be into that you know where I
think this would bother you better put
to use it's not on the thumb stuff right
you don't have you don't on a
conventional controller you don't have
little control pads for each thumb right
if you had it on the index finger it's
like the little triggers that are on the
front of the controller sure to pull at
your fingers or do something pulled your
fingers to give you the feedback like if
you to give you the feeling lift that
you're actually pulling a gun trigger
even more than they already give you or
just it's like an extra little way to
sense what's going on on the screen yeah
like it could be just that you know your
index finger on the right hand gets
pulled a little bit if there's someone
creeping up behind you right now right
yeah be good for like like resident evil
type games or something like that you
know horror games rather horror game and
stuff like that that are trying to scare
you and try to trying to pull you in a
certain direction so that they can
misdirect you and all that kind of stuff
yeah it's good it's good i'm sure game
developers would have great ideas for
something like this i'm good i hope they
do yes they better just why i brought it
up alright game developers get on it you
guys oh you guys in a chat room all
right and maybe the future game
developer or nerd who will make this
happen is a is right now involved in Boy
Scouts or Girl Scouts wishing that there
was a merit badge for doing cool techy
stuff I wish there was soon there is no
now what believe it no words not
informally as part of the boy and girl
scouts you know a selection of badges
but made by Adafruit Industries there is
a listing of different badges that you
can get an achievements you can get for
doing special things like 3d printing
your own gizmo where you send something
to space right it things you do every
day basically uh let's cool though I
like how to use an oscilloscope yeah
sure controllers sure arduino high
altitude blue lasers I just want the
laser patch this is just as lasers of it
yeah um yeah I don't know I just thought
this was kind of cool like I equally I I
hope that it actually does get
pulled into you know are the little boy
and girl out yes actually sure so right
now is it just like online you just get
badges yes a I did this yeah I think I
you can order like little kids and
projects in order to earn that skill I
like it it's it's it's it's kind of its
kind of game unifying Boy Scouts girls
and boy scouts a little bit you get more
achievements treatments linux promoting
like you know and yeah fine fine searing
sure sure sure Emily to R if they really
if you have to do it like in the woods
camping night i'm sure that can be
accommodated right i mean all the more
impressive if you learn how to use on
oscilloscope while camping sure sure
yeah yeah may I guess there's always the
boy boys and girl scouts have always
been very game of I as far as rewards go
right or charge badges go I've never
been in the boys or girls bouts Jessica
Soho I don't know much about it I'd ever
knew anyone is growing up that was in it
what sure if either of you guys was ever
in annex cuts for a week all right this
is like two years ago and say whether
little money and restriction
embarrassingly enough I was I think for
like a year my mom put me in the why
Indian Braves what before I don't know
if I still exists or not wh-why like in
hindsight a very racially offensive
waited like why are you it was like
indoctrinating white kids into like a
very like Finn version of you know what
Native American culture would be like I
was trying to educate yeah but it was it
was so like the honky fide version you
know was it line eat it would agree each
other like how you like that there's no
face paint involved or anything but they
would like make like teepees and and I
don't know is it was I looks like she's
me I broke about it more i really wanna
type english rock out this capture of my
life did you earn badges it called i
don't think so i took a while i mean
like a different system where like
earned feathers or something like that
hey yeah why indians we're gonna show
you why why not I'm yeah this is like a
google search away from me to be
experiencing my childhood but I don't do
it I'm too scared all right moving on um
cupcakes who doesn't love cupcakes right
I love cupcakes I'm like I can't answer
a question it is yeah I don't be like I
wish I sure you know yeah what fight on
this one we're not gonna fight you guys
don't like cupcakes no I love oh we love
them that's why we didn't answer that's
a weird question what you pulled it
early and raised who loves ya cakes I
knew but I mean it's an awful when you
have that cupcake craving know and
there's no place to get a cupcake yes
especially late at night or while
walking San Francisco streets and
accidentally inhaling something that you
were not meant to inhale yeah definitely
a purpose of a right guys what's that
peace pipe portion of the money embrace
train what here wasn't it that was
really weird um 24-hour cupcake ATM it's
a thing this is not happening it is real
this is not happening if you live in the
LA area you could drive to the 24-hour
sprinkles to get a treat from the cut
cupcake wrinkles yes sprinkles cupcake
wrinkles nose me the Playboy it seems I
means Beverly Hills seems the wrong
place for this machine I know they're so
who's gonna eat cupcakes I don't know
what I mean is gonna eat cupcakes in
though because they're so like I saw the
mattress yeah you should get to get out
of my head I can read and one cup cakes
a year it seems like a portland OR
Portlandia invention you know vegan
cupcake ATM Spencer yeah sure I it looks
like something out of the original Star
Trek that the aesthetic of it it looks
kind of like 1960s sci fi tek to
for some reason not sure why what is
this is like the thing that takes over
the food truck picked like crazy like
what if it's if food truck was just like
the one the the missing link the step
for all just food ATM yeah do you think
do you think people get more dismal food
eating less healthy with food ATMs I
think this is how long a you would be
like the Ebola outbreak of America
happens this is this is the beginning of
contagion yeah this is okay I still
think we should we should have one here
at the office though oh that's a girl is
and they have their own Facebook page
the 24-hour sprinkles Facebook page what
yep you have a facebook page and you
can't actually go like them now print
out a cupcake through the facebook page
but I'm sure that's gonna happen someday
they even have cupcakes for Fido for
dogs just for a wonderfully firefight oh
uh I like the idea all right don't eat
too many of them are waiting for the
burger and pizza bank for today I
thought you uh yeah cuz if you indulge
too much in these delicious sugary salty
treats you will not be able to stay
afloat in the hot tub boat Seattle's hot
tub boats they're coming you can float
on the water while sitting in the hot
tub which is barely on top of the water
ha like I don't understand the physics
of this unless the boat is like really
deep somehow or maybe if there's ping
you had old poot I don't know maybe it's
a really shallow hot tub no it doesn't
look as it looks deep enough I guess
neither accommodate up on a sandbar
Salinger's the tub itself measures four
feet by eight feet and two feet deep all
right six passengers and okay yeah I
don't know I but I'm not going to
question it you know if this exists I
believe them and Seattle they're they're
good it says honest folks in Seattle
they're not going to try to do
good you know just wholesome folks in
Seattle the land of the space I was not
gonna try to deceive a something just a
hot to vote yeah i just think i don't
know i don't i don't really get the
point but me I guess it could be fun if
it's there good yeah I be afraid that
someone's gonna unang caress and we're
gonna be you know floating out into the
ocean with no paddle and then Anna have
a party for a while to the water is too
cool I feel like I want to go yeah well
I think it's part of its just that I'm
sure there's hot tubs on like luxury
boats right get a yacht probably hot
yeah I can see this is a way to get just
that feature in a single purpose hot tub
boat mmm I support I support hot tubs
the world over I you know there's
nothing wrong with hot tubs just saying
they're pretty cool pretty great yeah
there's that much was one of those items
that was not necessarily techie but I
genuinely craved it so that I'd include
it I was gonna go down to dirty route
with this but I'm I'm yeah it's kind of
us yeah I know I know the lineup but the
night looking I don't know it looks like
maybe there's a little kid NAT tub or
sauna looks weird no I don't wanna say
anything what it looks I think it's just
kind of a pixie ish girl yeah Seattle
girl okay you know well i miss my
opportunities because there is you were
just throwing them out there and I was
just like oh no yep hot tub time
machines or whatever what do you say you
said hot tubs are coming and then I just
let that go and say anything fill in
your own pervy comment yep all right uh
enjoy those hot tubs I can because well
will soon be all chased down and hunted
yes by DARPA's cheetah robots
yes wait which swims which now this was
this is a product a band that works for
a while as far back as 1989 there was a
record of 13.1 miles per hour set by a
DARPA cheetah robot so now we're up to
14 to 18 verse 18 miles per hour and it
struggles to do it but but it the way
that is it the way that it's a struggle
should do it alone is so amazing we're
18 already magnificent beast I know and
this I I put this under the the heading
of choose the form of the destruct er
yeah forgot the last week's episode I
like it because I think that comes up
enough that really should be a segment
and also I do feel like this thing is
perfectly made to chase you down and
then use this little stabby legs to claw
your value is attached rear back and the
creature says it could possibly talk to
70 months ago one day okay bed which
point I'm just like yeah yeah I make it
fast cheetah speed is up to 70 miles per
hour and I could get there with further
development and then like call us when
you got to that do you get to that
milestone all right fellas but you're 80
miles per hour cheetah robot okay I can
outrun that thing pretty sure right
right guys it well you know what is you
sayin but what slows you down at 24 I
looked that up actually I was like 26 or
24 okay um probably hit 18 Xavier you're
gonna be slowed down by all the
screaming you're doing all that
screaming and looking back will take at
least five miles off of your rent and
it's true that's true don't look back
then yeah and try not to scream cutting
do some breath control on the screen
yeah I'll um I'll invest my manliness um
before they get to they get to this to
the city good I guess he's not thing he
it can only run in a straight line at
this point though oh well there you go
or just cross the street that thing is
that you could just do that thing is a
connect away from being all the hunt you
no that's too if I have a mind control
what are the kinect skateboard guys go
the chaotic moon chaotic moving on this
is going to hunt you down in a second oh
man so I think the form of the disruptor
is chaotic moon+ DARPA you'll be able to
try to get away on your mind controlled
skateboard Kinect holiday JC math but
what a great video that would be can you
imagine like leaping towards you out the
skateboard and then just stop what are
these haven't you know that that kind of
that kind of slow motion fast stuff they
do thats be ramping ii do and shows like
much like or you do the America's
Funniest Home version home video version
where you're playing like a bad version
of Wipeout while it happens you know
wait wait wipeout I was on skateboard oh
ho there's so many different ways that
could have gone with my gentlemen the
game there's a game show there's a song
I thought my version of that was the
funniest that played in my head larry
was funnier in my head all right
apologies aside from apologizing for
that last comment how poorly was
received by the people in this room I
want to apologize magaschoni is our last
show I gave out the email what you can
contact us it's the wrong email as I
complain why no one ever contact us all
two of you who tried to use that you
know yes I felt done i still had in the
doc here the crave dash podcast at CNN
com which goes to like know where I
maybe go see Jasmine France like why am
I soon female star wars robots crave at
cnet com it's easy it's easy it's simple
made it complicated just craving seen it
is take those letters you put it into
your email client and you press send
it's just that easy well you but already
message yeah yeah well right up do the
press send first see if it works and
then go back and make a message once you
know that actually that's a matter yeah
yeah sure let's do all of that I also
want to apologize for my poor definition
of men's technology last week did you
get a fortified remember that little
be a little metal robot need a pop queen
shaped little deal one of the minis
assemble forms of the destructive right
right yeah well I I neglected to mention
that MEMS technology is a nanotechnology
it's like amazing and it's nan onus I am
include a link in the show notes to
Wikipedia just to you know help people
know for the record what this is did you
get contacted by the MEMS guys no I got
contacted by a was it can i or can't I
07 from the chat room okay who's like a
mechanical engineering oh you know what
that was really a sloppy and orbit and
he tried to pull it off like you knew
what you were talking about but you
didn't I didn't I think didn't Bonnie
and I say something about nanotechnology
you like no no I don't think it is you
did appreciate it Oh back and look
anyways it is still cool stuff it still
scares the crap out of me but you should
know what it's all about it was you I
don't especially if you don't more
things you should know about coming to
you in my favorite segment called
o doom that's my impression of you doing
your mind control I love it know it well
they also love in addition to Donald's
face it's Game of Thrones the new season
game of thrones is starting next month I
believe first season kick lots of ass I
read the first book haven't read any of
the other books first books very good
like a lot and one of the VIP kind of
now iconic things about the show of Game
of Thrones Game of Thrones is the intro
introduction so see if you could play
the the original first just so people
can see get an idea of what that intro
is like it's it's awesome the best thing
about it is that music but well but it's
also this like 3d map of Westeros which
is the land of Game of Thrones sodium
King's Landing like it's all I'm I'm not
sure exactly how i did it i haven't done
any research on how they did it but it
looks all practical to me um nano
technology nano technology I'm sure man
man had something with this microscopic
bees and whatnot well yes this is really
cool expansive map thing and just good
idea of what it's like and then this
weekend the simpsons kind of did their
own version of this with a simpsons
intro just really cool check it out oh
my god about oh you should be an active
just reenacting right now is fine all
right I'll just walk out this me my
skateboard my gun glue do you'll see
them totally winter is coming
pretty awesome especially if you know
the intro I like the last part the couch
in place of the wall was my favorite
part that net the three-eyed crows
anyway very geeky stuff very cool enjoy
watch out in this vision with the how
the art yeah art of the title calm has a
nice how the original version with me
yeah awesome I'm going to look at that i
will put that in the show notes you
should do that too Greg have you guys
watch game through no you should get up
I think it's on DVD this month I think
it is check it out pretty cool uh
something else that's pretty cool that
goes beyond pretty cool that goes to
incredibly mind-numbingly awesome maybe
sexy and I don't know where you're going
with this um I it's I judge the quality
of a trailer by how many times i watch
it within the first hour of it being
released and and I didn't count you lost
count I did lie the lost count so the
Avengers trailer came out the day after
I think the last crave podcast sewing it
didn't get the show it's been out for a
week but it's it's worth watching if you
already seen it if you haven't seen it
sit back relax and enjoy this if you're
getting a cut of like promotional money
from this movie you really should share
it with that although there's the
podcast I don't think I think I thought
you guys would figure it out long time
no I'm just you want to see it you
understand man I I am so excited about
this is it's whoo I the words can't
describe it yeah I just show it and then
we can cut back to Eric just frothing
war has started and we are hopelessly
director fury I think it's time
here with the mission sir trying to get
me back in the world trying to save it
doctor I need you to come in what if I
say I'll persuade you
what are you asking me to do
it's called the Avengers initiative
I thought I'd been qualified apparently
I'm what is it volatile self-obsessed
and don't play well with others
if you need a time out
desper died
and you call such lost creatures
me very government
we're not a team
we're a time bomb
this is nothing we were ever trained for
guys I'm bringing the party to you
that's right a giant where that snake
arrives event we r do me there it marks
the end of human civilization has been
to it um I can't stand up it will be
rude too soon ah-choo or false did you
make Bonnie cha watch The Hulk this
weekend The Hulk or Hulk or Hulk movie
get it right in there like visually Hulk
there to New doing the daily voice
brains all right there's angry when I
came out is called Hulk and then there
was the the Marvel produced marvelously
does reduce um Louis Leterrier what I
was in is um and he made her watch both
know the incredible hulk only made her
watch The Incredible Hulk because I want
her to be well versed in the Marvel
Cinematic Universe before she goes in to
see the Avengers and you have to see
those five movies iron man Incredible
Hulk I meant to Thor and Captain America
you have to see them sure you happy last
time in this week where do we have this
week we're gonna watch iron man to you
and maybe Thor if you have time yeah I
don't want it like you don't want to
pressure someone into watching the movie
I was this I threw it out there and she
was like yeah sure you know and she
liked it and like you like she liked it
so much true story care to that uh I'll
she what way after he saw the movie she
was like is I can't wait for the movie
I'm like well they're you know they're
comic books and she's like they are kind
of books do you have any comic books I
was like yes I do have comic books so I
gave her the first run of the ultimates
which is like the version of The
Avengers like a a darker version of
Avengers she I think what read that in
two days in today no yeah i mean if you
boil it down that hours yeah it was like
yeah you took it took about one Bonnie
to know that if she's actually really
scared right now she can email me I can
podcast if he pulled head care for her
bad want to make sure she's okay hey hey
nothing wrong with liking comics no
silly huh she's told to expel Mandy for
the second foot I'm very I'm very happy
that I was able to influence her in this
way your next Mary hey that's right
title give me the time to do it and I
will I will be the geek that you need me
to be oh yeah yeah alright but I don't
have really busy nevermind i think that
we deserve not the geek that we need
that's right anyways we've got you and
you you handle this so capably i would
be intimidated to even try to match wits
with you know so i won't but I will be
here with you all next week when we do
this again on Tuesdays until then check
out our crave blog I've done here you
can email us at crave at cnet com I
swear that one works and we'll see you
guys next week thanks for joining us
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