try box a laptop backpacks and your
nickname winners plus miss Bonnie chop
boom in the studio all that amor on this
week's crate what's up guys are watching
crave and everything that you see here
is on our trade blog at crave cnet com
all those quirky cool gadgets you got we
got the boom here hi had the gun I'm
doing great good so we're gonna jump
right into it Bonnie what you got for us
I got the tribe on the tripod they try
bot okay play games with it and will
guard your stuff and so is that because
you're just looking for a new friend
kinda oh that's enough okay bad what I
got is uh phones from NTT DoCoMo they
just released a new line of phones
called the one seg phones but the cool
thing about these is that they can
actually be submerged underwater I don't
know if that's really cool or not but
you could like watch TV underwater you
know what do you think about that I
don't know if I'm going to watch a lot
of TV underwater okay but what about
this what if I called you and I was this
is what this is what it might sound like
right it'd be like with a little over
dream woman you know I just said I'd
know and I'd hang up on you mm-hmm
that's too bad I just sacrifice a lot
too yeah got some water maybe that's
another thing that we got on crave is we
have a segment we're going to go out on
the streets to find out what people
really think about some of the cool
things we have and we have these bags
from built NY and we're gonna find out
what people think about do you think you
would actually use this may be going to
school or something like that yeah I'd
probably wear because it's like a
backpack so maybe not out and around
when I'm wearing nice clothes evoke
rates I really understand why you would
need a backpack to carry a laptop I mean
could you just fit it in a regular
backpack not good i like the lightweight
it's not like one of those big bulky
backpacks it looks like it'd be really
easy to get through the airport i think
i think it looks good too i think a
crave for stealing purposes it looks
like you could pretty easily get it off
somebody's back and if they started to
associate this with backpacks I wouldn't
wear it myself
CyHi here is pretty worthless I mean
it's just for a laptop like it does
nothing else like what if you want to
put something else in there i was saying
not crave so we got a lot of mixed
reactions from these probably because
this blue wood patterns scare them to
death in a hyper color force or
something like that what do you think um
I think they're ugly so what else you
got now you got i have got your
nicknames my nickname yes ok ok so these
first two are most favorite for a just
amusement ok so we have lots of missions
ready yeah yeah and some random
submission some really great ones too ok
the first one is squirrel squirrel
squirrel why would you choose squirrel
it's from Justin and this is his
explanation because of your orange cloth
ok and then your fascination with odd
things in nature ie do not crave nice
what your opportunity to show off your
tail whenever you want to Oh Justin yeah
baby yeah baby ok next and then the
other one is from Kevin Eckert and he
nicknamed you stripe from gremlins
stripe straight hmm ok little gremlin
leader so what are the ones you actually
picked I picked one from Caitlin Berg
and it was the bomb song Oh boom so we
got the boom of the bomb right and then
the other one actually works with the
boom too it's from a Joe Bennett and
it's flash flash well we can actually I
can adapt that nickname right now right
if you want me to that kind of flex oh
my man ok sorry I'm like you're quick
and your hair again and I can also and
you don't need to do all right now it's
time for a service that you guys all
know and love we talking about do not
crave GPS is going to be integrated in
every mobile device you can think of and
from China we bring you the wrist GPS
tracker and this thing is fugly right
yeah yeah ok it claims to be the
smallest gadget of its kind with
satellite tracking and texting functions
on a wristwatch but once you rather have
your gps on a phone that's like nice and
big instead of that nasty little small
LCD what could you possibly wear with
this like a purple transformers costume
I don't even care I don't even care
about this thing anymore ok we're not
going to give it props because we just
think it's gross
we've got to say not great I was really
mean about that was in I oh no I just
feel militant cuz people are ripping on
me with the nicknames all day that was
cold I'm hurt guys thought you liked the
show we need the hug yeah I do good
enough give him a stalker that's good
too up for this week guys we'll see you
next week on crave and check out our
blog at crave cnet com will see you
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