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CubeX 3D printer prints big objects

hi I'm rich Bradford CNET we're here at CES in Las Vegas and this is the 3d systems booth and we're here to take a look at the cube X 3d printer so this is 3d systems brand-new high-end 3d printer this thing is just a beast it has the largest build volume of any desktop printer in its class it prints by about 11 by 10 by 10 so big giant objects this basketball here is one example so it's kind of hard to see from this angle but inside you can see there's one two three print cartridges so that lets you print objects made of three different colors it also supports two different kinds of material abs and PLA and you can actually make objects printed from both plastics at the same time so it's also pretty cool about this printer is that it comes in a couple different variants you get a single cartridge printer that cost about 2,500 bucks you can upgrade there to a two cartridge unit that goes for 3300 all the way up to a three cartridge model for four thousand now what's great also is that you can upgrade that so if you buy the 2500 version and decide you want a little bit more color then you can certainly add one after the fact so three system is taking orders for the cubix today and it's going to be shipping on February 8th sorry much Brown this is a three systems cube X 3d printer you
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