DNA safeguards your password while Fortnite battles security problems (The 3:59, Ep. 450)
DNA safeguards your password while Fortnite battles security problems (The 3:59, Ep. 450)
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welcome a good morning everybody to the
359 podcast this episode 450 on
Wednesday note Tuesday August 28th and
today we're experimenting with DNA but
not Dino DNA despite the fact that laura
dern from Jurassic Park is here hi
everyone so yeah we'll be talking about
DNA DNA as a way to store passwords and
digital data in general field data
yeah this is bizarre one of the other
stories I've read well cool stories I've
read but still really strange I will
also be talking about four night madness
step of the game they don't have Alfred
with us to talk about that but we'll
talk about some of the security issues
that have come up with for night and
particularly the Installer for the
Android version of the game as always if
you have any questions leave in the
comments section Brian will pick out the
best and we'll get to them in three
minutes and 59 seconds from 3 to welcome
to the 359 I'm Roger Tsien and with me a
special guest Bridget Carey to talk
about well one of the oddest tech
stories I've encountered in a while
should worry about the ability to store
passwords for a crypto currency like
Bitcoin in DNA yes in the building
blocks of life what how does work
alright there's so many levels to us but
we'll break it down real simple
scientists for a couple years now have
found a way to store files computer
files in DNA we're talking movies
animated gifts gift cards whatever ones
and zeros of binary they're really
converted to the code of DNA which is
four letters GTC an a so you're really
talking about a conversion here you know
ones and zeros equal ATC and G and so
one company has to turn this into a
business and said you know what who
would want to store something in DNA
maybe people who have a lot invested in
Bitcoin and want to keep their passwords
their keys essentially extra safe and so
with the company called Carver you spend
a thousand dollars Harbor just
appropriately like gruesome chopping up
DNA yeah and really you're taking
synthetic DNA this is nothing that's
alive people think that's the first you
think of you say DNA
that's students you could print DNA like
anything right now you just make up an
order of your of your gtcys and A's and
and and just just print it out the way
you want it in a lab it's synthetic it
sits in a tiny vial sometimes suspended
in fluid is and has in the case of these
customers doing it with Carver and
really it's an encrypted password that
is transformed into the code of DNA if
you want to unencrypted it go to a lab
read the DNA then know the secret code
to transfer those letters back into ones
and zeros and so after all those steps
are done then you can maybe go retrieve
your key you wouldn't do this not only
and how much does this cost yeah
transferring data into DNA is a very
expensive process right now so just for
the 50 bytes of a password right that's
$1,000 so it lost $1,000 to do this of
course we have a big investment you
might want to do it that's why all right
so let's talk about for tonight
the blockbuster by royale game hit a
snag early on when I launched on Android
just two days after it became available
Google found a vulnerability with the
Installer that you really need a
download to get the game you can't
actually get it on Google Play and so
you know epic definitely the developer
behind before and I patched up the game
but security experts are warning that
this is really just the tip of the
iceberg for potential security problems
for the game yeah like who's gonna go
and find the update when there's another
problem found this is very complicated
you just want to play and just as a bit
of background epic wanted to get around
Google play's requirement to offer up a
30% cut to Google for any kind of
purchases so they decide to just go and
force players to download the Installer
and let's do what's known side loading a
game which generally is bad security
practice you can't do that an iPhone
androids do let you do that Android
phones do but it's not really
recommended a lot of them a lot of the
programs that you side load tend to be
mall wear and so a lot of curious we're
saying one this is just bad practice
getting people thinking that side
loading a game is good but beyond that
you know they sort of looked at the
number of games or the knock off
fortnight games are out there that you
can side load and most of them are like
spammy have more
they're not terrible but most experts
say that this is just the start like
you'll see more complex and
sophisticated malware developed on the
line and the fact that you're doing this
through this installer makes it a bit
more dangerous oh yeah yeah it's easy to
fall prey to like a fake fort and I even
in me what if the main Google Play Store
even has like like now I like the I'm
saying yeah exactly so there's just it's
just messy I don't like it exactly some
of the games they work exactly like for
night but they just have like heavy
doses of ads so basically someone's
taking a ripped off version of it and
that's not the worst thing in the world
like they're not compromising your
security but you can imagine other
versions of the game could include
malware that's far more dangerous mm-hmm
all right for more of these stories
chicken sounds CNET I'm Roderick Chang
I'm Bridget Carey thanks for listening
all right that's a wrap on recording the
audio podcast everybody thanks for
joining us now I'm gonna jump into the
chat and bring out your questions and
comments about DNA storage is this a
weirdest day we've ever had on the show
Bridgette why do you do this to my brain
this was such a wild story when I
stumbled upon it and it took me a little
while to stitch it all together with the
research I had to dive in to understand
DNA and what's being done right now and
kind of why science in general has been
looking at why are we putting computer
files in DNA like what's the point and
it really comes down to the fact that
this is a much more efficient way to
store you know these big files we as
humans are just producing so much data
right now these massive farms of servers
we're gonna run out of space and and
it's just it's just DNA is so tiny and
if it's so much the DNA part I mean
that's fascinating but I did find
interesting and I didn't really think
about it the idea that because we
generate so much data taking photos
emails videos whatever all of that needs
to be stored and yes like personally I
feel like I'm always running out of
space but I didn't really think about it
from like a big-picture perspective like
as a human race we're like starting to
like run out of places to store all this
data right it's more like what some
research has shown is that by the year
I think 2025 2014 we're right if we keep
storing things on like hard drives we
won't have enough silicon like Worthy
you know material to do it so what we're
using is magnetic tape like the same
tape that's on a cassette tape and a VHS
it lasts about 20 max 30 years but
before it disintegrates and so it's
still a lot of room and but DNA it's
very expensive to write DNA the
researchers got two megabytes on DNA and
cost seven grand
so does it the more memory you put or
the more data you put onto a DNA strand
the more expensive it is it's well it's
writing it it's creating the DNA yeah it
just takes time and right now it's not
cheap to to print out these long strings
because the more you have
or DNA you have it's possible Microsoft
you know got it done recently in
February with like like a huge amount
but their Microsoft they have a lot of
money for research well and you made the
point that you shut the store so it's
recommending you store this in the
freezer like your dear can the DNA go
yes DNA goes bad if it's out and
subjected to heat and and and you know
so outside elements but if it's in a
cool dry place okay it definitely can
last like hundreds of years you know
sorry I can't login right now my
password has gone stale yeah yeah yeah
yeah this is not your main way of
logging in right this is something else
takes two days to retrieve because
you've got to send it to a lab so we
could just double click a file right now
in the cloud much faster so people were
going alright what if I wanted to make
this like my long-term backup of like my
family's photos and pass that down to
generations right you know CD drives no
longer in computers I found an old
floppy disk you know it took me a bit to
be able to find something to play it old
floppy technology keeps changing DNA
will always be there as long as we have
humans and we're reading DNA to store
the DNA they are working on ones that
are less susceptible to like elements
but right now there are yeah you're
right refrigerator keep it cool but
maybe a wine cellar you know okay and
then yeah thousands of dollars in a
password you probably can afford the
wine so that's not really the only
consumer right now because you and I
aren't gonna fork over a couple grand
just to save a couple baby photos yeah
so yeah it's about getting over that
cost hurdle and once we do then maybe it
could be more feasible for long-term
storage not not for a short term but
definitely like things you want to save
and don't need to pull up for a while
historical stuff
yes DNA storage and winos the bhujiya
stuff technology let's jump into the
chat and start taking some questions
there's just really interesting like
real-time development I can give you
time codes to sync up to about 20
seconds in the show
Jorge comments use DNA to store your
passwords heck yeah I'm all over that
about 53 seconds into this show that's
too complicated and too expensive stick
to just remembering new passwords and
all the time yeah well hey is all of us
some of the folks who uh like I talked
to one customer of of this service who's
doing it for his Bitcoin wallet and this
is the back up to his backup this is
like if his current system goes wrong
and every place gets burned down you
know the papers gone the harddrive is
corrupted at least you know he's got
these vials that he put in different
locations and he can you know call up a
friend and have it sent to a lab so he's
that story like in the fridge in his
kitchen then it's well maybe one is and
maybe one somewhere else you know the
thing about having Bitcoin for those who
don't know is that all the
responsibilities on you if you think
your password that's it there's no way
to recover it so there's a lot of
pressure to be like oh my gosh I better
not lose this password or you can't
access it ever again and that's why
people are motivated to spend a grand I
think yeah well if you've got like
millions in investment or you think
it'll be worth millions you know it's
about it's about like this is the
long-term retirement plan you know maybe
you'll feel sorry for you you never know
you never know next comment flying in is
coming from Jacob Lombardo he says we
accept credit cards a Google pay your
DNA I was I was asking can we store the
information in her own DNA like are we
gay are we at the point we're like right
now it's a lab its synthetic it's just a
bunch of chemical stitch together when
can it be inside myself and of course
they said and so I talked to a Genesis
to who did this with putting a movie in
DNA and her name is Dina szalinski she's
in my report and she said alright it's
possible but there's so much about DNA
we don't know right now so it's not
recommended to mess with your genome
kids you know but maybe just wear it on
your necklace you know the fake you know
synthetic deep DNA if you wanted to you
know store something on or keep it you
know but then again yeah keep it in a
cool place it probably the best it's at
the end of the day I want a thumb drive
to be my actual thumb but yeah but
that's our future
that was my favorite quote from your
video I also like can you just imagine
this brings like a whole new level to
the concept of like a blood oath uh-huh
in fact what if that is a way to do
more by authentication of passwords too
you know I'd like prick my finger every
time yeah well maybe you'll have to
access the file - lock my iPhone
actually every time you got stabbed
yourself to lock your right eye pretty
neat iPhone 15 I predict a really really
terrible sequel to the fly with this one
or some guy like stores his password and
turns into a personified credit card
just like morphs into like a giant
plastic card but I still nominate Jeff
Goldblum to play that role he would he
would do a bang-up job yeah all right
coming in next from Alex Mitchell how
was DNA storage not in spy movies
already I feel like there was one didn't
they didn't do it in Kingsman but wasn't
it was like another Rando wasn't like a
Jason Statham action movie either but
there's something in the back of my
brain where I remember seeing it somehow
like Brian you know more about movies
than me but I am NOT stumbled on
I'm not stumbled on this personally and
I feel like that's not too far from the
future in fact here's something get your
really messed up in your head what are
my DNA what if a virus could store
information that's another rabbit hole I
started to go down in my research I
really like like a strand - all a
different kind of way of thinking about
data so yeah there's a lot of weird
science going on now guys I'm just
saying maybe in five to ten years we
could be hearing more about this kind of
cold but actually it's it's your
password yeah exactly
erm joy says what if this is a
conspiracy from 23andme for getting your
vital passwords when you submit your DNA
for genetic testing oh no that's the
best conspiracy theory we've had on this
show in about three days
yeah I'm not about that I'm not gonna
give my DNA to anyone just yet I'm
pretty good there also thanks for enjoy
for the shoutout you could just follow
my lead and get everything tattooed on
Alex Mitchell wants us to move on to
fortnight he says I would believe that
fortnight should just try to make their
own phone we'd be going what like those
little tiger electronic game are you a
are you being a are you being sincere or
is that Alex is Alex are you being
my phone I mean it's phenomenally
successful but it's it's also a game
it's one game well know how many people
are actually gonna buy a fortnight phone
but shout out to Brian for the Tiger
reference I had a lot of those Tiger
handheld games that's what I picture
though it's like the standalone game you
throw in your pocket but it's just
fortnight but it'd be HD and it'd be
fine it also knows that it does nothing
else it's just the phone and fortnight
and nothing else I mean that's what most
people's devices are these days I said
actually to be fairly I spent a total of
10 minutes I think 10 or 15 minutes
playing fortnight getting killed and
then I deleted it since deleted the game
because I just I can't it takes time
yeah flipping back into DNA this comment
just came in from spiral feather it says
okay I just tuned in but I came over
because of what an amazingly bad idea
that sounds like I don't want my
password stolen because someone found a
strand of my hair on the floor of a
Starbucks now just to reiterate this
isn't about embedding it in your DNA
it's using the genetic code that does
constitute definitive DNA without brings
up an interesting point in that you know
I guess you're storing the DNA in some
other secure place yes so let's say
someone takes your Nyland DNA right like
like you need to have so here talking
about what this one company is doing I
was like alright what if I just go in
your freezer and just take your your
your vial of synthetic DNA and not only
would someone have to send it to a lab
and all they get back is is their
version of Gattaca GT a and C and they
need to know what that represents in
their version of a code like I made up
one where a would be zero zero in binary
T zero one and you kind of string it
together like that
but whatever their formula is and then
from there you'll get a binary but is
that the pass code or is that an
encrypted pass codes you need to know
there's many layers here so there's
another level of encryption that they
have to yeah decrypt for you to actually
get the legit possible it depends how
much you want to go down that rabbit
hole of encryption layers but you can
make it you don't have to actually give
the DNA makers like your actual password
at any
and the lab that's printing it out for
you doesn't even know what they're doing
they're just getting a string of letters
going okay well here you go
because they get it all the time from
science students who are like doing
experiments and research so they do this
another strain right for them they see
an anonymous you know order coming in
for like a bunch of you know G Tuesday's
and C's okay here you go and it's just
in a microbial this big and it's just a
tiny little drop of liquid huh well
there you go
let's jump on back over to fortnight for
our twitch audience now I've played it a
little bit but I've only played it on my
switch I have not played it on mobile
have we seen other security
vulnerabilities like this exploited
because somebody got a little big for
their britches and wanted to jump around
the download store that's a this is a
this is a fairly unusual situation most
game makers usually the other way around
most developers will cooperate and work
in the place are because they want that
visibility epic is epic and for tonight
is a it's an exception because it's
already such a phenomenon people know
what 4/9 is they want it and so they
were able to get around the Play Store
with their own installer but that also
means things like if Google wants to
send down security patch to the game
when they do in the Play Store it's just
an update to your app here you've got to
actually run the game for the Installer
to run the update so if you haven't
played your game in a while if you
haven't touched for a night
you haven't load the installer the
installer can actually update and
actually add the patch to itself so it's
still vulnerable so that's a lot of the
experts that we talked to say that
that's that's not great practice I think
I've always heard this the other way
around like Angry Birds you know always
had a lot of you know fakes that were
out that word that on the non App Store
or good to beware of like things that
were in the App Store that you never
heard of a company you know not going to
the App Store yep usually it's the point
of those app stores I mean it's almost
enormous like it's a brand name thing
like you know it's safe because it's in
Google Play because Google don't always
know you don't always know but Google at
least takes some effort to vet the the
programs the apps that are in the Google
Play Store like when it's side loading
like this it's the wild wild west like
and a majority of Nam George
but a lot of the apps that you do side
load that aren't from place or typically
includes some form of malware and epic
was no no no different this come
pre-installed on the Samsung phone or is
it you had no you had to install it you
had to install the side loader as well
give it time six months down the line
you'll get a fortnight exclusive phone
with a exclusive downloaded con Samsung
did have like they had exclusive skins
for the game like if you bought up
you'll be able to pay at two hundred
dollars extra at the store and get this
preloaded in the whole shebang
oh maybe I'm calling it right now life
improvement says wait wait wait it was
Google who found the vulnerability in
fortnight the people they were trying to
get around paying yes Google as a Google
researcher or engineer who discovers the
vulnerability that's said that was
vetted by other security researchers
it's not like some sort of conspiracy
theory that like Google somehow embedded
a vulnerability into a installer that
they had zero access to I think they
just found it and realized that this is
this was gonna mess with Android phones
and their customers right exactly and
the patch is forthcoming uh patches out
it's available now there was some
back-and-forth you know Google alerted
epic immediately epics actually asked
for 90 days they for Google to keep it
quiet for 90 days so their players could
install the patch Google went ahead and
just announced it a week later
which was actually pretty standard
practice the security specific we talked
to so that you actually generally want
to get the word out to get people to
actually be aware of this patch and
install it otherwise if they kept quiet
about it that no one would known there
was an issue yeah and it would just
spread like a wildfire yeah why would
they sit on that just so that they
wouldn't get in there I think it brings
the point that I think epic doesn't
quite understand and grabs the the
magnitude of security issues they're
opening up by doing this kind of end
around from Google Play wonder if
they'll actually kind of sit back and
reconsider and then jump on board I
doubt it or making too much money this
is this is all about money in the end
like not having to give up a 30 percent
on a you know one of the most successful
games revenue driving games out there
it's that's a lot to give up 30% is a
huge cut they do look like fools yeah so
to flipside that do you think we're
gonna get more and more developers going
down this path even yeah exactly you
couldn't like if you're just starting
out it's be impossible if it's a casual
game people aren't gonna you know gonna
just do this ya know and hunt out a way
to do it for a night for sure has you
know there's an anomaly it's an anomaly
but also a lot of money went to the game
it's definitely a quality title
resources went into it so it's not like
the standard casual mobile game where
you know developers working on it in
their house right this is this was a big
business for epic DC 147 just points out
that he read on our RS that Google only
Disko disclosed it so soon because it
was in fact fixed if it hadn't been
they'd probably have informed epic and
waited the standard now yes yes you're
right there was a patch available I
didn't know there were so many rules to
the hole there's an etiquette oh yeah
yeah yeah we are just about out of time
let's take one for the road this is a
mission that we're being sent on by our
friends enjoy whoo Elon Musk stored his
passwords about a Tesla Roadster let's
get on that wait what do you want us to
get you on us to do this or do you want
us to break into his roadster I'm not
really sure what the request is I think
we need to do a space heist III would
just say I'm not I'm not messing with
you on must that guy is pretty pretty
unpredictable who knows what he'll do
can we at least verify that story do we
know that was that with Elon Musk
anything is possible
sure good and bad all right that's it we
are out of time thanks everybody for
joining us that was a fun one well I
can't wait to hear more about this DNA
exploration Brigitte keep us posted
thank you if they're looking for for
human trials I'll jump in all right well
the 359 is available in iTunes tune in
stitcher feedburner google play music
google podcast the Amazon
of course cnet.com we'll see y'all
tomorrow bye folks
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