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Developers, get ready for Samsung's second-gen Simband

hello everybody I'm Lynn LA for CNN and today we're going to check out Samsung's recently announced second gen sim band wearable now the company first launched the original earlier this may but now it's been a couple months later and the second gen watch is in its beta stage and is ready for developers like the original the device has several sensors that continuously measure and monitor a user's biometric data such as heart rate blood pressure daily steps and skin temperature but with this new iteration the sim band sensors are more robust the algorithms are more accurate and it's also sweat proof it's also been redesigned looking very similar to the Samsung gear s here with its two inch screen now it's important to remember that the wearable isn't a consumer device but rather a reference platform for developers with this API and sdk kit available today again I'm Lynn and you've been checking out Samsung second gen simbad wearable
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