unsubscribe from all those mailing lists
and tidy up your email inbox you can do
it manually or by using a service like
unroll me that will automatically
unsubscribe you from many different
services with just a few clicks
clean up rarely used apps on your
smartphone by uninstalling them or by
grouping them into folders for Android
phones you can also clear the cache data
on apps you rarely use and get a
possible speed boost get rid of online
accounts you don't use sites like just
delete me show you how easy or difficult
it is to remove your online presence
from many popular websites and gives you
instructions on how to do so clear out
your friends list on social media on
Facebook you can unfollow people if you
prefer not to unfriend just go to their
profile page and click the follow button
then select unfollow in San Francisco
I'm Lexie survey DS cnet.com for CBS
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