you know VR is something that goes on
your head but it's increasingly
something that involves your hands to
the oculus rift promised full-body VR
when it debuted earlier this year but
it's unique controllers weren't here yet
now they are and the touch are the best
handheld VR controls on the market if
you can deal with the setup and the
tracking limitations touch costs $200.00
and come with two controllers
and a second camera sensor which are
going to need more on that in a second
the touch controllers are great because
they not only track motion but they have
real buttons and analog sticks so they
can be used as normal game controllers
imagine a PlayStation Dual Shock split
into sort of touch has another clever
trick it can track finger positions and
whether you're pressing or even resting
your finger on a button translated into
VR it creates the closest thing to real
hand motions and finger motions of any
VR system out there but there's an
annoying setup process touch comes with
a second camera sensor that plus the one
that comes with the oculus rift both
needed to register movement with touch
and they need to be placed at least
several feet apart from each other about
three to seven feet and in front of the
room and both need USB 3 ports wired
right to your PC also consider that your
headset is going to require USB 3 and
HDMI even then touch only tracks half
the room the stuff in front of you you
can walk around across several feet of
space like a holodeck but the range cuts
out much like PlayStation VR meanwhile
the HTC vive s full room system can scan
front and back across 15 feet diagonally
allowing a lot more freedom oculus rift
with touch is a big step forward but
it's more like standing VR than full
motion via connecting a third sensor in
the back will be an option next year but
that third sensor will need yet another
USB port wire running to your PC hope
you have lots of ports and patience
there are already several dozen games
that make good use of touch though and a
lot are really fun but the best use of
touch is its gestures and smaller hand
movements action games painting and
sculpting or picking up things in other
worlds are the best moments but you need
to spend $800 to get the whole rift and
touch package plus buy a VR ready gaming
PC that's a lot of money HTC vive costs
the same the PlayStation VR is all in
package is considerably less rift isn't
everything it could be but those touch
controllers are definitely the future of
where hand controls are heading and
every VR system should get something as
good as these
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