it doesn't take long to become
overwhelmed by notifications on the
Apple watch
the constant chirping and vibrating
throughout the day could drive a person
mad but you can easily pick and choose
which notifications you want to show up
on your wrist open the Apple watch app
on your iPhone and tap notifications
here you'll see a list of all the apps
and services that have been buzzing your
wrist to disable notifications from
third-party apps scroll down the
notifications menu and switch off the
app you don't want to hear from the top
section of the menu is for notifications
from Apple's apps these are the apps
that come pre-loaded on the watch such
as activity tracking text messages and
emails the apps also have more
customization options than the
third-party ones say you only want to
receive a light buzz when a text message
comes through instead of an annoying
chirping sound tap messages select
custom and toggle the sound switch from
on to off or maybe you don't want to be
reminded to stand every hour you can tap
activity and toggle stand reminders off
I turned a lot of the notifications off
especially those from third-party apps
but everyone has a different preference
you should take some time to explore the
notifications menu and customize alerts
to your liking for more tips like this
be sure to check out how to duck you can also reach out to me on
twitter with any questions or comments
you may have about the Apple watch I'm
Dan graziano CNET thanks for watching
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