Discussing Psychonauts VR, a new Destiny expansion, and E3's evolution (Tomorrow Daily 380)
Discussing Psychonauts VR, a new Destiny expansion, and E3's evolution (Tomorrow Daily 380)
greetings greetings citizens in the
internet welcome to tomorrow daily hello
hello ready is the best geek talk show
the known universe we are here sharing
the gamespot live co-op stage here at e3
2016 i have some i'm ashley scott though
by the way hello i'm ashley scott and i
have some very amazing people on the
couch to introduce you to you probably
know them My dear co-host jeff cannata
hey guys how's it going welcome to chill
a very special show live from e3 and
we're joined by tim schafer watch you I
hi thanks for having me it's beautiful
lovely here then we are slowly becoming
one plaid ein all the tree is becoming a
plaid see by the end of the show you'll
be merged into one flappers one big
beard perfect amazing um you've got you
guys have a lot of stuff going on double
find us a lot of things when I got head
lander but the thing I am most excited
about obviously as psychonauts the
robbers really tried to call pit roar I
don't know if you guys have I'm def back
in akron is that case is that good
anachronism i think so i think it works
um so let's talk about it i mean
Psychonauts 2 really big crowd fund guys
I'm a backer I have to pull to thank you
for backing oh thank you very much i
preciate that um and uh and so now you
have this sort of bridge between
psychonauts one and Psychonauts 2 and
this is going to be the experience we're
gonna get to have on PlayStation VR yeah
even though it's been you know 10 years
since we shipped second thoughts one the
events was the rhombus of ruin takes
place like directly after that game ends
and then when rubbish room and
Psychonauts 2 will take off from there
so this if you remember the end of 2nd
nuts I'm really the end of a second odds
that when they said please now put on
your VR headset yeah in 10 years in 10
years when Arthur invented put on your
headset and so they um you know Raz
became a second up but then immediately
the Grand head of the second house
Truman sonata was kidnapped Taryn it
happened to be his razzes girlfriend's
father too and so they all jumped in
this jet to go off to save him and
Russia that was the end of the game
and then in robeson ruin you see in that
footage you start in the jet and you're
stretching your chair but you have your
psychic powers still and so r as can
pick up objects with his mind levitate
them you can burn them they can throw
them he could also use as one of those
powerful skills clairvoyance to see what
someone else sees so you can like I can
jump into your head basically then see
the world from your point of view you
don't want to do that scarf I kind of do
and then jump you see someone else he
could jump into their head and move
around an environment that way from
brain to brain to brain I really enjoy
jumping into the squirrels brain that
was really fun yeah did you feel a
little did you did you like the nut joke
I did yeah I don't like spoil a good nut
joke joke waiting for everybody yeah we
both hate it and I I want to know just
kind of your what drew you to VR in this
in the first place I mean it's a pretty
exciting new technology are you sold on
it well I think like one of Double
Fine's main things we like to make
worlds that just pull you in and make
you feel like you just want to spend all
day in this world and you know you're
really transported to another place and
VR just does a lot of that instantly
like the second you put on headset and
you're there with the characters and raz
it and me is talking to you and it's
like wow I just feel it's it's hard to
explain until you put on the goggles
that it you can watch footage of it but
until you're in the space you're like
I'm in the jet from the end of
psychonauts and there's me and everybody
so it just really just it really just
drops you in a world that we create
really easily yeah I think one of my
favorite things about seeing me Mia in
front of you is you've always seen those
characters in two dimensions but in a 3d
space but now she's she's there and
there's they're all so bizarrely shaped
but it feels so right like it was nice
to see those old friends again like
that's how I felt after I was done with
Rama saru and I was just like man like
I'm ready or after the demo yeah I'm
dying to play the rest yeah I've done
with it now I don't have any more I'm
ready so you stay so you're in the plane
you're strapped in but then you
mentioned it opens up after you get you
get out of the plane and yeah how many
other different locations in there
they're a little big
the jet or showing this demo is kind of
a tutorial of how to use your your
psychic powers here is a reminder a
reminder no but is it gonna is it gonna
work the same way as the demo in the
sense that you're basically moving
around by at jumping from being to being
yeah we want to use an interface that
would be let you move around that made
sense in the world the psychic world of
the second nuts but also didn't run the
risk of making anyone feel like throwing
up because right if anyone's gonna throw
it's giving me I'm the first person to
get sick in the VR environment sort of
like tested your good test subject I'm a
good test subject and like this game is
one hundred percent you're not gonna
barf because you're you're only doing
psychic stuff it's almost like a
point-and-click in three-dimensional
virtual reality space it's a it's a look
and click it is any has it been it has
almost adventure game puzzles we're
picking up objects using him in the
right places and it's you get to
experiment a lot with Rogers of psychic
powers side blasts coming out of your
head and blowing things up burning
things all the fun things as psychics
like to do all the things that we
enjoyed in the original psychonauts how
does it feel this year coming to the
show to be able to have that franchise
back one I know it took a little while
and also to be able to kind of say like
hey we're making that sequel and p i'm
sure people have been stopping you and
they're excited about it aside for me of
course like to stop you every time i see
him like hey thanks four seconds you and
then there's that guys look like you and
a mustache then yeah yeah that's my
brother ya know it is it's ashley
Esqueda yeah yeah mustache get out get
out game that has a lot of them a lot of
affection out there for the Gillikin i
think the characters you know the
performances but the actors just we're
very charming and i think it does it
really stuck with people and it's been
out for ten years it is it's growing in
popularity and digital release and so
there's a lot of people who were waiting
for it and then demoing they at the the
playstation event there was like half
the people were like oh I can't wait to
see this a I played the game ten years
ago and stuff we were like I don't
really know this is like I've no idea
and there's that's exciting too because
someone who's never seen second us
before being able to play it and meet
those carrots the first time is also
really cool yeah such a weird like
quirky universe to experience especially
in VR which I was a little scared that
it wouldn't be the same and then as soon
as I love
tainted the toilet paper to the coach
yeah I was just like oh man this is this
is psychonauts it's happening it I'm
playing it and I'm in it and it feels so
so right though you're in the weirdness
deep in the weirdness does the the fact
that you are inside it open up puzzle
possibilities for you or gameplay
opportunities I mean are you able to
hide something under something where you
have to yet at this it was a fun most
fun things for me it's like there's
things you actually have to move your
head to see ya and like I could do this
little view thing and the M those feels
so different I don't think that would be
a big deal if you did it with a stick
but when you're doing with your own
ahead it really makes you feel like it's
a real it's a real object yeah this
summe I remember looking for pixels in
you know ticket among can fund enough
yeah I did instead of like scrubbing
your cursor over all of you actually
like right like bending over and looking
under things and you get really terrible
neck pains now inside of a cursor neck
pain guaranteed figure to your knees
staring at everything uh so we're gonna
generally like wrap things I've one more
question about psycho nuts too can you
just tell everybody the entire plot of
the game right now Raz is the robot Oh
what an alien who a robot alien well
it's still preliminary but we're good
they're probably not gonna go with that
plot line but yeah thnkx events right
after you rescue Germans a lot oh and
you go back to the second thoughts
headquarters and Raz has always dreamed
of being a real psycho not now he's
really in taking a hit headquarters
neither the summer camp anymore and he
gets to go on real international
espionage missions so the real deal and
now you've got Zach will Clinton doing
dr. fine in the lead designer on by shop
to live shock to like a basic ismaik
great games i'm really excited to see
this I thank you so much for stopping by
the safe having being an e3 just having
a place to sit down and a nice couches
yeah that's really how we sell it today
here from I got you that's how we get
people to say yes really does exactly
Cheers we have chair guys you got a
couch it's great water um thank you so
much for stopping by Rob's ruin launch
window for around at the end of the yeah
it's gonna be this year in in the end
was a year ish I didn't know officially
were so cobble cobble lunch window the
first three months so yeah let's say
let's say closely out of the earth good
yeah okay yeah all right area please
give give your round of applause
yeah thank you so much easier to your
loyal citizens it's a great FFM I'm
really milking it now is good cause you
can check out double fine online we are
going to be coming right back with some
developers from destiny indeed talk
about their next expansion so stick
around for that don't click away it's to
our daily
welcome back to the show everybody you
are watching to our daily live from the
gamespot co-op stage here at e3 2016 I
we are here really excited we just had
Tim Schafer on the show I'm Ashley
scatta this is jeff cannata my co-host
yeah I'm happy to be here to III it's uh
it's great we have an awesome guest
David egg is here oh you probably know
him as dietsch the community manager for
destiny and guys had a big announcement
right before e3 the week before e3
indeed yeah of a new expansion called
rise of iron right rise of iron it
sounds like it just sounds strong just
sounds really strong sounds regal well
that's the destiny player fantasy one
yeah feel like a badass want to turn you
into a regal heraldic night on a quest
to protect all of humanity from the
dangers that threaten us of course yeah
that's what we're here to talk about
yeah that's Danny rise of iron is a new
expansion for destiny something we're
going to unleash this fall in September
20th all sorts of cool stuff to do new
enemies to fight new places to explore
new weapons and armor to add to your
character new ways to become more
powerful new raid new story new strikes
new bad guys so let's talk about it well
tell me about the new raid I think let's
start at the top yeah a sort of end game
let's go right to end game at the at the
mountaintop in the summit and then just
roll down and so the raid is in the
minds of many players of Destiny sort of
the pinnacle of the experience you know
it's the end game it's the culmination
of the story it's when you finally
infiltrate that enemy stronghold and
destroy the source of their power once
and for all it's the most challenging
activities that we provide in destiny
you need a fireteam you need six players
who agree to work with each other to
communicate with each other to see the
experience through to the end and you
all have sweet Lutz they all have a
sweet look at us balance yeah yeah you
got to go in you got to be powerful you
want to bring your best game and the
more you play the raid the more we give
you even more sweet Lutz so people start
to actually sort of bear the trophies of
their enemy you know as things that they
can wear and equip and shoot we have a
new enemy to fight in the form of a new
house of fallen so we got the Fallen
devil splicers they've discovered a
horrible technological plague they
burrow deep into the Golden Age vaults
deep beneath old Russia and Unleashed
this technological plague that they can
use to transform their minds and their
bodies and become machine gods so we
have to band together under the command
of Lord Saladin indeed the sole
surviving iron Lord is calling all of
the Guardians to rally to his iron
banner and to go out and fight these new
bad guys there's some of that action
right there are those you Mesa wolves is
that as a survey for wool ah imported
they're imported wolf reported those are
Lord Saladin's wolves okay excellent so
your palms face home miss Facebook
everything there its face now so they're
in space so which makes them now
Facebook's it up uh so tell us a little
bit about interacting with the community
I mean destiny has a really passionate
fan base really passionate fan base they
love the game they're really into it I
see memes about destiny still having
it's been almost what two years after
launch like it's been a while no I still
see destiny memes people are still
talking about it in terms of developing
expansions how much does how much does
the development of an expansion rely on
a player feedback like how in terms of
percentages I mean obviously development
is you know hey guys like with this is
what we're doing but you go into the
community what kinds of feedback do you
really take from the players all kinds
of feedback we have monitors mounted to
the wall at bungie and we are watching
people streaming gameplay from the world
of our game all day long so you know you
walk through the studio and you see
different people playing different
activities we're always connected to the
player with destiny it's always online
so we're connected to every single
player you don't need to be a streamer
to get our attention or to influence our
creative process we have so many
different data points we can rely on to
make a great game and to bring new
things to life you know like the heroes
and the adventures and rise of iron you
know we have you know tivities people
that play the weapons that they equip
you know the the anecdotal feedback that
comes from forms the conversations the
things that people say about the game
the ways in which they wanted to change
the ways in which they think it can be
then there is you know our own gameplay
I mean so many people at bungie also
play destiny so our own experiences
shaped this a lot too we see the YouTube
videos that they create you know I mean
we we celebrate fan created content
every day every week at buncha you know
I mean they're the main characters in
our world and while the developers in
the creator's at bungie do have their
own sparks of inspiration they have
their own creative ideas knowing your
audience and being inspired by your
audience is a huge part of that and when
we were creating destiny we were doing
it very much in a vacuum we had this new
thing new to us you know as a very
ambitious project for bunging and we
unleash that under the world and then
began the process of getting acquainted
with this new audience that was playing
our game and letting them really inform
us as to what that experience was and
then learning how we can better serve
them as entertainers because that's our
goal yeah and what's uh so just out of
curiosity what's the most you got the
monitors up on the walls they're
watching people play what's the most
unorthodox play style or choice that
you've maybe seen a player I decide to
go for sure on the week dude we've seen
people do everything from play raids
blindfolded Oh take more tactical cues
from their opponents you know like
literally going in blind I can do that
right that's like challenge accepted
yeah I mean people play through player
activities where they're forced to equip
any loot that drops right at that moment
you know so that the player experience
is very different by the end of the game
we've seen people play hide-and-go-seek
we've seen people you know sort of have
challenges to each other you know I dare
you let's all go in and let's play this
game together I have some friends who
actually go in and they equip an exotic
sniper rifle that's very hard to use
they say we're all going in we're going
to use nothing but no land beyond and
we're going to see who can score the
most kills by the end of this crucible
match so there's so many different ways
to play the game there's so many
different options that you get to
embrace as a player what are you going
to wear what class are you going to play
as what weapons are you going to equip
so people can play destiny in different
ways over and over and over again yeah I
mean the most hardcore people in our
community say I've one of each x hunter
time warlock I said every perk set every
gear you know every tactical advantage
you know
they just mix and match all that stuff
together until they create their own
personal ultimate badass so we we've
heard that this might be the last paid
expansion for destiny one is that true I
can't confirm or deny anything about the
future of Destiny other than the fact
that rides of iron is the future of
destiny septembrie ah the immediate
future of destiny is sep tember 20th and
we have rise of iron we're going to be
sending you into a zone you've never
explored before the plague lands is
where you'll find the Fallen double
splicers uh-huh you are going to redeem
the sacrifice that was made by the iron
Lords to contain that technological
plague in the first place we're gonna
honor their memory we're going to ascend
to their ranks we're gonna become
powerful in some new and exciting ways
and we're gonna save the world can you
tease some of those sweet lutz for us I
know that you know destiny has evolved
so much since launch and even the whole
way the loot system works has been
completely changed and I think in a
month for the better you know having
yeah share a specific piece that
influences my play style and lets me
break the rules and really fun ways is
awesome are there some notable things
that you are revealing about rise of
iron well we have new gear sets that
will commemorate the different things
that you've done I think people have
felt about destiny in the past that the
only way to become all-powerful and
destiny is to play the rail that's
really no longer the case if you're a
crucible person if you love the story if
you love patrolling the world and
participating in public events if you
like the rituals that define the player
experience if you like the raids there
are many different ways to become
powerful and destiny so all of that gear
satisfies that desire to evolve and to
become you know the the apex predator on
your friends list yeah yeah a lot of the
new gear and a lot of the new armor
that's going you're going to find in
Rajab iron has some interesting new
perks sets some different ways to
influence combat and change the sandbox
and to change the way you fight so there
will be some new things for you to
discover as a player and that's part of
the fun is to get a new piece of gear
you know to put on that new helmet and
say this gives me something new this
enables me to do something I've never
done before right and play behind phone
with my Blind Boy yeah of course yeah
that's now my new goal Hawaiian name it
behind this
the blast shield down I can't even see
you don't need the blast shield like a
fight i need that bond your feelings so
what do you play as in destiny i am a
warlock this was an incredibly emotional
decision I'm is emotional it's so
emotional for everybody i know that
feeling I just I saw wizard robes and I
said I want to be that guy like maybe
you should play the game first and
really understand I'm like no no I will
adopt to a fighting style that
complements the yeah I will find a way
ooh am i doing Aurora me is saying why
should be yes no and I love that about
destiny because I feel like not that
it's a loot driven game but obviously in
any MMO where you are rating and doing a
lot of these sort of high-end and get
bigs loot obviously plays a huge part of
that yeah and I think that that's such a
cool thing about games like destiny and
destiny itself that you can look at
somebody in a video or on a stream and
you could say well I just want to be
that guy like what I don't even care
what class it is I'll figure it out I
just want to wear that helmet or carry
that gun or you know where those robes
or whatever that is like that's such a
cool part of destiny and I always felt
that the character design of destiny is
always so fun but also like you said so
badass like you just feel cool and you
want to look at pictures of you and take
like pictures of yourself and share them
with your friends and everything and I
think that's really contributed to the
way the community has grown without a
doubt and we love we have art galleries
up on bungie.net you know our
headquarters on the internet where every
day we're posting new fan art you know
they upload that stuff we approve it so
if you're making cool destiny art please
throw it at us you know share it with us
on our website we even got around
recently to deactivating the the user
interface and the heads-up display so
you can just get a nice clean image of
the world take screenshots I mean what's
a what's a video game with amazing art
if you can't take a selfie well now
let's travel now I don't want to play
blindfolded no guys are giving me
completely up a fight blindfolded and
then you take your picture we leave that
to the one percentage definitely want to
see the art and and that's one of the
things we wanted to do is is to really
create a player fantasy we think destiny
is a game that's driven by action but
rewarded by loop so it's supposed to be
a game that's fun to play you know you
see the world through the
eyes of the hero you know you walk in
the footsteps of the character that you
create but if you're brave and if you
defeat your enemies and complete your
missions that gear though that weapon
those weapons in that armor really
defines you and the things that you've
enjoyed doing so people can add a glance
tell what someone's into and I think one
of the best and most meaningful
questions in the destiny community is
from what someone to say where'd you get
that yeah and now this person becomes an
aspirational figure and they can say and
I will take you along and this activity
me and my clan need people like you to
get stuff like this so come with me and
we'll complete this experience for each
other because that's the thing about
destiny it's enjoyed with new people
yeah absolutely so what what is your
favorite aspect of rise of iron what is
that what is the most exciting new piece
for you I love jumping on my Sparrow and
exploring a place I've never been we had
a studio wide play test right on Friday
everybody at bungee puts down you know
what they're doing they prop a new build
of the game we all play the game so we
understand what we're making we
understand what we need to do to make an
experience worthy of our players between
now and this fall so you get to a point
where you've completed a story mission
there's no immediate threat you jump
aboard your personal vehicle and you
just wander around you see what's out
there you know and then the plague lens
is such an interesting place you know
it's forever transformed by this
technological plague the seva that i
keep you know hinting at me alluding to
and there's some interesting new ways to
patrol there's interesting public events
you never know what's going to happen
when you're just out in the world of
destiny what moments of action are going
to erupt in that landscape who you might
encounter who might team up with you for
a moment of action that you know you
need to work together to overcome what
sort of rewards you might get for doing
that so that's really the freeform
aspects of the game or something that I
enjoy but the same time I mean like with
my clan you know we play crucible we
play the raids we play the strikes you
know we played the story missions we
play all of the things that you'll find
more of an rise of iron so no matter
what sort of player you are no matter
what every specific answer to that
question is we're giving them more of
that in this expansion let sounds
exciting acts coming out this fall yep
sep tember 20th all right
Fox one playstation 4 designory zvonok
definitely your eyes of iron I thank you
so much if you guys are just tuning in
you didn't catch us at the beginning
this is deej community manager for
bungee and destiny thank you so much for
stopping by what we really appreciate it
we will be right back we have D wanted
only Victor Lucas yeah putting a sign
out III in general don't touch that dial
hey guys welcome back to the show you're
watching tomorrow daily which is a cnet
show we've hijacked the gamespot co-op
stage here at e3 2016 you'll never know
we'll never find out here I'm Ashley
sceva hello and my wonderful co-host
Jeff kanata's hanging out with me here
on stage and we have a very special
guest it's my old boss hello my friend
NIC Lucas is here we have what like
three shows combined on yeah actually
with all of yours that's like six shows
right come on shout out here oh my going
on and he shows you have EPN TV TV yes
and your host and creator yep so for you
III means what uh well you know what I
bet this is I've been all of them this
is my sister 22nd III 22nd heathrow and
early on when we were in sort of
creating demos and pilots for electric
playground in the very beginning of 95
this was mecca back then I knew that
this was going to be the most important
event for the video game industry it was
in Atlanta then right yeah the very
first one oh no the first one was in LA
we did two years in LA and that two
years in Atlanta I came back to LA but
so this has always been Mecca this has
always been like a very just important i
was going to say spiritual but it's not
spiritual it's just an incredibly
important trip for the entire community
to come and get together and see all of
this stuff and celebrate this business
and I feel it's incredibly important to
continue to do that because the games
industry needs to kind of show that this
is a valuable art form on a consistent
basis and of course that's been my whole
career on television is to kind of put
cameras in people's faces and really
show off this art form convince people
that this is high art just as you would
say cinema is my thing Lou I think this
year is a great testament to that we've
seen some really amazing games obviously
people lost their minds when we saw God
war come back but looks very cinematic
we were talking about that earlier job
yeah I mean I think they took a
franchise that let's be honest was
pretty juvenile yeah and they actually
managed to make it ground it and
substantial and have this nuance story
that's really about parenting and being
an adult well
I think just the way that Grand Theft
Auto kind of transitioned us into a more
mature kind of art you know look at this
art form and the medium and ways to tell
stories I think the same can be said for
the last of us yeah and I feel like the
effects of the last of us we're gonna
continue to feel but I have to say
something about that sony press
conference I've seen every press
conference so that Sony one was a very
special one and I think it was kind of
reflected in a little bit of the Sean
Laden remarks about the awful stuff that
happened in rural land over at the
beginning but there was a maturity and a
confidence in the stories that were told
just in those little visual snippets
that I think were profound and the to
think that people in theaters all over
America and I think some in candidates
who were able to watch that as a show
was very important and I feel that the
business can learn a lot from that kind
of presentation great games it was a
very mature presentation and like you
said I think confidence was such a big
part of that presentation they said we
don't need to bring anybody out we don't
need to do demos we're not going to even
talk about it like no even when kijima
came out it was just like here's what
I've been working on hope you love it
like and everybody was just like I don't
know what crazy thing this is no with
Norman Reedus and the baby of a
craziness and they have it but we love
it we want to plan just just to have
that much time on Rita's face while he's
holding the baby and he's crying that
was significant very poignant ah ayna
been do we use the word and the word
that they used on stage was show yeah
and I think it wasn't a press conference
that they realized that this isn't a
press conference it really is a show
they approached it like a theatrical
event so having the live music there and
being on that beautiful shrine
auditorium stage make the dual LEDs of
red so it was unbelievable yeah I mean I
think I think you're going to see moving
forward it becoming even more
presentation rather than a press as it
should be you know like I just
interviewed Sam Witwer who's the star of
days gone and he's a face that gamers
know from other games and we should kind
of put these pieces together you know it
was just announced before the before e3
that Jon Snow is the it is going to live
duty and you know not to say that we
need to put celebrities in all of this
but there needs to be this kind of
entertainment familiarity with these
properties and right and the people
behind them you need a little bit of
that with with NOLA Norris and wait I
mean you see a little bit of that but it
hasn't reached quite the fever pitch I
think that we see obviously in movies
yes television well and the other thing
I'd like to see is more and what you
guys are doing here and you know I think
it's amazing I've never had a stage at
e3 I've always you know hustled my butt
from one native my appointments for the
next yes but I i think that to like put
this the developers in the middle of a
stage like this and to turn the cameras
on them and make that a show as well as
very important that I quad gamespot for
doing that it's awesome yeah and you
know it's just a couple of years ago
that the press conference was getting on
stage and showing flow charts and graphs
graphs and say we've sold X number of
consoles and it's it's really happened
very quickly yeah you know I've been
fortunate enough to be in this business
for a long time and I've seen that
evolution from it being a tech and
product based industry to a full-fledged
we understand this is an entertainment
industry and I need to when you think
it's entertainment industry yeah it's
past box office almost regularly now for
how many years like few years it has but
there's a bit of a misconception around
that because of the price on games I
think that it has an effective as many
lives yeah as movies and television like
not as many people individuals consume
this stuff on a regular basis and know
all the intricacies of this stuff and
that's what I've endeavoured to do with
with my programming and what gamespot is
endeavor to do and you're and who said
you're hustling your butt around here
yeah so what have you seen on the show
floor yeah just in the first couple of
days that has impressed you most well I
I'm a huge sci-fi nerd I love that and I
love that call of duty went in that
direction a few years ago but now
Android seemed to be in Deus Ex robots
and Detroit and we've got call of duty
robot I'm so looking at all right and
fall to his height and so amazing it's a
big shooter year yeah I'm sure I talked
about that yesterday that the resurgence
of FPS games this is like a very big
shooter year and and yeah a lot of older
franchises coming back a lot of newer
franchises manry
the mix yep pretty great but the fact
that Nintendo has one game to play yeah
I think speaks volumes to the quality of
that game I'm saying what a game it is
we all thought they were insane and then
you walk into that booth and you're like
no no they created a magical fantasy
world unless the lucky I yeah and you
don't want to leave you know right and
nothing can sort of shake it from your
mind right you want a total shameless
self-promotion but if anybody wants to
we have a 360 video of the unseen Utz
YouTube page we have a 360 video it's
real short and you can look around
inside the Nintendo booty call so and
it's worth looking at you I mean there's
it's so cacophonous here yeah then you
walk into that Nintendo both in it it'll
this know you're in a Hyrule yeah yeah
that's the game too right i mean there
are there is a lot of killing and death
like there always is at e3 and then you
go into zelda and it's like you know
what I'm saying it's like Miyazaki meets
Miyamoto kind of a kind of vibe and it's
a it's yeah you know regardless of
whatever your feelings are on Nintendo
this is something that every buddy that
likes this medium needs to c spire they
should aspire to write 0 NE i love how
they're willing to take a risk with such
a storied franchise and it really does
feel like okay we're putting we're all
in on this and it's a little crazy like
it's not like any zelda you've played
before yep but we think it works and
we're really excited about it and we
hope that you'll buy it alongside our
new console middle sounds like remember
those like 80 hours you put into the
last Elda that's a drop in the bucket as
to what we have you put into this one
and I think that that speaks to the you
know the the relevance and the maturity
of the Western RPGs sure I mean Final
Fantasy 15 is a reflection of that as
well yeah the you know bioware's and
Bethesda's of the world have just been
making things that have you know shocked
the business from a very you know
staunch old guard the JRPG scene was the
way that we played our people ain't
nothing really shifted and now we have
an open world kitchen sink experience
with Final Fantasy 15 and an open world
Zelda for the first time yeah very very
amazing amazing and the thing about the
Zelda thing to that I always find really
remarkable to is it I don't believe that
it's the top-selling of the mint
no franchises it always does well but
clearly it is always the most expensive
to make yeah of the Nintendo franchises
and I applaud Nintendo for doing that
because they don't have to yeah but they
do do that and you know come from a
personal compromise yeah prestige brand
of Nintendo it's like the procedure
franchise feel it when you play that
game down i play there's a thousand open
world games on the show floor yeah play
that one and you go there's a level of
Polish that's immediately palpable
totally yeah yeah oh I'm asking
everybody about VR yeah yes what you're
talking about about VR it's big presence
here I you know I have to confess I have
not really sunk in on the trade show
floor okay and it's mostly to do with my
vanity and I can't believe I'm revealing
you know what hey your hair I don't want
yeah you don't want someone where your
face picture it is yes you don't want
someone to go by with you like and so I
actually told and you know and now it's
out thankfully like it's actually
available I know your captain VR hi Lana
you've been talking that you have a VR
super suit underneath that I do indeed I
just rip it off a turn Point we hadn't
try on on our show at Tesla sooo that
works with VR where hits a actually
shocked it electrically when you get
yeah yeah well actually I told oculus
and be ours like I want to come for your
demos but we've done so many demos
stories yeah and they're all of them
aren't wow this is amazing this is
amazing and I said look we just gotta
start reviewing the stuff and that and
that will be our coverage because I feel
like consumers really want to know yeah
you know when they're hearing it from
you you're like bye-bye but I love it
all right which is great but I feel like
consumers really want the scoop is this
stuff worth the investment is it worth
the time and what games are really worth
playing so I'm excited to be at home in
my underwear playing my VR and then
conveying how I feel about this so
ensure i'm curious about this because
right now in VR we're seeing a lot of
experiences yeah full games resident
evil will be I think one of the bigger
full games that will see in the next
year so next year fallout I mean I'm
really excited about those but a lot of
the stuff like like that man all right
harken be ours is it's an experience and
it's it's an amazing experience yeah but
it's an experience yeah and do you think
that that is the thing that
gamers should be excited about or should
they and maybe get into VR to try those
things out and get experimental with it
so that like Jeff they're sort of really
familiarized with VR or is it something
that it's like well maybe you should
wait and then when you come into it
later when full games start coming out
in in force yeah then you'll be able to
sort of check out those others I think
this is an eternal challenge in this
game industry right I think that we need
to have those tests amount kind of
experiences like on the wii but we also
need to see that there is a product that
is you cannot miss right right and I
think that oculus in vibe as much as I
have seen them haven't really got that
everybody needs this experience you know
they need that story the storied console
seller right yeah you know you can
define it down to boil it down to killer
app but I feel like like the Scorpio now
for Xbox one has a little bit of that
same issue right now they talked about
something that I think every fan of
video game you know culture wants but we
don't know why we want it yet yeah it
comes down to boiling it down to we just
hear teraflops they can we just go crazy
yeah well why I went crazy for that I
know I still don't know why yeah yeah I
gotta see why another I think the VR is
in that same dilemma I think the we was
in that dilemma I think the d/s was in
that dilemma then the 3ds was in that
donut in the way you isn't it and the
wii u i think it's a cyclical thing it's
one of the big challenges of a tech
based entertainment thing but social
dynamics the business so fun and
exciting and care scary and weird and
you know just a perpetual thrill to
cover you know well it's been awesome
having you on man we really appreciate
it tell people where you can find your
stuff EPN TV where we're we're posting
all kinds of stuff and of course like
everybody else were testing a lot of
content on facebook right now on our
facebook page awesome then at victor
underscore Lucas the race for Lucas yep
well thank you so much for stopping by
everybody give Vic nice round of
applause yeah we thank you we are gonna
be back well we're done here for the
week but Jeff you've got a lot of other
stuff going on yeah we're gonna be
coming to you from this stage
for more III coverage to stick around he
doesn't know what show is on no idea I'm
not leaving this stage he lives here now
until everyone talks about VR tomorrow
daily we'll be back next week at its
regular time in place at our Burbank
studio and you can go to tomorrow daily
com we want to see more of our show to a
future tech pop culture video games we
love it and and until then vegan humans
will see you guys bye
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