Do Snapchat Spectacles look dumber than Google Glass (The 3:59, Ep. 112)
Do Snapchat Spectacles look dumber than Google Glass (The 3:59, Ep. 112)
good morning it is Monday September 29th
and we are here with another episode of
the 359 and the dulcet tones of Roger
Cheng and Alfred eng morning everyone it
D by the way it's also September 26 it
is good morning skip this over three
days alright that's cool you're welcome
till alive happy Monday everyone welcome
to another episode of the 359 where
we're gonna try to go to a number of
stories today we've got two greats rock
we are it's Monday it's forgive us it's
been it's been a rough weekend so we're
gonna be talking about snapchat or snap
spectacles whether or not they look done
within Google glass we'll also be
talking about Alfred story looking at
sort of where you want to be watching
the presidential debate tonight Facebook
or Twitter that's if you're not an old
person and watching on TV like me i'm
actually watching on TV alright but i'll
be participating on social media all
right well then lastly we'll be talking
about that photo of hillary clinton with
the with throngs of people turning her
back on her not not because they're
against her but the hell they want to
take selfies it's basically become this
the statement piece on the Instagram
generation or is it it's like what if
what if I just did the entire podcast
with your back that's it everybody turn
yeah so as always if you have any
questions about snapchat presidential
debate or we'll try not to be too
political or the Hillary snapchat photo
put them in the comments section Brian
will take out the best and will try to
best her answer them alrighty let's
let's get started let's get this
recording in the bank and 359 podcasts
starting in three two welcome to the 359
when we talk about the top tech news of
the day and all the other crap we want
to throw in I'm Roger chain na mão for
ding are you a snapchat user well the
company has a wearable for you say hello
to spectacle a pair of sunglasses with
the built-in wireless camera brings to
mind google glass now for what do you
think these look way cooler than Google
glass right here I have to disagree with
you already at the disagree with you
I think Google ass seemed a lot cooler
this it was like a metal head band with
a tiny like piece of glass I like the
kind of Star Trek sci-fi element that
google glass brought to the fashion
world star trek has never looked cool i
mean the throngs of cnet readers who
disagree with you there but whether
these glasses I mean they look to bid
but I think they look cooler than Google
glass also their sunglasses so you can't
really wear them all the time like which
are inside you can't really I mean you
can I mean we can't do except that
you already look like an idiot they just
go with it yeah just embrace the
obnoxiousness pretty much and you know
the advantage of them being sunglasses
when you're recording somebody is that
they can't see the shame in your eyes
doing it as opposed to win either there
would be shame yeah when you're wearing
a google glass it's like everyone can
see into your soul and you know just
tell how you know a shame do you are so
are more serious no do you think this
will do better the google glass which
famously flamed out you know was it was
a failure for google you know these are
a lot cheaper hundred thirty bucks do
you think people actually buy well that
and the fact that snapchat already has
the Millennial fanbase I mean more
people there I using snapchat than
Twitter right now and is they have the
fan base are a google glass was kind of
I mean everyone's using google but it's
not like you know everyone was using
wearables at that time especially what I
mean it's just employee cuz it google
also has not a fan base but they've got
a much larger user base but you know it
wasn't a user base that was really
motivated to get this you think snapchat
users are motivated enough to actually
buy this thing yeah I did I can't like
count the amount of times that I've seen
something crazy happen as I'm walking
and I wish you know I had my phone out
to snapchat it but now I said you just
sorry if I have this is already there
it's completely ready you know and I'll
never have that you know the snapchat
that got away I know that pains you so
next up that's what you wrote a story
yet so my story it's if you're planning
on watching the debate today if you
watch it on Facebook or if you watch it
on Twitter you're going to get a vastly
different experience right so what I'd
found was on Twitter essentially it's
faster it's more reactive and it's very
very public yep so you're probably going
to end up getting responses from random
people telling you why you're wrong
and why they hate you as opposed to if
you're watching it on Facebook and
you're commenting it on Facebook you
know it's your friends in your family
we're gonna hate you secretly but not
you know directly comment and tell you
right your opinions are wrong except for
that one friend that you always have
that just wants to raise some raise some
trouble for you yeah we all have one of
those on facebook I mean I I've tended
to participate Twitter whenever one of
these debates go on and you know I'll
have some people like or agree with me
for the most part it's it's people
disagreeing that actually are motivated
enough to actually comment right yeah
ones it that's really i summed up the
story is how much trolling do you want
to do right facebook or twitter so yeah
alright lastly i want to talk about this
photo that's making the rounds of
hillary clinton and hordes of people
turning their backs on her not because
they have anything against her but they
want to take a selfie of course they
want to take a selfie folks call its
orbit as summation of the Instagram or
selfie generation but what do you think
I've been incredibly frustrated by
selfies I get that you want to have
yourself in a photo with you know
whatever you're with but the whole thing
is you know just show me that I don't
want to see your face you know it's
selfies you know no pun intended but
it's such an incredibly like selfish
like motivations behind it we're just
you know you first of all you're already
bragging about where you are but now
it's also Hey look at this photo of me
doing it also and it's just just take
the photo of Hillary Clinton well fair
to full disclosure this launched a lot
of thought pieces about the selfie
generation but Hillary actually asked
everyone to turn around so does change
the story a little bit but yeah you know
selfies are here to stay for now they're
the dominant form of communication for
us so for more about these stories check
us out Cena Roger chain I'm Alfred Aang
thanks for listening selfie generation
selfish I July we relegated to that I
actually don't like that labeling at all
from but I'm not an accurate there's
there's like all these like a didactic
pieces like oh the Millennials are the
me generation and more like Millennials
and all that
it's I mean it's a small sect I would
like to think compared to the larger
populace I'd like to think so he's like
I and I would disagree I've you probably
right but it sucks it we're kind of
really especially the younger you go the
more i think more broad-based the selfie
interest is right is it can we is it not
just a fad because it seems like a fixed
night it's not a lot of fat I mean not
pictures of yourself in this the motion
no like yeah I'm waiting for you know
the the pivoting of you know cameras
where people don't have to do this I
don't think that drones become pockets
yeah oh yes fly around and I don't think
it's a fad because if you look at all
the handset manufacturers they're upping
the camera quality on the front facing
lens like it's even Apple just the new
iphone 7 has a nicer camera on the front
because they know people like to take
selfies and that's sort of catering to
that that mood that that pattern it
wouldn't be so villainized if it didn't
overtake everything like what happened
to posing to being like oh no wait wait
what are you more what are you more
annoyed by for me a lie's selfies of me
or food photos I will take the food
photos really over the head over the
selfies I get a lot of I get equal
amounts grief just be a selfies aren't
even you know that good of a photo
because you yeah they're not qualities
like we had all this technology tripods
and monopods and you know but not God
forbid the passerby know why Rangers
gonna know what wants to carry tripod
people don't talk to each other anymore
so don't want to ask you before and also
this is this is what I found annoying
when you ask someone to take a photo
they usually do a crap job of taking
photo there oh you know my favorite
always like crop outs they crop out the
thing you wanted right because your head
acne is really what I see hey at least I
have editing control over my photo you
know my favorite thing to do is when
people ask me to take photos so this is
probably why people don't ask other
people to take photos of them I'll snap
at least like four or five selfies on my
phone and make it look like I'm taking
their photo and then I'll take a few
photos of them that's so let's go really
tear easy there Satan that'll show them
look out for like there's probably a
website like look out for this guy do
not ask him to take your photos all
right anybody out there
the chat land selfies are food photos do
you think the the selfie picture with
Hillary speaks volumes do you think
you're just going to roll your eyes and
move on with your life I'm actually
really curious to see if any readers are
interested in spectacles like is that
something that they'd be willing to
purchase for a hundred thirty dollars i
think that's a resounding no i think you
know that photo Hilary that we we had
with everyone turning their backs on I
think in like maybe two years like 2018
y'all is gonna be a photo of everyone
facing her ever and everyone's wearing
spectacles oh that is a bold Golda lame
hate that oh yeah over the former like
really everyone wears glasses are at
least I don't care what you I know what
you look like show me something new when
interesting granted looking at Hillary
Clinton is not all that new and
interesting it's like it's like that
photo with Zuckerberg walking around
with the uh oh the VR they'll be
restless riffs on no knows that the gear
VR cuz if a samsung event and I was
there all of us were stuck in our stupid
viewer world is Mark walked right by us
felt pretty dumb afterwards should yeah
it's gonna be like that but with the
step respect I asked your overlord I
would never be caught dead wearing those
things but then again I've never been
big into snapchat or the photo story
game in general yeah but that's me if
anyone out there things to snapchat snap
Inc excuse me excuse me yeah this is a
cool progressive new motion I mean I
think for first snap it's definitely
interesting it's like this is a social
network going to hardware although
historically speaking that hasn't really
done well look at facebook trying to get
the phones that just didn't I mean I
think cameras do the best when they're
at a place where no one really notices
I'm I mean think how well like GoPro has
done right what do you just mount it
onto something I think this is a nice
step toward that I think there's gonna
be a lot of vlogs and you know job how
do you take a foot it you actually could
you have it like I think you have to
hold on to it and it's only like a
ten-second like interval because
snapchat works intense oh yeah yeah yeah
but you still have to hold the button
yep so how is it I feel like Cyclops
from the friggin x-man now if the shot
laser beams i'd be interested by it
snapping get on it oh no they're onto us
yeah I don't know I guess it like there
are plenty of silly looking novelty
sunglasses out there but I'm not
dropping a hundred yeah I mean my god
Kanye West had shutter shades all right
that like you can't even see out of I
think he's clearly Papa Ninja Turtles
yes my point is i think you know there's
dumber sunglasses out there i think this
one's pretty tame compared to any of the
true but i'm not trying to add me like
bebop or Kanye West yeah Miguel in the
chat says I feel that Facebook is dying
for kids Instagram and snapchat are
taking over now lets blend this in with
the other story what if snapchat hosted
the debate intense well they do well
know there's snapchat stories for
debates and like a lot of political
events they were there for the national
conventions for both of them right but
there's a but what if you had like that
was your option the entirety of the
debate in the intervals in 10 second
intervals I mean they will highlight
clips I don't think yeah they would
probably only rely on highlights instead
of doing like you know here's the entire
thing in 10 seconds oh god I mean TV
shows have done that Rick and Morty did
an entire episode where they put her on
their Instagram and this is back when
their Instagram clubs were only 15
seconds long oh well yeah that's how
they got like a huge growth in their
audience do that's because our attention
span is bottom down yep I got a goldfish
generation to a Miguel's point though I
mean it's not the Facebook exactly
desperate for the kids because it's it
owns Instagram so kind of have the kids
already but I mean I would argue that
basically that kids are using Facebook
much and much less yeah I agree yeah
yeah can we verify this John says they
disabled comments and ratings in the
video for spectacles I don't know Oh to
their promo video online or in the
actual functional feature allegedly John
would you clarify that for us because
well I don't think it'd be that in the
function because it would not be the
purpose yeah right you can't comment and
rate snapchat so what you're saying is
that their YouTube because you're
expecting I mean we have a video in our
story we can check it let's take a look
I can't play this back during a podcast
go to the oh you can't go to the videos
I mean I can we're looking at it right
now but
Yeah right John comments disabled
interesting and yeah no ratings either
so then you can leave your comments here
yeah leave your comments here will relay
relay them snapping there you go yeah
that's that's interesting that makes you
think that maybe they're already kind of
apprehensive well is that or they've
already yeah they probably would have
filled enough negative reactions they're
like let's uh let's pull that off oh
maybe we're just a progressive and we
don't adhere to the comments since we
know it's just filled with trolls which
we know a few things about yeah yeah you
to distract ourselves youtube spectacles
from michael who well what would those
be tough would you just watch youtube
video I'm een that guess is logic yeah
oh yeah like life no just like a decent
quality camera coddle Oh which we've
seen some camera goggles in the past but
I should probably be better than what
snapchat is doing but yeah I don't know
the tech behind that GoPro manufactures
something could shoot long-form like
that yeah maybe that was my poet could
just I think I think all this I think
why stay with a more natural company to
solve this problem i snapchat works for
this is because it's not long form and
it's you know yeah it's just I don't
know what the bandwidth like would it be
like yeah yeah yeah I don't know yeah
generally mm-hmm I am going to try to
catch a debate tonight if you guys don't
work me too hard no promises there yeah
yeah about that where are you gonna
watch you said you're watching on TV uh
you know I lied i'll probably watch it
i'll probably stream it just cuz i don't
turn on my TV that much I'm interested
to see how it performs and how
horrendous the guy mean I i watch it all
i may just i may just watch my twitter
feet just to see the highlights cuz yeah
it's hard to commit and nowadays so well
i mean they had the the football game on
twitter the other night and like we said
debates were kind of like the logical
move and award shows and there you go
kinds of live events my strategy has
always been to watch it on TV and then
have it on a stream on my desktop that's
i'm not desktop just on my computer
because it's about 15 seconds or so
behind ya something crazy happens live I
can take I know it's coming up and then
I can take that image
a pretty good yeah so just really work
in the cyst I know he really cares when
I don't know and then if you watch it
here's the advantage of watching it on
YouTube too it's much easier to live
like jiff it oh yeah so I mean that's
also there's a lot of perks for watching
on different platforms but i watch on TV
for like because it's the fastest one
yeah yeah and then on Twitter I'm just
there to like comment on it and then on
another stream to don't make any image
those many platforms are you on it a
given moment at least three and then i
snapchat the entire thing so I'm
snapchat yourself with like computer and
a laptop in a tablet it's a whole set of
debate night to get get wild here nice
no I'm Tanya let's all right we gotta
reformat the podcast to keep up with the
trends are everybody here we go all
right yeah a little selfie turn it
around and wrap up the show we go and uh
you like it look you know what that is
right yeah all right lean back end you
know well let you guys do that if you
liked anything you saw or heard here
check us out on cnet or podcast is also
available on itunes google play music
tune in soundcloud fever and slacker
dead miss one no nuts like a stitcher
stitcher fight it just like it does
exist to sucker exist slacker radio
still out there but i don't know ok
sorry stitcher stature I'll take my
favorite it's gonna take me a while yeah
yeah get all alright alright see
tomorrow see y'all tomorrow all right
thanks for watching
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