Does an Apple car even have a chance against the Tesla Model 3? (Apple Byte Extra Crunchy, Ep. 32)
Does an Apple car even have a chance against the Tesla Model 3? (Apple Byte Extra Crunchy, Ep. 32)
Studios in San Francisco California it's
the Apple byte extra crunchy podcast
with your host mr. Brian Tom oh goodness
thank you for that introduction produced
this show produced by your producer
Steven Beecham how do you what's up
everybody welcome to the Apple byte
extra crunchy in his episode 32 on this
April fools day as we're recording it
for the record I want to let you know
the stories that we talked about today
will not be April Fool's let's hope
these are not these are all real factual
events Steven I got fooled for like a
split second today by which red box what
did they do
they said they wanted a red box and
ambassadors and like I was like what can
have people like hanging out by the red
box and then there was a picture there's
like a guy inside the red not not that I
want any of the kids to check but um
pornhub turned their website into corn
hub it was like different pictures of
not that I looked wow what is that URL
it's gonna leave it bad for the children
listing all the adults listening there
they're here in full force we just want
to say thank you again so much for being
a part of our show and this is a show
that includes you we have live streams
going on with YouTube and live stream
and periscope so we like we like to
interact with you all and Steven again
if people during appropriate times if
there's people that want to interject
and say stuff you know just jump on in
in the show and just let let us know
what we're thinking as well we also want
to let you know again for you to call in
and be a part of this one eight hundred
six one six two six three eight is the
number to call name where you're from
and your statement your comment your
question your bad-apple we had a couple
calls that were like way beyond 30
seconds that we're like we just can't do
this cuz yeah we're getting a ton of
calls and we really want to pack in as
many of you that we can yes so you know
we don't want anybody filibustering
that's what we do yes we feel asleep we
fill out we we fill a bustah we just
keep talking so let's get to the show
and jump right off the top this may not
necessarily be directly related to Apple
but I want to talk about the Tesla Model
3 oh yeah I want to talk about the Tesla
Model 3 and the reason why I wanted
about it is this is what Apple is up
against this is they are bringing a
Tesla car at a thirty five thousand
dollar price point a consumer car that
looks really amazing it has this huge
massive skylight window glass top it's a
roof that just swoops from the front to
the back zero to 60 miles per hour in
less than 60 seconds six less than sorry
better be lesson six might actually even
be faster yeah even depending on which
model you're dead if you get the
supercharged model 215 miles on a single
charge at the very least they said it
has this autopilot feature which is
awesome I mean look at I'll tell you
right now I have not advertised it on
social media because it shouldn't matter
but I put up $1,000 deposit down did you
really I did your did you go stand on
line yesterday no no no you could do it
I'm driving right after it happened cool
so after the keynote I'm like dude I
this you it is fully refundable okay so
don't get all crazy it's not like of
course I'm gonna put it on a card it's
fully refundable but if you wait these
this year and a half or two who knows it
might it's gonna be a lot harder to get
right people were waiting in line it's
actually it's actually pretty affordable
it's thirty five thousand dollars and
then you get a seven thousand dollars
and housing break with that taxpayer so
I mean what is that I let's do the mask
28 27 27 is a change that's pretty good
and we don't know what this cars we
loaded load to it but again there's a
lot of excitement around this this is a
game changer for sustainable you know
cars in general the other things I want
to talk about though is Apple right like
Apple what are they gonna do they're
third where there's people waiting in
lines for Tesla like and I feel like it
I know that they are in competition
they're so behind
they are positioning themselves as the
quote unquote Apple of yesteryear of
cars now yes the hype is there the
excitement is there the design I that
looks like a test that card is not on
the exterior does not look like it's
skimping visually no it looks hot and
then the deck there's no dashboard
which is like I can't you know it's hard
to grasp that but all it is just a
touchscreen that big screen cool yeah so
we'll time we'll time we'll go on time
will pass and we'll find out how this
shakes out but I think it's one of the
most exciting announcements that we have
seen in the past couple of years just
from a tech standpoint and consumer
stamp a tech consumer standpoint oh yeah
it's Apple is looking at this and
there's been rumors that they have a
plot of land in the South Bay that
they're going to use to potentially use
as a factory I mean Apple isn't even
producing anything right now and they
must be looking at themselves and like
maybe we should go back to the drawing
board or maybe we shouldn't try to make
a car yeah I do I feel like they've like
dip their toe in too many things a lot
this year in terms of the car like just
little hints and little mentions they're
gonna try or play so they're gonna try
well I will give them the benefit of the
doubt and see where they stand
but it took Tesla they started around
2003 to get to this point Apple is just
not gonna all of a sudden be able to
build an amazing car in a year or two
it's gonna their target is 2020 yeah so
they still have time but just imagine
where Tesla's gonna be in 2020 compared
to where Apple's gonna be in 2020 that's
what you have to look at race way far
ahead way far ahead so this is as they
say potential game-changer
they had a around 130,000 pre-orders
already in place at the time of the
keynote I've got to imagine that
probably doubled yes so the govern
it--for competition is fierce
competition is fierce we're gonna also
switch over to the reviews for the
iPhone se and the iPad pro nine point
seven inch they are in now basically
it's what you expect everyone's are
saying the SE is a solid phone it is
using parts from the 5s it is using a
few parts from this six sorry the iPhone
6s as well it uses like the 5s screen
and some of the other components it's a
solid phone if you want a four inch
phone in the US it's not like it's
selling gangbusters or getting a massive
amount of pre-orders in China and India
specifically that's where you're seeing
the most traction but this is not moving
the needle for sales for Apple in any
way shape or form where it's something
that would be considered a major victory
this is like we've talked about
business decision over innovation
business yeah I saw someone sent me an
ad that I can trade in my iPhone 6s for
like three hundred sixty five dollars
which is close to what I bought it for
and I was like actually tempted to do
that and get an se just because of the
size just because of the demons
I'm glad you admitted iPhone 5 you know
the iPhone 5 size was perfect the iPhone
at 6s it's just it's too big I I think
hey you know what to each their own even
even my even mice well I don't know who
has bigger hands right here I put your
head up I want to see this I want to see
this come on come on I'm pretty I'm
pretty big hands honestly my head this
is just for the record ladies and
gentleman my hands are slightly bigger
than Steven Beecham's now that doesn't
mean a Beecham wears like a size 20 shoe
so I mean interpret what you want from
no but uh I could see how with your
smaller hand Steven that the iPhone 6s
would be harder to handle yeah I mean I
was literally tempted I'm like it's
close to the success it has you know
it's a little cheaper but it is a solid
phone right rounds out their phone line
also the iPad pro nine point seven inch
what some people are arguably calling
the best iPad pro just or the best iPad
clearly from a standpoint of it's the
sweet spot for the size and the features
that it has but I will tell you I'm
still very happy with my iPad pro after
over time right we like when when do we
do our last session we just I think just
last week right I can't remember see
because we we do these things all the
time usually that's why it's so much
better being in the same room yeah it's
so much easier but the iPad pro is a
solid I told people from the start even
right after the announcement that it's a
great update if you've been looking
upgrade your iPad pro I would say and
you've had one for two or three years or
even four years if it would be a great
update if you're someone that's looking
to do that so I like the product but I
want my true tone display on my freaking
twelve-point that just kills them all so
just a quick update we talked about
Apple's iOS 9.3 update that had to be
updated and got pulled and waiting for
the update
the update of the update iOS 9.3 point 1
is out Apple released it it fixes this
web link crashing bug so on our video
show we this this just happened I think
yesterday in our video show published by
the time it came out so we will address
it but it is out so I would suggest that
after the third update of iOS 9.3 then
hopefully they've got some of the kinks
worked out but for those of you that
waited and are smart about things that
did not jump into it immediately then uh
then you're good yeah it feels like I've
been updating a lot this week I have
done a lot of updates of the updates in
the update yeah we just don't want
another update to the updates of the
other update of that lets not update any
more updates yeah I don't I don't I
don't like that we're here to keep you
updated uh just kind of transitioning
over to Apple pens now there wasn't a
lot of news initially set up for this
show but all of a sudden a boatload a
cornucopia of patents just dropped on us
these are patents that Apple has applied
for that have been revealed or released
and now brought to light and we talked
about it in a way this is kind of sad to
me but this first Apple pan is still
cool but Apple has invented improved
efficiency of inductive power transfers
and is proposing in this one of these
patents we have like eight or nine that
we're going to talk about proposing
inductive charging iPhone case that does
not have a hump on it yeah it looks flat
it actually looks like a fine Lincoln
case yeah now who knows when they design
that thing if they're gonna put some
chunky ugly hunchback a notre-dame bump
on it Oh it'll be chunky it's gonna be
chunky there's gonna be junk in the
no I believe this but uh this is Apple
working on for Believe It or Not a
wireless charging in this is my goodness
could we see it possibly in 2016
possibly oh my goodness I just a
technology that hasn't been around for
four or five years so they're they're
working on that that's kind of fun also
though I like this one a lot better
Apple is working on building this
inductive charging B
between iOS devices and even something
like a MacBook so this is cool this is
cool the surface of your MacBook let's
say it's near the keyboard or even in
drawings that are further down in the
patent would show that you just lay your
devices on top of your MacBook and then
there are specific hot points that would
allow it to charge while they're just
resting there yeah so there's conductive
coils inside which make connection with
conductive coils or the other device and
transfer the charge so it's it's pretty
interesting I think I think that's super
cool this is actually something that's
super useful they even showed the back
surface of an iPad that's got to be an
iPad pro if you're gonna put three
devices on it I'm saying and this it it
also talks about it being magnetic so it
would magnetized did those those hot
spots yeah so you'd put your phone on
you'd feel the magnet connect no it's
charging yeah that's I think it's useful
you know we'll see how iPhone battery
life is overall with this next gen
iPhone hopefully it's better most likely
it's about the same but using your other
devices to charge things that's kind of
cool because most of us even though we
have laptops they're typically charged
charging while we're using it right yeah
so typically it could just basically be
an inductive charging station very cool
I like that another patent reveals um
that the iPhone is potentially will be
able to use touch ID to gain access to a
MacBook without having to type in your
password now when we're talking on these
podcasts sometimes because I don't have
it set up when when my laptop's just
open and I start talking to Stephen
Beach and we're like just vibing the
passcode locks and I'm like typing it
while trying to talk to you it's
annoying that's a pain it is a pain so
much like the Apple watch unlocks your
phone when they're within proximity of
each other this would be your phone your
MacBook yeah and it's biometric stuff so
it doesn't necessarily just need to be
your fingerprint it could be maybe you
just look at it and get your eyes you
know your eye scans or something or you
put the phone up to your ear and it
unlocks because it knows the shape of
your ear or something I read the I did
not read that part that's crazy well
there's a I put it in the
the rundown see everyone was everyone oh
I moved that I moved that I saw that
line I thought I accidentally pasted it
I actually it was just a definition of
biometric biometric security and one of
those things was putting something to
your ear and it reads the contours of
your ear nose oh this is Steve's ear
okay I'm gonna unlock so it's kind of
silly but I think it's interesting I
think it's cool I also remember when
touch ID first came out all these all
the crazy people are like people can
just try and steal your fingers though
oh yeah no they're not I'm not gonna try
and steal your ears either Apple had to
come out and say actually your finger
has to be alive and have blood flow
going through in order for it to work so
they had to clarify which is funny
everyone's like I'm gonna chop off
someone's finger totally worth it yeah I
thought your thing is interesting yeah I
mean it's kind of silly I don't think
anyone ever digs you already have the
fingerprint but yeah it's funny you know
Microsoft does have their awesome facial
recognition hello where and it works
really fast I don't know if you've tried
it or not I haven't done that you just
you look in the camera you say hello
basically once you open your laptop it
takes like two seconds it sees your face
and it unlocks it that's pretty cool
it's pretty hot it might even take less
than two seconds it's it's pretty slick
so you don't have to press or do
anything like that I just I want my
phone to just smell me and be like I
walk up and it smells me and it's like
oh okay Steve's here
did you because it's April Fool's just
really quickly Intel I think it was
Intel I can't remember but they put out
a bunch of different new ways of like
security and one of them was a scent
detector and then the other one was a
saliva a biometric detector so they
showed a guy licking his iPhone I don't
know anyone here that's done that before
hmm just saying that's fighting that but
he was like going at it going at it like
normal robbery real gnarly yeah um but
you know what I'd like to do right now
yes I'd like to read a message from
today's sponsor that's right an Apple
byte extra crunchy bring in it and get
some music are you gonna give us a
little get us in the mood yeah go ahead
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have guess what we have more patent
stories for you yes because if this is
stuff that they're putting in their
devices in the next few years this is
cool sometimes there's like some out
there pants that we never see like a
virtual reality interface I'm like Apple
doesn't even have anything virtuality
reading right now that's coming out in
five years more not at all yeah but this
one's pretty sweet the Apple watch
they've shown off a new patent where it
shows up this kind of like the best way
to describe this is a modular this is
smart watch links this is smart that
link together and these specific links
can actually do different things so what
it's leveraging is when the Apple watch
first came out there's like a port on
the side near one of the smart bands on
the body of the Apple watch uh-huh and
it was revealed that it it's it is their
Diagnostics port but it supplies data
and power so this patent would leverage
that power and data that it stores and
then use it to connect different types
of links or even talk to different
devices because of this diagnostic port
and leverage the Apple watch to be able
to do a lot more different things this
is great because they're running out of
real estate really quick on the Apple
watch you know make the Apple watch
smaller and more slim and then basically
you can have more functionality all the
way around your wrist so I think this is
listen check this out this is what this
patent is talking about by doing by
adding some of these additional links or
you know let's call them smart links cuz
no apples gonna do something like that
yeah you could add things like more
batteries input and output devices
haptic devices displays health sensors
add Wi-Fi through like a link on your
watch it it's almost like if you've
heard of project ara which was the
modular smartphone that Google's been
working on it was originally for
Motorola I believe if I'm wrong Kurt you
can you guys can scold me on the
comments but this would be kind of their
equivalent with some with specific
modules again this is way down the line
but I could see it happening sooner
rather than later definitely definitely
a little extra battery juice just by
provided by a link on your watch that's
and then use of that induction charging
we were talking about so you can just
rest your watch to get an extra charge
on your laptop that's cool it's super
cool I think it's great super cool stuff
so look out for that potential modular
set up from Apple then another really
cool one with the Apple we related to
the Apple watch and we know we're
expecting to see the Apple watch this
year the new one I'm guessing they'll
show off some more features of watch OS
at WWDC but I'm gonna also guess that
the Apple watch itself will have its own
event I don't think we'll see it at WWDC
that's just my gut I have no information
that says that it's going to be that way
but I think WWDC is really gonna be all
about the MacBooks WWDC dubbed up
so this cool this additional patent
about the Apple watch shows new motion
research that reveals gestures may be
supported in the future by the Apple
watch so you know speak to the hand this
is kind of cool to speak to the hand
speak to the hand yeah you can do things
like if you get a call you can do a
gesture to like swipe it on down right
swipe away answer or not it can detect
your movements of your wrist but what I
thought would made this thing super
special is when it gets in a more
specific movement so what if you're
talking about doing it may be individual
sign language yeah or things like that
this is what the patent talks about
based on either the tendon movement or
electrical signal or both
the Apple watch can determine the users
motion and gesture the motion and
gestures can be interpreted as commands
but it can detect like your tendons the
tendons flexing from your wrist will
then help indicate what you're actually
doing with your fingers therefore
leading to the Apple watch interpreting
that which is crazy I mean it's like
that's right we're getting closer and
closer to just being like you know
Bionic Bionic robot people that the
singularity is on its way even faster
than we thought that is cray but it is
so like thinking you can have a Spock
you can have a Spock side yeah totally
new with that what would that do maybe I
don't have some app developers get on
that maybe if you got a phone call you
could create sounds that are like voice
responses to the call like you know I'm
I can't I can't pick up the Apple I
can't pick up my Apple watch right now
you do a little Spock sign and all it
says it that's pretty cool it's very
cool I also just kind of other news this
time we're transitioning over to the
Apple TV we've talked about Apple really
needing to start creating some new
are you watching anything on that flicks
right now I know your business ad and
everything I don't there's actually
don't know I just have Amazon Prime I
would give you access to my account but
I've literally given it to like its
share as Netflix they they promote
sharing they're like police sure they do
but I've already shared it with too many
people that's the problem I'm gonna
survive without Netflix for now you you
will for now but I honestly Netflix has
changed like they have so much good
stuff on there now that's exclusive I'm
just like my mind is blown and they're
spending they're throwing millions of
dollars towards new content that we're
gonna see in the next year too and I
that platform is amazing and it still
saddens me that you haven't seen
daredevil season 1 or daredevil season 2
like I'm not a daredevil fan I really I
don't really know but yeah but what's
that what's the guy's name Vince did you
know the guy who plays kingpin oh yes
Vincent D'Onofrio Janabi oh yeah you
guys awesome I love him yeah it kind of
looks like you - I'll
you kind of relate to him I don't relate
to him but some really good movies sell
I'm not saying all white people look
alike but there's a little resemblance
here hey Brian it was like Bruce Lee
yeah hey Brian you look like Jackie Chan
no I don't well I mean I'll take that
I'll take my friend Ali's watching right
now she's a big private pyle fan so I
don't think she would even say I look
like him I'm not saying you look okay
let's not let's not generalize this you
don't look like him but there are at
least faux similarities what's the
chatroom say we've got to be watching
and they're saying hell no no way to
find a picture of him real quick okay
well you find a picture of him I'm gonna
talk about apples for Reina content
there was a story reported earlier that
they were going to do kind of like a a
bio a semi TV series based on dr. Dre's
life that was gonna be very graphic
mature what this mute do you want to
hear what this second project that has
been talked about according to New York
Times is going to be yeah I know I read
about it okay it's a non scripted series
ladies and gentlemen it sounds awful
about apps it's going to be a
partnership with who I
actually sounds awful okay sorry
so 2000 and late okay your 2000 and late
isn't that from the actual he's like yo
I'm 2008 great okay so will I am it's
gonna be will I am and then TV
executives Ben Silverman and Howard T
Owens a new show that will spotlight the
app economy Wow
I guess it could be compelling it's like
a marketing ality show this seems more
like propaganda like from the surface
sounds like propaganda to me or if it's
like a Silicon Valley slash reality show
slash how to game the App Store like I
mean you gotta have really interesting
people to make that show yeah well I am
you're already you're already losing I'm
sorry okay the only reason why I've
actually met him and I've been able to
talk to oh yeah you interviewed him but
the reason why I do like him I will say
for the record is because although he
makes products that I will never buy
his whole mentality behind that is look
I'm a kid from the streets and I have I
have the ability to have my own company
and make an actual tech product and that
in itself is a victory yeah it's like
that message to give down to people that
are less fortunate that are having heart
that are in a hardship like to be able
to be like yeah I was a kid from the
streets and now like I got to this level
of course his music is really what drove
that but so that's why I like because
we're not they don't dislike him I don't
listen music okay I just think it's my
bad it's a very bad choice by Apple to
choose a musician to be on a TV show
he's never been on television is the
same thing they do with dr. Dre is he
gonna like gonna get a whole like artist
appeal television stars now so yeah I
I'm not saying I will watch the show I'm
not defending the show by any means
Steve and I are on exactly the same page
I'm not saying Steven Beecham thinks
he's lame well maybe certain things he
does his name cuz certain things he does
is lame but uh you know he was really
heartfelt when he went to that to place
he like for some reason he started
getting deep with me and I was like
let's go there let's go there we'll I am
let's get you gotta go watch that by the
way yeah Bureau does kind of look like
me okay there's that's even that's not
even a good picture of him he's like
that's not even a good there are subtle
similarities okay that's all
subtle did they did a chatroom confirm
my beliefs yeah actually I'm getting
5050 here I'm someone saying no way yes
yeah it's kind of 50/50 it's split in
the chatroom okay okay fifty-fifty what
did they all say I do look like Bruce
Lee though that's racist
you look like Rufio from I took a
picture with Rufio at Comic Con cuz like
he's not really recognizable yeah his
name is the actor Dante Basco and it was
like Rufio meets Rufio and it was like
if you gave a care about Rufio you think
it was really cool people I used to care
about him Rufio was awesome man
he was he was like come on let's be
honest when you're an Asian guy he was
like he was like
and I was like but probably the last
time we saw an Asian guy in a movie
after him was like 20 years later all
right um let's go let's go to the
college al we yeah got some awesome
college hockey also uh we'll go hit
those then we got a little parting gift
for you guys before we head on out
all right first call us from Allen's
giving BT a heads up I love your podcast
just want you to know you look at the
Apple Store as of yesterday they do now
offer an iPad pro twelve point nine inch
in the 256 K model that should be out
next week but you can go ahead and order
that now have a great day sir okay okay
Lin I love the fact first of all that
we've got lady callers that are into
this show so thank you
yes Lin why are you taunting me like she
knew I was having a mental breakdown
when they were announcing the nine point
seven inch iPad pro and she was like you
can order away I'm like Lin I can't
order it because I spent like a G on a
on a freaking iPad pro that only had 128
it's just not the same so go ahead and
order bride s-sometimes Bank not the
same mm-hmm anyways Thank You Lynn for
calling we love you ladies out there
keep on calling yes please alright next
call Matt yeah it's Matt for Framingham
I was calling asking actually I have a
macbook 15 inch retina and instead of
updating the internal hardware harddrive
excuse me to hold more of my media
library if there was any better option
I've looked into Plex but you have to
have an actual hard drive or use your
computer to store as usual media i watch
a lot of movies shows with it didn't
know if you guys knew of a better option
you could let me know that was great
thanks Joe
okay first of all just Lyn it was
actually watching the periscope live
right now I'm serious and I just happen
to look at it and says it's me and I'm
like why I Lynn I like wave to you
thanks she says lollipop just to confirm
nice no no okay
to your question sir I forgot what was
because I got this mats from Brad him so
I actually have a solution that I use
that I think might be able to help you
there's this product that I think is the
bomb it's called the Seagate wireless
plus it's a one terabyte portable hard
drive now why is this special on this
hard drive it not only talks to iOS
devices so for example when I travel a
lot because I don't have a 256 iPad pro
I can load all my movies onto this
wireless hard hard drive there's an app
that I can go to and then I can just
watch those movies remotely from that
Wireless hard drive it also works with
Macs and PCs I've never had a problem
with it personally is this it right here
yes it is the boss it's cheap - yes
that's a 2 terabyte one that you're
looking at only two hundy - honey's 4 -
Terry's - honey 4 - Terry's that's I
don't know what else the 1 terabyte
I'm just looking I'm not they're not our
sponsor but maybe they should be after I
say this Oh once T 9 the one terabyte on
Best Buy is on sale right now for one
$37.99 and they're also doing price
matching so you don't want to go see
what that looks like on Amazon you know
pretty often so that that would be a
solution that I would look into so that
you don't have to have like like you
said with Plex and also lived it this is
a super portable drive I love it I love
it cool
all right let's go next call Nick from
my home town Alameda Alameda hi this is
Nick from Alameda I love the show hey
just want to let you guys know I read a
book probably a few years ago in the
guards - the marketing strategies of
Apple and when Jobs came back he
compared Apple to other companies and
decided that a long product line wasn't
the answer you know not having five or
six phones different models different
makes what he did was he says look we're
gonna have a super version and we're
gonna have a baseline model I believe
Apple as a whole is getting away from
that core principle and I think it could
be the nail in the coffin if they don't
correct course there's no reason to have
an iPhone
seven pro model or whatever it's called
just give me an iPhone 7s plus an iPhone
7s or an iPhone seven and an iPhone 7
plus thanks a bunch
enjoy the show and have a good day
that's a great call I have felt that way
for the longest time just because if you
look at Apple's iPhone lineup right now
they have the SE the vi vi plus the 6s
and the 6s plus so technically their
line is five phones right now yeah okay
I get what they're trying to do but they
need to simplify the iPad line is now
ipad mini ipad well they're just trying
to call it the iPad pro but it's a mini
a nine point seven and a twelve point
nine and look that's okay if you want if
you want to do that and get yourself in
every nook and cranny which is they have
followed basically the Samsung model of
making things at different sizes these
are business decisions and it's quite
honestly though from a business
standpoint I've got to imagine just
purely because of apples muscle and
marketing sighs it has worked out for
them but when you look at some of the
product lines you're like what is going
on here this is again just to reinforce
that idea whether you like it or not
this is not the same Apple that you are
used to
yeah not upsetting their customers and
people don't want to hear that I get it
all the time oh my gosh I love it when
someone says like you're such a cover
and someone's like oh you suck apples
blah blah blah that's like I must be
doing something right yeah we're like a
bad your honor yeah I'm just like I just
want to let you know people watching
periscope someone was really pushing for
our gentleman to use a zip drive like a
printer cable until I can I Omega zip
drive that's straight up like 90s man
that's cracking me up cracking me up
all right next call next call Charlotte
Tyler from Charlotte hey Brian and
Beechum's Tyler from Charlotte I was
wondering if y'all heard any
developments with Apple pay and if
they're going to be moving to like a
magnetic secure
transmission kind of like Samsung pay I
feel like one of the big holdups with
Apple pays not widely accepted in all
like retails places so it really makes
me want to switch to a Samsung phone so
I had that ability I was wondering if
you've heard anything about it alright
thanks this is a great question so what
we're summarizing basically Samsung has
the ability to not only use their kind
of fingerprint scanner to authenticate
Wireless transactions that also is able
to communicate to the old-school
magnetic strip credit card readers this
is an acquisition they made with a
company called loop pay I think about
mid last year and everyone was like oh
that's really cool because it'll work
with every like now like 95% of setups
at retail Apple does not the technology
the way that touch ID and Apple pay
works it's purely an NFC transaction it
cannot talk to the old-school magnetic
readers unless they do something
different or at a different component
Apple pay will not work with that and
there are no indications that they're
going to they're even one out of five
people are using Apple pay right now
that habit which is actually pretty low
I tried to use it the other day and I
failed and it didn't work and you're
like forget that I didn't finish my word
guys someone used my credit card at like
a Victoria's Secret in oakville Oh
someone so it got it got turned off I
didn't know someone stole my they love
you they really did yeah they they came
shopping for your wife or somebody must
have swiped my card in a gas station and
someone stole my car they went spend a
bunch of money so I was all excited I
was somewhere and there was Apple pay
there I'm like oh my god I'm gonna use
Apple pay right now I went to get my car
and it was like shut off so what such a
big fail on my part
dang so fun story fun story right guys
great great always always great story
man that sucks
but I don't see it happening any time
soon I don't know if it's necessarily
worth changing platforms for but if
that's really the differentiator for you
then go ahead and do it I you know
everyone changes switches things up for
whatever reason so I ain't gonna hate ya
just keep on listen to our dope show
so a couple more calls will you talk
about pokemons go yes we'll talk about
Pokemon what hey hey who's screening
these calls will we talk about pokemons
go okay for the record I do not have the
app for iOS pokemons go not gonna try it
but I will tell you I do have quite a
badass blue deck that dominates actually
I lose a lot to my nephew who's like
seven because he has way better cards of
me but I actually played the real
physical Pokemon game so and if you
don't man it's awesome level up level up
y'all okay so we talked about it we
talked about we talked about Pokemon
event right didn't we we just gave some
love that's okay
hey quick just to show you how much love
that we've got in this show Calvin and
Anthony the two brothers that were just
arguing at each other in the car last
like two shows ago are they in the Paris
get on the pair they're watching live
with this I just wanna give my phone
number guys I got your phone will talk
to you all will talk to y'all okay last
call whoops last call let me listen to
more Pokemon movie song that is actually
on a playlist from a YouTube channel by
the way just I play it for my kids all
the time I'm sure you do sure you sure
it's not for yourself I see okay this is
Abdul from Iowa hello my name is Abdul
from Iowa and I have two questions for
you guys about you know Apple and what
they're doing right now
so do you guys think will Apple ever
update the Thunderbolt Display and my
second question is you know looking at
the art industry you know Mac and Apple
is what artists and creatives use do you
guys still think that Apple even you
know isn't you know is still known for
that or do you guys think that oh they
don't even care about that user base and
this goes to the consumer not
you know how they market their you know
the pro models of iPad MacBooks and
whatnot all right yeah that's it
I live the struggle guys keep it up all
right thank you for calling that's a
great call the last time Apple updated
their Thunderbolt Display were actually
released the first one was approximately
four years ago
Wow so they you know they're also with
their interface is changing we have the
Apple MacBook 12 inch that's just a USBC
connection it'll be interesting to see
what they're doing there's so many like
4k 5k screens out there now these days
yes and it's like come on Apple what are
you doing maybe to me if they have an
update if they do not update the screen
this year at WWDC with the announcement
of new Macs I don't I think that they
might just be out of the monitor display
business as just a separate display i
they've literally done nothing they have
their show nothing that they are looking
at that I could be wrong but we'll see
what happens at WWDC yeah the second
question though is Apple still catering
towards the pros we both are gonna how
about let let you start off on this
Steven uh kind of what are you where's
your brain at I definitely think so I
mean you know if you go to a concert a
lot of the bands have like a MacBook
sitting on there on the stage you know
like you see it at a concerts all the
time I always see max for music also
modeling agencies like photographers I
know that they still use it a lot I you
know sometimes I'll catch a rerun of a
what is it the modeling show America's
Next Top Model I saw some sometimes when
you happen to catch it up and say I've
been to catch them randomly happens to
pop up on TV they always have a Mac
always using Mac for their pictures you
know solely random it's very Pro very
random you never looking channels when
I'm searching for America's Next Top
here at our studios we use pretty much
all Macs to do our video editing but yes
I will say this Apple has changed their
priorities from a standpoint of
internally if you look at what they did
with Final Cut I I think they really
shook up things they might say it was
for the better but most people that used
Final Cut will say it was a step back
and most people because of that have
started or are or are transitioning
either to premiere or back to avid yes
it's changed the dynamic of pros in the
video business Apple's Final Cut Pro X
still does some cool things like it's
real-time rendering is probably it's the
best asset but just the way that you
organize your video clips it I mean I
don't want to keep on harping on it but
people will kind of joke and call it
iMovie Pro yeah I mean we actually
tested guys that we work with tested it
out when it first came out and they're
like we just we can't use this we can't
work with it it's too difficult they
changed just the general flow of things
so much that sometimes guess what it
might work with hardware but when it
comes to software things that you have
used for years you don't want to like do
a fundamental from the ground up change
on how you actually use and interact
with a program for pro for pros totally
and so to relearn you it's learning
curve even avid system is really just a
different way of doing things but if
avid said we're gonna completely do this
different like and scrap their interface
and people that have learned on it for
years they're gonna be sure it's gonna
be a shakeout they're like what I'm
gonna go jump ship yeah so you know when
I saw how Apple did that even their
support of what's that that there is
it's not Lightroom is it aperture their
pro app I'm not sure there was there pro
photo app they kind of stopped
supporting that and saying oh yeah your
aperture libraries can be put into
iPhoto and people like what so I think
from a software standpoint apples look
you can only do so many things and when
you're expanding to all these different
categories mobile devices iOS you're
gonna take manpower from these different
areas and you've seen it specifically in
their pro software that's how I feel
but iPad pro for artists I ain't seen no
one created I'm still waiting to see
it's only been eight on an iPad pro oh
my four months feature enough I I can
contribute some something from my adult
coloring book yes you know well I just
and it's not again I have to all history
it's not what you guys think it is you
perverts it's like look up adult
coloring book it's actually just like
geometric patterns and like it's stuff
it's like therapy it's like good women
it's not naked nothing else
it's like waves it's like psychedelic
ass yeah it is it is and you just color
it in it so alright everybody um I think
we're gonna wrap it up for today that
was that was great we had some fun times
with you all thank you so much for
watching remember you can always call us
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