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Does an oven need burner knobs? Kenmore doesn't think so.

are we ready for a completely knob free oven Kenmore think so with its Kenmore Elite nine seven seven to three with this can more elite model the company gets rid of burner knobs entirely and instead goes to touch controls for the burners now Kenmore says this creates a more precise temperature control mechanism and also creates a nice clean sleek finish now I will agree about the finish of the oven it looks really sharp but the touch controls for the burners turned out to be trickier to use than I thought they would be it's hard to figure out what is the equivalent of medium or high or low when you just have a number scale you have to definitely make sure that you're reading the instruction manual to figure out how to use the burners as they should be used you know after a few tries you will eventually get the hang of using the burners and once you do this oven delivers very good cooking performance there's a turbo boil a Flex burner that can boil 112 ounces of water in less than nine minutes which is pretty fast here in the Test Kitchen the double oven cavities also provide a lot of room for you to multitask while you bake and I love having that option however this oven comes at a pretty steep price tag $2,600 to be exact so I'd rather have my burner knobs back in exchange for a cheaper price for this Kenmore - read my full review of the Kenmore Elite Checkout for seeing out appliances I'm Ashley Clark Thompson
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