Does the new Macbook Pro revolutionize laptops? (The 3:59, Ep. 131)
Does the new Macbook Pro revolutionize laptops? (The 3:59, Ep. 131)
and good afternoon on Thursday October
27th are you tired of hearing from us
yet have you turned off your YouTube
notifications yet one more show how to
see that today with the 359 podcast
episode 131 with Roger Cheng and Alfred
a yes and just like every other show
today we'll be talking about Apple so
get your get your macbook and apple TV
questions ready uh-huh 30 thursday and
we've had with two events back-to-back
Microsoft and Apple its he is not
exhausted right now you saying we're not
what are you talking about on pure
adrenaline all right there we go all
right um because it's so exciting yeah
well we'll talk about bit about that but
yeah this shows all focus on apple today
macbook pros no macbook air update new
imac update a little bit of a toss out
to apple TV so i'll give any questions
about Apple leave them in the comment
section Brian our producer will feed
them to us we'll do our best to answer
them let's let's get started all right
audio is rolling let's get this podcast
recording underway and will be back to
take questions and comments and 32
welcome to the 359 when we talk about
the top tech news of the day I'll get
the crap you want to throw it I'm Roger
Cheng I'm Alfred ring apple just wrapped
up its event where we saw the new
macbook pro the marquee feature on this
long on this device is the long rumor
touch bar now you are you blown away I
am impressed by the fact that you know
Microsoft yesterday they go with all
this they go all out they have the
surface studio this giant touchscreen
I'm in the same book it's all touch and
then you know Apple comes in with a
simple update that's you know it makes
so much sense it's just you know they
didn't didn't go the extra route which
is why don't you just do this do you I
mean do you think that this
revolutionizes a laptop I think
revolutionizes are the strong words yeah
I don't think it does that at all I
think it's been a long time coming I
mean coming from the company that you
know put out the iphone where you know
they thought of let's just make
everything touch I don't understand why
I took you know nine years after the
oven came out for them to realize oh
wait why don't we just have this thing
but a lot of the features that they've
showed off was like you can just do that
with the trackpad
right no sense right i mean it's comma
it's a neat gimmick and I'm eager to
check it out to see how many different
applications actually take advantage of
this bar but I mean part of me wonders
why don't they just put in a full touch
screen like the the demonstration with
the DJ as he was kind of like scrubbing
and chicken messing the audio like if
you just had two virtual turntables on
the screen this would be way you know
one of the funnier things to me watching
that DJ down was like you know I've
always wanted to play you know
turntables with my index fingers yes
exactly it exactly you're not really
you're not making any of the DJ motions
you kind of like just moving your
fingers back and forth some of the other
features are pretty cool though I mean
what the final cut pro demo I really
liked the photoshop demo I thought was
interesting even the emoji bar that made
a lot of sense to me you know I know I
know long have to go online and Google
you know poop emoji and then copy and
paste that into a well there you go
Apple has changed your life that's
that's how they're that's how they're
changing poopy emojis are my fingertips
now so um yeah I mean I don't know I I'm
yeah I'm still a little kind of I'm
still processing it but I'm not really
that floored by it one of the other
things the prices for all these macbooks
have gone up there the starting price is
1499 and that's without the touch bar
that's two hundred dollars more than the
starting price of the existing macbook
pro so you're paying a big premium for
this feature right yeah that was a big
reason why I have never bought a macbook
pro or any Apple products besides their
phones and iPods but it just never
seemed worth it to me and it still
doesn't even with this with the touch
bar again because there's so many of the
features that are on it you know I can
use the trackpad for that and yep until
it becomes like an industry standard or
something that like everyone is using I
really don't see I don't think it's
worth an extra two hundred dollars know
and I think you're right i think a lot
of people are particularly interested
people get interested about phones you
know even tablet system degree but the
computer is kind of like unless you need
one you're not really going to run out
and get it it's interesting to note the
macbook air
is still in the lineup it's basically
unchanged no chip update nothing it's
basically they're so Apple can say their
mac line starts at nine ninety-nine yeah
the macbook air though I mean with this
new update though is pretty much dead it
seems I'm yeah with you know the new
macbook pro being thinner and smaller
than the macbook air which is kind of a
selling point now it's selling point is
its price it's cheap so well look
they're not updating it so obviously
they don't really care about that much
it's just out there because people still
like it lastly you know they introduced
a new TV app know what do you think it
sort of it combines it's a single source
for all your different video sources
right you know it's funny Netflix isn't
on it though which is one of the largest
that's not a problem right yeah I don't
know I'll to leave it at that for more
on Apple check us out at Cena I'm Roger
Cheng I'm Alfred Aang thank you
listening can I do my impression sure I
do my attention of the microsoft event
and the apple event alright do they do
this is my my official recap my views do
not reflect the opinions of cnet com
nope it's just Brian okay Brian calm I
was doing it oh my gosh whoa whoa wow
that's dramatic and Microsoft drop the
mic really he croissant under his desk
laid that was just for now and I ruined
it you know it just carries electro I
brought both presentations we were like
kinda ho hum I presentation-wise okay
but that product well I think product
wise yeah yes the only thing is that
Microsoft may have dropped the mic on
this like crazy awesome or crazy big
surface studio but it's not a product
that like anyone's gonna buy like
talking about price like the starting
price of that thing is 3200 or more
innovations and Microsoft and there were
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah the product was
much better i just think from a consumer
angle it's kind of like he's right who's
gonna buy this you know my guess it look
Myka distances I think I can stop did a
good job I don't even know if businesses
are gonna maybe some but I've certainly
talked to a few art and photography
people that I've worked with him
that's right that's a are moving at the
mouth that's like a totally sure is it's
like the same folks who buy the mac pro
that's not that's not a huge number but
I think it's more impressive because
Microsoft is trying to build an
aspirational product like that's
something you're like oh my god it's
awesome super cool i'm never gonna buy
it but at least it's you know it shows
you what Microsoft can do and so in that
respect I think that's impressed like
this this macbook pro is it's like it's
nice i guess it's line it's cool i mean
i don't doesn't make me want to buy it
doesn't make me think that apple's any
cooler or better I just can't wait until
2017 for the Apple studio with their
dial and everything they do apples slate
they think that was a long rumor name
for the ipad apple sleigh it'll be like
this giant thing that folds up and down
mysteriously like when i said the word
pad out loud in the entire world
collectively yeah there's a little bit
of giggling a little yeah i'm personally
just I'm kind of interested in in this
touch bar thing only because I do a lot
of audio editing your what you're
welcome by the way but i'd like to see
how that I she ate that day I would like
to see how that performs it believe me
I'm not trying to say you're being like
this next innovation yeah interface
technol like oh that dealt could
actually be nice like I said I'm keen to
see how many different apps take it down
to this cuz like the more apps that do I
mean yeah it becomes handy and actually
useful it just against it doesn't really
excite me I think it's a nice subtle
update i don't i don't you're right i
don't think it's exciting I think it's
subtle where it's like this is really
cool and we weren't that extra about it
as opposed to Microsoft studio or it's
this giant thing and then the 100-dollar
the file and then even their demo of it
where it's like are you take it then you
stick it on your screen like a magnet
and you like which combination cut
awesome I mean it's so extra I don't
even know yeah I don't know if there's
any use for that for me but just knowing
that I could do that it's kind of
awesome very like Minority Report
obviously if anyone's still kind of out
of the loop as I am cuz i did not get to
see the whole keynote oh yeah so Apple
or Microsoft Apple yeah yep so if you're
looking for some context obviously check
scenic come on youtube com has seen that
we got clips rolling out wait up way to
plug us hey that's why we are here well
any questions batteries what what's this
is it situation with showers yeah that's
lame ten hours that's a slightly more
than the previous version I mean yeah
six hours less than the surface book
bingo true also that's half the yolk
video memory i watch is the surface book
isn't that pretty expensive too it is a
sermon they're older than they should be
at this point yeah you're right um USB
apple is just or USB sample is just
amputating oh my you you have to just
make this comment down goes everywhere
yeah you need to have dongles if you are
an Apple user now like for anything
because someone hands you a thumb drive
here what do we do with this your cum
that dongle boy I can't wait for you
know the q4 reports from Apple where
it's an accessory sale all our sales are
way up in dongles we all their profits
record profits all Dougal's it's
official i quit see now i'm gonna go
into dongle creation there's plenty i'm
gonna be a door-to-door dongle salesman
that sounds so dirty uh anyone in the
chat let's see what you think good to
get let's hear the touchpad or the the
ir the dot yeah touch bar or dial what
do you want a team parker team strips
take those yeah legendary coined that on
her twitter oh that's so good Thank You
Bridget yeah well done Bridget so yeah
team polar team strip kisim teams
Tripoli for Brandis I'd known brand
aside there's no loyalties here what do
you think is actually a better
peripheral here's my thing though the
puck if what if it's compatible with
other devices it work ok so you don't
you do not just the civilian surface I
think you just need a Windows 10 device
with an anniversary edition oh that I'm
totally 14 pug think about life I don't
need the big like oh you don't need you
don't need they do down any laptop any
touchscreen laptop yes yeah then it's
definitely that because with the
strictest but I quite figured out
there's a real use from the dial thing
like that seems like well if I can just
vai that and then just go to other
places and do it and look
cool so I've used unfair it's a hundred
dollar extra yeah strip comes with the
macbook air yeah but that's 300 Christ
version that has address yes yeah I've
used devices in the past that have
employed a dial type feature I like old
mixing consoles when i was doing radio
whisper audio though yeah yeah and it's
not a completely uncomfortable
completely new territory for me so as
far as like getting used to that thing
do you remember like when when
trackballs came out versus a mouse
forces of good and people like oh is
this i don't know how to use my hands
anymore and I don't think that's the
case with a dial with a lot of us Magnus
still poems like actually thought
trackballs are awful yeah when you're in
page design track balls are awesome man
we got a lot of Apple loyal users who
are disappoint really mm-hmm that's it
look if you got to take the the bar and
then put it on any other of your Apple
devices I decide with that but I you
know i'm i'm like more into like open
environments right whereas you know this
is like lodged into your your keyboard
okay so we were talking about this
before the show like I'm sitting here
with my company sanctioned macbook and
look at all this dead space down at the
bottom here why is that not all touch if
not like swappable touch true and then
I'm just thinking about the movement for
it to where it's like you know you're
typing and then this right it's very
fresh that it's kind of awkward that's
why I mean and what happens I think they
just add a full touchscreen monitor I
feel like it's more comfortable to do
this that it is to do like and then what
happens if it cracks then it's kind of
like you don't have an education that's
why you gotta get applecare and see that
was the one thing when I I had windows
laptops for a long time i got a Mac many
years ago and the first thing it took me
and I'm still not I can't say like I'm
completely adjusted to is the digital
volume control this button base not dial
be yeah yeah oh yeah it's fair that I
will always hate that because if my I'm
doing something intense and my left to
be honest older macbook at this point
that i'm editing audio at home and I
kill the RAM on it and it's like hold on
a second I can't make it quieter yet
that sucks yeah that that's that that
sucks you push the button you're sort of
waiting for it to go yeah come on come
shut up yeah lame but now at least it
was an exciting week we have a lot to
look forward to getting here at the
office and getting to experiment with
yeah that's true i mean i think dan
ackerman who's out there for the event
he'll be back shortly we should all get
our hands on it check it out throw it
around you know like we might have this
recycle but we might have to choke him
to get it that's all right we'll just
who time down yeah yeah the time there's
three of us one of him yeah anything you
you wished you saw at the from the Apple
that like anything you know you were
hoping to see do you think that Apple is
going to have a reactionary surface
studio next year mmm do I think they're
just gonna do more stuff to their iPad
pro though probably yeah I just yeah the
studio I can't I can't see them doing
because that's more akin to an imac what
about their stock what do you think
their stocks can go after this week you
know I don't think it matters that much
yeah i mean the macbook is like ten
percent of that of apples revenue so
honestly they they could just keep it
going they didn't have to update the
macbook at all and the revenue would
have liked chugged along yeah but their
phone sales have been going down like
this work they were down on the last
quarter but you have to remember that
there was a supply constraint which
meant a lot of the revenue hadn't been
recognized yet because a lot of folks
weren't getting their iphones yeah i
just got my iphone like two weeks ago
and i ordered it like the day of so
they're there I think I willing to bet
that it's a much stronger fourth quarter
and here's a bold statement the dial is
the new mouse got a lot and we got a
pretty good balance of team put puck and
team strips but right I list the new
mouse that is bold that is that's I
don't really know if that's the case
like it feel like that's uh it got very
isolated uses I thought I saw I thought
it was gonna be a mouse when I saw like
it actually like scroll around like you
could use it like a water leak anomaly I
don't think it works that way I thought
when I when I first saw it I thought OHS
but then they zoomed out and then I saw
the mouse on the side right what's not a
mouse you gotta do anything you can't
type anymore you're just a mouse and
dial no more keyboard shout out to a
team fat dank
what and then they don't get it you're
too old all right and when I saw it I
thought it was just like a like a echo
kind of thing or something like a like a
speaker alia Cortana thing but it wasn't
that good I mean it has its own mics I
mean yeah it's almost like its own Yeah
right like you can talk to it i guess
you well you can't talk to Siri can you
get the whole you look at the bud for
yeah i did still don't have cereal oh
yeah well they have cereal that's here
i'm back they just you can't really
cover our old buddy mike is in the chat
and he says could easily have gone
without this macbook event I agree I
kind of a tree they can squeeze this
into an iphone event it's gonna pin an
email by the way a new bug oh no usually
they are their press releases right like
here's the new mex whatever Danny's just
pointed out something really effective
like that I didn't even occur to me um
being that I shoot a bunch of stuff on
SD cards here on cameras for the for the
company there's no SD card slot no
there's not oh nothing native plugging
in anymore how am I supposed to get my
footage on the camera dongles shut up
tell me the answer for everything oh my
gosh well do the dog Wow Thank You Denny
no cuz I mean I take tons of shots in my
SLR that's not having the slots not a
Alberto points out there are plenty of
other card formats too but there's still
no native slop or any of those so it's
going to be a card doc or nothing or
yeah straight cable I don't know if they
did that for courage or just a cut today
sorry for her definitely courage right
team dongle still you know they do have
head a headphone jack so there is that I
was long before now the only T is my
iphone 7 headphone will that work on
this thing so haha will work on any
would max anyways yeah that's the
funniest thing that you need a dongle to
charge your phone your iPhone on your
macbook now cuz it doesn't go to us bc
does it yeah sure why it doesn't it goes
to USB oh yeah yes oh my god i'm just
picturing picturing this like a horrible
macbook spaghetti monster Cthulhu
tentacle dongle
you know they made the argument bikers
on this one I would come the whole USB
stance I would kind kind of be okay with
that less so than the iphone thing just
cuz everyone's making that move and
there they are definitely being a little
bit bold with going all USBC because
that is the future that we that's where
everything's gonna go fine I get it was
their general rushing it there's a while
people are screaming for 4k screwing
from magsafe screaming 40 LED and
they're not delivering any Welbeck say
if they have it they killed it right
that's what I yeah it's very funny me
that in Apple's quest to kill off all
the wires they ended up creating even
more wires yes I think I like Steven I
think Steven shanklin wrote that piece
just like that you should you're gonna
end up with an even more complicated set
of dongles and wires macbook is hashtag
macbook is the new hydro cut off one
head three take it away seaboard doggles
three more dong to lose take it to see a
Photoshop of Hercules of the Hydra logo
now but it's all dongle all right I'm
gonna go work on that let's get out of
here that could happen yeah it was a fun
chat thank you everybody for joining us
and thank you for joining some riffing
on yes that's all it's like sigh of a
keynote I just hey i'm just happy it's
done they're both over with yeah
Microsoft and Apple back-to-back guys
take advice don't do don't do that again
not that good for us is not good for you
thank you for anyone you can you get the
whole you invite the comparisons you get
really exhausted journalists trying to
like pound through all these different
stories Thank You Sean good for anyone
I'm getting that I'm gonna get macbook
as a new Hydra trending all right there
we go all right let's get out of here
alright guys if you liked everything you
saw or heard here check us out on cnet
our podcasts also available on itunes
tunein stitcher SoundCloud feedburner
and google play music of course you can
check us out on cnet com see you next
week see y'all next week that's right
happy monday at the halloween
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