Don't act like the new Palm thing isn't stupid | Nope, Sorry
Don't act like the new Palm thing isn't stupid | Nope, Sorry
what's the deal with palms new thing and
which social network is the absolute
worst for you
well hey everyone I'm Jeff agar welcome
to nope sorry the scenic debate show
where I argue with my friends and
colleagues over three rounds of dead
serious cutthroat debate joining me
today on the show senior reporter Ben
Fox Ruben what's up Ben hello hello
little-known fact been invented his own
middle name who the hell do you think
you are certainly not Ben Wolfe Ruben
here's how the game works at the end of
each round will be given five points
between the two of us depending on who
made their case the best assigning those
points all the way from San Francisco
our own Vanessa and oreonna how are you
hey guys thanks for having me on the
show you are quite welcome
thank you for judging us I think we're
ready to start our first topic Vanessa
please take it away all right excited to
judge both of you on the answer for this
one palm is back and it's got a new
device that is supposed to take us away
from our phones it looks like a mini
iPhone it's kind of cute but I want to
know what you guys think of this what's
the deal with the new palm thing is it a
lifesaver or is it completely not useful
at all go I like the idea I think this
is a good idea the digital detox wave is
coming Google's talking about it Apple's
talking about it and now there's an idea
of an actual device to push forward this
idea of not constantly being on your
phone every single conversation we have
these days somebody's got their their
face all up in their phone this is this
is a good way to push that concept
forward I would think the answer to less
tech usage is not smaller actual devices
for tech usage this is a phone for your
phone I feel like I'm crazy I feel like
I'm the only idiot on earth who realizes
what we're being sold here it's a really
bad idea I don't think it saves anyone
any time and who the hell are you to buy
350 dollar prom
that's your phone but not really your
phone answer me that okay I will give
you the fact that the price is a little
too high and maybe the execution isn't
quite there but I'm on board with the
philosophy here I think that they've got
the right message out there maybe
they're gonna get it right a little bit
more in second go-round but there's not
gonna be a second one Ben you and I both
know that well I also think that they're
pushing forward with the retro is cool
so tom is back maybe they'll get some
excitement about that too
so hopefully they've got these two
things going for them and we'll see a
million years I'm never gonna say which
phone do I have to bring the vector we
had freed sell for that Vanessa how are
the points shaking out that round then I
am so sorry this is not looking good for
you I think you're only good argument
with the retro bring back the palm thing
I'm gonna I'm just gonna give you one
for that the rest I'm gonna have to
agree with you Jeff we don't need more
tech to get your tech addiction in check
especially not like a miniature version
of your phone which costs $350 so four
points for Jeff on this one all right
thanks a lot Vanessa that's a tough one
that's it is honestly it's like you you
were handicapped from the start there
it's not your fault that's it's crazy
that we had a choose sides for that all
right time for the second topic Vanessa
please take it away
all right next topic alongside the pixel
three and a pixel three XL Google also
launched an interesting feature called
call screening which basically can
answer your spam calls for you and
transcribe the message to answer back
what is your take on this is this a
useful feature or is it kind of creepy
I think that this is a bad thing because
yeah I think it's a bad thing why are
you surprised by this go for it oh no I
just think like where are we at now
where we're we're basically using a
computer to talk to another computer I
just think it's an evolution of our
emoji language obsessed culture that we
can't be
god forbid we test with actual
interaction with people I realize a lot
of this is for spam filtering and stuff
like that but you know people are gonna
abuse it you know it's never going to
work out in a way that is productive and
we just have nothing but a dark future
to look forward to because now my robot
is going to be talking to your robot and
we'll never hear human voice ever again
okay step back from from the cliff of
doom and despair okay if you're in a
if you're in a meeting and your buddy or
your wife or the gardener wants to call
you and you just use the feature it's a
pretty simple feature just tell them hey
this is Google everything's cool why
don't you tell me what's going on in you
get you get a quick transcription so you
don't have to worry about this whole
FOMO situation oh my god the phone's
ringing I'm not sure who it is and I'm
not sure what they want it's if you look
at it just as face value of what it is
instead of diving into this entire sad
abyss of doom then you know you use it
oh okay sorry for that
ridiculous sound good we can't we can't
get rid of it Vanessa what do you think
there I don't think either of you had a
very good argument so can i I disagree
with you you're not getting points for
that I'm getting because you guys didn't
touch upon the most important feature
which is the fact that you can have the
robots talk to the robots and I mean
you've talked about it deaf and a bad
way but that's a good thing because I
want to spam people to talk to their own
people and yeah you all right how the
point shakeout Vanessa two to it one for
Wow I respect that all right we're gonna
have to make a new graphic for that all
right finally round three
the deciding around what's the topic
there Vanessa all right guys so the
score is Jeff six been three so Ben you
really have to blow this one out of the
for the final round we're going to talk
about social media in general so I feel
like it's come to make the world a
better place but also ruin the world at
the same time so I want to hear from you
which one of all of them is the absolute
worse oh that's an easy one it's
Facebook Facebook is the worst there's
no wrong answer
they can't take care of your data
properly they've had all these data
breaches Cambridge analytic Oh was a
huge problem and then in the middle of
the whole thing they decide to try to
sell you a smart display what's the
matter with them
has something gone wrong with Mark
Zuckerberg he's clearly malfunction yeah
and on top of that I'm having a
conversation with my wife and then I
lose her into the Facebook app it's too
much work so much would please I didn't
get away from it all right you I agree
I'm gonna say I agree with the Facebook
but I'm gonna say Instagram is the worst
of all the social networks only because
you talk about that black hole that
Facebook has for people the black hole
that Instagram creates is inescapable
I'm talking about people walking into
the street I'm talking about people
driving and scrolling through the answer
it's the act of being so easily
scrollable and and digestible that is
ruining the world let's not even forget
to mention the fact that every single
Instagram post that you see on a feed is
a complete fabrication of someone's real
life this is the they are curating their
own false representation of their life
and it is making us all in this crazy
competition with one another and it is
ripping apart the fabric of society in a
way that not even facebook can touch oh
okay wow I don't think I don't think I'm
gonna win that no I just
what happened just give it to Jack deaf
I love your enthusiasm on this one and
I'm gonna have to agree and add to your
comment by saying that
the hashtag for the grand pictures are
literally making people jump off cliffs
to get that perfect shot so while I do
like your enthusiasm and it's a good
point I'm only gonna give you two points
only because Facebook messed up so bad
in 2018 that I think they deserved the
prize for the worst social network of
this year not to say that the black hole
of Instagram is not going to be the
worst one next year but they're both
pretty awful yeah so two and three okay
very good that would make the final
score eight to six me this was a great
round I really have to say thank you
that makes me the winner what did I win
oh something in a Dunkin Donuts bag
water oh I got a freaking blood they put
munchkins in Donuts now are you serious
oh dude I'm gonna split this with you
Ben wait do you want a lady in the truth
no okay here we'll split this for later
thank you so very much - Ben thank you
so much - Vanessa in San Francisco hey
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until next time thank you so very much
for watching
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