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Drawing in 3D is real with Polaroid's DRW100 pen

wanna make drawings that literally jump out of the page well now you can with Polaroids drw 103d pen just be warned that your skills on a sketch pad may not always transfer into a three-dimensional masterpiece or so I learned using this pen is basically like having a 3d printer that you can control with your hand except the 3d computer rendering is all up to you unless you use one of their stencils which I didn't because I was overly confident in my artistic abilities this is what I achieved and this is what you could achieve with a few hundred hours more of practice and an art degree the mechanics of the pen are similar to that of a glue gun it heats up the plastic filaments and then pushes them out and although it's more sophisticated than that for starters it will never burn your fingers and will cool off after a few minutes on standby you can also control the temperature depending on your preferred consistency once out of the pen the plastic dries in seconds which is particularly helpful when drawing up aside from these fun sculptures you could use it for mock-ups or to make repairs on existing 3d models there are over 60 colors of filaments to choose from with kits that range anywhere from thirty to sixty dollars depending on the length of the string the pen itself will cost one hundred and thirty dollars for the wired version you have to plug into the wall and a hundred and fifty dollars for the wireless version which lasts about an hour and a half per charge and comes with its own charging station
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