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Elon Musk unveils Tesla's master plan for the future (CNET News)

ten years after he first delivered his master plan for electric cars and solar energy Elon Musk has descended from the mountain to deliver the second part of his grand plan to take over the world or at least make it a more sustainable and energy-efficient place masks first master plan outlines the steps towards mass producing an affordable electric car 10 years on Musk has set the blueprint for the next decade with as he calls it master plan part deux step 1 merge Tesla with America's top solar energy provider SolarCity presto a quick and easy way to distribute and install Tesla's power wall into more homes and businesses Tesla wants to design and manufacture non-consumer vehicles like heavy-duty trucks and buses so the Tesla semi yes really could be shipping your online shopping in the very near future Tesla clearly believes a self-driving future is inevitable and that cars trucks and buses will all be autonomous musk is aiming to make Tesla autopilot ten times safer than the u.s. vehicle average it is all about the sharing economy Elon Musk wants you to get the full value out of your Tesla even when you're not driving it order an autonomous car to your door just by tapping a nap add your self driving car to a shared fleet and haven't earned money for you through paid rides while you're on holiday the Tesla of the future will pay its own car loan
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