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Enable battery saver on Android 5.0 Lollipop

Android 5.0 is now rolling up to various devices the update revamped the look and feel of the operating system and includes numerous new features one of which is a new battery saver mode when enabled this feature will improve the battery life by reducing your device's performance and limiting background data it's really great for those times your battery's running low and you just can't seem to find a charger by default battery saver mode is turned off however a notification will appear on your phone asking if you would like to enable it when your battery reaches 15% the easiest way to enable the feature is to swipe down all the way on the notification tray until you see the battery percentage cap the battery icon click on the menu button that's that three vertical don and select battery saver from here you can set it to turn on automatically once your battery reaches fifteen percent or five percent or you can manually switch it on when battery saver mode is enabled and orange bar will appear at the top and bottom of the screen when you plug your phone into charge it will automatically turn off google claims that enabling the battery saver feature will extend your device by up to 90 minutes for more tips and tricks like this one be sure to check out how to Dina calm you can also reach up to me on Twitter with any questions or comments you may have about Android 5.0 I am Dan Graz never seen it thanks for watching
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