
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Ep. 1023: Where we go one step beyond

so it's April wat second yeah 2012 another month another podcast another show support for our on Sina TV I'm Jeff Bakalar and I am Justin you this is the show where we go one step beyond what is that I was just listening to that massive song oh I'm sorry madness song this morning man you know that song like our house yeah yeah they do that other song that goes like one step beyond kind of sounds like the count from sesame street oh yeah you know I'm talking about how it goes like one step beyond dananana I don't know it is no idea what I'm talking about am I taking crazy pills I think you're just a terrible singer no I smell a tone-deaf listen to this all right I'm trying to listen all I know I don't know that I play play play play no oh yeah there you should I just played like the Scout part that yeah yeah yeah alright cool well this is a great start to our way um you know not a lot of stuff going on this weekend but how was your weekend it was pretty good yeah you really do much went to a birthday party did you know they didn't plates a mass effect two that's like really standard we kick that's what Richard did really Richard I did I play mass spec to Bobby I'm a little behind a few years behind your video it's fine no one's perfect number one number two I have a problem with the amount of hours you decided to commit to the program there I mean two hours you ain't making any headway with two hours brother well I have a lot of roommates and so they're always watching TV yeah won't you get a TV room give your own room but I don't have a TV in my ribs yep come on let's get the program here I can't when you're making fun of Richard for saying that he only spent two hours now Richard is saying and I wonder if people have this problem cuz i don't want married now so it's like sort of i guess i have similar issues but you're saying it's a it's a it's a i guess a of the problems that there's too many people in your living room area yeah lack of the time right okay so that so if he had more time you'd be playing more yes do you so when you used to living roommates was that a problem for your other roommates like didn't I know one of your rooms was be gamer I they're playing like we played wii a lot yeah we as a group game so we would never have a problem with other people interrupting is it that is it that other people want to watch TV or dictate out there watching to share common and you want to play yeah is it ever like guys come on really you know Banda I would I could live like I usually just wait till there's no one in there and then I go in it's usually them coming to me saying we want to watch TV everyone watch a movie Oh magic game got picked off like that none of your roommates are video game Watchers then that's what I am and I've done haven't really Jeff and I wonder if that's just me well you're a rare breed yeah not even that prefer to watch other people play video yeah because they're not people that can't watch for sure there's a lot of people who I guess they can't in you're in the minority with that right III just understand how people can just sit there and watch people play it looks like the same reason why people like watching professional sports if they can do it they like to see someone else they can do it well I'm not sure we're ready to video game I'm not sure we're ready to equate professional sport we're playing with like oh I'm good at halo yeah I know there are a lot of people say that I can't do well I guess yeah I don't know but I think there's certain games like the Bioshock sand and the UH even mass effect is I think a decent game to watch because it's an entertainer a cinematic arm but I'm curious i want to know if people out there sort of like forced but they're you know significant others or whoever may be friends family having to uh you know watch another person play games there are you that kind of person cuz I sure is crap him not yeah I it kills me when they go come you know take me out to see a game like oh this is a hands-off demo so I'm that's when I'm like packing up I'm like okay well what am i doing great i don't want to watch some you know person play video game for you know two hours only because you're seeing them make mistakes in the game that you not at all not at all although that's a super frustrating sort of thing yeah it's a call used with the jump there it's so obvious idiot but uh I just can't watch people play especially when it's something that I want to get my hands on instead fair enough alright so that was the weekend well over the weekend yesterday was April Fool's you guys play any pranks on your friends or anyone else in your life I kind of forgot about it yeah I forgot about it too and I just want to you know preface this whole thing with saying I am so grateful that this day landed on a weekend this year okay cuz it is so stupid I mean the the lengths i watch that why am I not surprised that's all I know which people go yeah to do to create the sort of elaborate things right it's just it's the X we we can't we just totally blow everything out of the water every few smart pranker you wouldn't choose because everyone knows everybody's expecting it to happen yeah you know that's a fun all like no okay what so you want to round up some stuff that yet others let's talk about some stuff I mean April Fool the internet pretty much ruined April they did they kill the internet kill that you really really kill their internet killed April Fool's Day yes not what I show titled ya been yeah dang it can we go back and change the hell yeah we can i'm gonna do it do it see if I q got added out that whole one step beyond cover fine beginning though I was lame conversation it was terrible thanks Richard will strike that from the record so uh google had a pretty good one this weekend come up with some creative idea they do and uh they did April Fools pranks cause all of their platforms but uh you know like we've been talking recently more about google auto drive cars right I like cars i drive themselves and i think there's a story that came out last week that i thought was an April Fool's prank it was about a blind man testing one of the driverless cars and he asked to take him to a Taco Bell and I think it did you read that story no uh but we were actually getting ready to talk about that a little more in depth as well yeah but I didn't hear this specific blind this one actually talking about through a drive-through and he ordered a meal how did he know into order what it was just all he wasn't deaf to hear no I guess so that's what I'm saying yeah I guess it just said like I welcome talk about right right so uh this did so this was like in it wasn't like a closed environment there's like get rid of real traffic no man yeah and it's gonna do that really narrow thing you know so excited to work pretty well how did it go how did it work uh so anyway the prank of involving Google driverless cars they claim that they started a partnership with NASCAR to sponsor their own self driving Google racing circuit oh my god uh so where there was like a video that came out that was hosted by sergey brin one of the founders of google huh and it showed them there's actually a video that went along with it showing a bunch of cars driving around all right a NASCAR racetrack I want to get drivers I want to get back that's pretty funny I want to get back to that whole driverless car thing look you can continue with april fools can I tell you when I saw real quick that I was not mad at what I think it was think geek and I did you know those meeps for Easter those like marshmallow bunnies p see peeps I said meeps need the help me know uh they don't they're like oh introducing this holiday for Easter creeps and they were just these like little zombie marshmallow uh but they weren't real that's all I would you not do that good idea is a good idea creeps my dad is a peep fanatic yeah it's insane um I remember the tauntaun sleeping bag that thinking as yet started out as an april fools prank i believe a couple years ago yeah but then the fans of Star Wars loved it so much they wrote in to think he can made them make it into like we want this joke to be real yeah i'll show you can't really do april fools prank some geeks you can't or the internet yeah again what else was there this uh mr. this weekend uh more google stuff so google chrome introduced multitask mode and there was a video that went along with all these pranks multitask mode basically enabled the user to scroll with two different mice there's like a video of a guy editing of the UH like a video and final cut yeah at the same time he was writing like a document yes scrolling through a web page not the only and they had like a special Chrome browser that split the screen into so you could operate two browsers at once not a bad idea it just seems like so much effort I I think they should actually enable this because people might be too much do ya two mice at the same time are that's crazy yeah no it's not do you think you'll be able to train your brain to operate two mice the same I have enough time walking and chewing gum at the same time this is like the 21st century equivalent of like patting your stomach and rubbing your head or vice versa yeah whatever the same time yeah I don't know dude I'm not down for that I'm sorry too I just like a wax on wax off sort of thing I would be I want to see you try to paint two separate pictures in mspaint with double minds I wonder how that would turn her on if I asked you to like draw a dog with one in a car with another may I would to do we just alternate hands it would be like I would I would hold them but it would be a time no yeah that's crazy but it is funny i'm not i'm not a tease you're picking out good examples well Google always has good ones uh they revealed gmail Tap that basically splits your smartphone screen into for Morse code uh section of guy you like literally tap your screen I feel like the Ranger if I feel like today they're starting next year's what do you mean I mean this is how much thought and in sort of effort goes into this yeah there's like a think tank for duty they're like all right let's get the books out you have to think about what we're doing for 2013 or how much money it costs them I'm see it's gotta be sizable you know they're creating these graphics in and you know they're making these productions yeah that's true it's a big deal what about that the Google Maps square by a big google maps thing oh yeah yeah that was pretty cool you know I see if I can bring this up here we go this is like a nexus seems like it's so much money I don't know yeah I don't know I mean I thought it was pretty cool this is like the UH word that from the old Enix games yes groans green eggs on NES yeah it makes it look all the google maps yeah a big computations cool pretty cool pretty cool what else anything else uh-oh kodak came up with one that was kind of lame uh clearly they don't have a lot of money to create these in april fools budget was / yeah the april fools prank is that they were going bankrupt what happened yeah what will buy it was that uh other came out with the service called live print yeah um it's kind of a play on the whole 3d printing okay trend uh then so I lets users print out kittens from retail kiosks in various stores and like like Target and Walmart and they showed uh like a kid coming I be on way to be hip Kodak like wait a minute things are real well yeah I feel like coming out with kitten related stuff is really appealing to the lowest common denominator leave it's low-hanging to yeah right like you could put anything kitten related yeah is trying to get the clothes guaranteed uh speaking of of of uh April Fool's announcements feel like this is one April this is one real announcement way too close to april fools yeah and when i first read this i was like all this is april fools but no it over the wrong date about the wrong day because this is borderline unbelievable uh reports are out today that ashton kutcher is actually going to be playing steve jobs in the biopic i think uh I think we've actually predicted this or just Beijing the way that he looks but didn't we do it jokingly I said it seriously because I remember he look his hair now looks a lot like Steve Jobs did that's the thing if you look at this photo from the seventies uh Ashton Kutcher now yeah and and go back and watch pirates of Silicon Valley he looks kind of exactly like him but uh I just grow a little flavor saver on his chin there do you think he can do it on has he ever been in a real drama before uh butterfly effect hello has he ever been in a real drama before I mean he's played serious roles before when oh right the day kelso got his girlfriend pregnant yeah I mean I think he has let me think yeah you can't know I know aside from butterfly I mean dude where's my car was a stretch dude where's my car yeah that really made me think about is that was not so he's done like romantic comedies like no strings attached before I ask again okay has he ever been in a real dramatic role reindeer games I never saw that okay I heard good stuff about that but I think that was it I don't know this is uh this is crazy but yeah you know like obviously Steve Jobs has a really big personality and he was kind of controlling sort of a jerk according to a lot of people according to uh Walter Isaacson's biography I don't know if Ashton Kutcher can play that role yeah I don't know if we could play a jerk yeah so this is uh this is a story that came out yesterday and I guess there's going to be an independent biopic biopic I think it's biopic I think biopic makes sense because it's a picture of biography but by opeth is me I got no money on me okay I don't know what do you think Richard is it is it biopic there's no way chaverim say not because a biopic oh that's like biopsy like like testing something if it's cancer no I asked one of my friends who majored in cinema in college he said it's rhymes with myopic really it's not my opick I don't know I don't know anyway so by OPI would say by oh yeah everyone in the choppa silver blade Eric and silver blade no he drives out of films hey JJ cool soccer yeah bio dash dash dash pick that guy's 10 years old but if you know okay then Jeff Scott stricken cuz it's bo bike haha we have no jerem that's totally on the same levels as that's why i love them that's frickin funny as hell to release its by its biopic how could it be biopic great irregardless irregardless Ashton Kutcher will be starring as steve jobs in the bo pike I do like do you really call jobs coming out isn't it you underst your first knee-jerk reaction is like this is ridiculous are you gonna have to ask Miriam Webster right now is you know crap about how you pronounce it i'm just saying ashton kutcher as the legendary and innovative genius Steve Jobs yeah it's gonna happen no not in a million years did you ever think that that would have oh yeah it's kind of ridic it's insanity dude can you turn my volume up right now why there's nothing playing dude there will be one second okay I Oh pic Oh guess what dang it biopic all right the robot said it my biopic better you Justin you being wrong what is merriam-webster no no one's ever cited merriam-webster's what does she know what is Miriam let me ask Siri she'll know I want to talk seriously about self-driving cars though okay I'm serious because I read this article here on from last week it was like two weeks ago and it really got me thinking about how this might be the thing that makes our generation feel the same way our parents generation felt when the internet came out something so alienating and I and sort of like throwing you for a kerbal this article and it's and it's definitely optimistic ok but this article from USA Today it's written by a woman named Alisa Priddle Alisa Priddle Detroit Free Press hmm that that I guess there's a little undertone there the Detroit Free Press what comes out about Detroit okay anyway yeah uh she's saying and she gives a lot of examples she truly believes that cars in our lifetimes and not so far in the distant future will be driving themselves talk 24 7 she believes it is going to happen and she says not only is it going to happen like you said with with real-life examples it already is happening right and uh you know they're trying they're actually getting to the point where they're going through a trial and they're doing a 10,000 mile um or it's actually hitting the 10,000 mile mark of these driverless uh clinics and sort of trials and stuff like that right I mean I feel like that's the one thing like if you told our parents when they were 15 that by the time they had kids who are in college they be able to like have a phone with them anywhere they go yeah I guess Mike it's the same for science fiction barrier totally in that will eventually happen but what I'm wondering is will there ever be a time when you have to drive a driverless car like you have to be in a driverless car or will there be streets that occupy both driverless cars at santosh with drivers that's great question either we have a choice right like will the car go into autopilot and then manual mode right now have to like pop back into the front seat and be like a hold on this roads not on the map I'm gonna have to really take over right here yeah and a lot of people would lose jobs in the auto industry I mean no they wouldn't Detroit would pretty much fall off the plan what are you talking about you know cars that to be built yeah but I don't know what do you you're also discounting people that like driving cars too oh I love you have the option would you prefer not to be driving yes really yeah I mean it would take a lot for me to get over the whole I'm no longer in control of this vehicle thing but if it's and the great thing about this is that they're sort of explaining how it will never hit people all right you know I mean like you'll never hit anybody there's no like accidents there's nothing it would I feel like self-driving cars would also eliminate traffic as well of course they would they would because there's no such thing as rubbernecking anymore right if it was it's the highway was all driverless cars that's what I'm right you can't have like a mishmash what they would wind up doing and this is me sort of taking a you know a sort of science fiction freedom with the whole thing they would imagine like certain roads are our autopilot and some are not and like once you pop on the freeway you sort of just like let go and the things like taking you to write Atlantic City but if we're gonna have driverless cars why don't we just invest more in public transportation basically the same thing just a bigger vehicle right I don't disagree I mean it seems like just a waste of space if we have parking lot did work in Minority Report did it no did it I don't you know what I'm saying though like why do we even need to have parking lots if we can just have one a better public transportation you're saying a full and total revamp of mass transit public transportations what I think eliminate cars entirely right well I I'm a believer that there should be no non taxicab cars in Manhattan there said it there should only be taxis driving that streets in Manhattan is what I believe I truly believe the explosion and over popular and this is going and this and I have a father sweet lose been driving back and forth to the city for 25 years plus right and that would negate what he's been doing that would make it illegal they tried they were thinking about doing that they were gonna like cross section off summer Manhattan right and only let commercial vehicles in and then private passenger cars were only going to get a certain a thousand ATS right I was more recent also yeah I thought mayor talks to dead okay but okay I really think that it's becoming a pro like think about the amount of time human being sit in traffic and the wasted man-hours and like what that really does to a person yeah when you find out you're like eating like hey guess what two years of your life were wasted in traffic is that not the most depressing thing you've ever heard I mean you would have to ask somebody that drives the car to work every day is it worth it for them to avenge our country utterance and gas vast majority the country does that we're different here but okay taking a sweet Lou for example what would be the alternative for him going to work well his car would either drive itself yeah or but in your taxi only world well then he would have to take a bus but the buses do beep is gonna be so all the right now this is like sit next to somebody and maybe possibly touch knees yeah that is I hate that though I don't I don't like touching these uh but yeah I mean I really think you know roads are deteriorated there's just like there's a lot of problems cars suck they're not reliable as reliable as they used to be you mean I do know Jimmy I think it's time and everyone's like all you know what it's all about the future of cars going green and like flying know that happen you know I just I just think a practical future is a driverless sort of you know look we have to treat us like we are like it's an assembly line like we're just little pieces pont you know I don't know it's sort of like totalitarian but right that's sort of what it is do you would choose a driverless car I think I would you won't know why it's driving you want to know why because I don't trust anyone else driving a car it's painfully obvious that a lot of people don't know how to drive specifically in the rain right yeah well in the rain people don't know how to drive in the rain okay they have no idea what to do there just like my car is fine it's it's just like I can go just as fast as i read in perfect driving conditions people falling asleep there's a million things that go wrong how many people died a year in car accident right right that's you know I think it's like it's like wanna if I think your odds of dying in a car car like one out of like five thousand for some like the first step needs to be doors that don't open up and fly out you know like particular you're not gonna because your body to slay heard about your beta slide open yeah you know I mean I'm holding doors I want to know what you think internet give us a call 866 404 seen it before we leave for the day whatever happen ematic tubes that was just thinking about that yeah it's ramen the Jets right yeah at what point in our history do we discard the idea of pneumatic tubes well I don't know if you realize but a lot of our innovation seems to come from science fiction film right like Minority Report is like a huge influence another thing that in minority part was that mag track right was like magnetic and that those were a driverless car they were all on autopilot yeah about how efficient think about how UPS gets a package from A to B overnight okay that efficiency most of the time yeah most it would be a nice or having tubes going into every building every restaurant I'm not saying we should make mail like that i'm seeing equate those packages with you and I and Richard and people right getting that sort of efficiency and moving as quick as those things move yeah that's that's make sense to me it's it's like it's got to be like a UH a very intricate you know sort of design but I think it would work right yeah I think oh no I'm we're talking about overhauling the entire department of transportation it was right it's down and pitch it to dino trademark trademark 404 it's calls from the public time before we gotta roll for the day time to show the love a jig 6404 cnet so last week what do you let there's someone in the chart room and the test sides he says I used to load trailers at ups and no Jeff that's it just know i watch something on that a lot of people at ups at a business i watch something on the science channel couple weekends ago about how they followed lobsters like frozen lot oh no real live lobsters being shipped overnight like halfway around the world okay and that crap seemed super efficient I mean I'm sorry there's like these unbelievable conveyor belts and they all just like spit off at each one I mean yeah there's a cool music playing as they travel the rude goldberg the crazy factory pmas what you thinking that right i forget that have anything goes that riff goes anyway calls from the public time last week we talked the hell of a lot about the sony playstation 4 and even Justin had something to say about this because he could relate to the time in our lives when you would bring a game over to a friend's house yeah not hold you know reality is probably going to disappear with the the sort of fruition of anti used game technology let's hear what our body has to say about that I think he's going to talk more about sony locking the playstation 4 hey 404 this is atlanta from Elliott's I'm really bummed that he didn't read my email on the air so I'm going to follow up to a question that yes and tie it into email at listen you guys it's a good protiviti was in relation to subscription based gaming um ever loads have been doing this for a long time specifically a final fantasy 11 which is their own for almost ten years you can buy the game all of the expenses over the years and every ad on scenarios if it out for it about five dollars usually on steam or on amazon com but you pay twelve dollars a month continue to play it so i don't think the ridiculous notion do you combat piracy or what have you for forgetting to moving forward you like the game we're going to keep playing it and it's almost another bed of the deal when you consider you go and play mortal kombat to in the arcades in the 90 you're pumping a dollar into that game every two to three minutes he's right about that comparing a subscription based gaming to the arcade model we're like okay I'm in an arcade right and I've literally dumped forty dollars in quarters pinball machine yeah um you know I guess that makes sense I don't think that I think what it also proves is that subscription based gaming is the better deal to the consumer and not necessarily a means to increase revenue for the developers and publishers so I don't know do me a favor though I want everyone to read the article I wrote on Friday because I don't know people are like they're not they're not mad not disagreeing but I feel like there's just more to add to this conversation okay about about what exactly this future might mean and the point I brought up was the psychology of like buying a game like if I'm going out to buy a game I'm paying 60 bucks for this game if it turns out to be awful you still have this like safety net you mean that you can sell it but you can sell it back it right if i'm still paying 60 bucks for a game that I'm stuck with and there's no way I can get around that there's no way that's gonna lead to more games hell right there is no way not to mention not everyone has downloadable uh has internet capable of get delivering a huge multi gigabyte game in a reasonable manner right me yeah and I like that you sort of brought up the Orwell novel in your show tell because it's really appropriate here I feel likes man sounds just the first one to really put their foot down yeah I mean X knocked up Microsoft there's been rumors that the next Microsoft Xbox will will have anti use game stuff too yeah I mean they're all gonna do it it's like having a book that will disintegrate upon you finish exactly like self-destructing game right that's messed up I don't know I mean I just I think it don't I mean it has to happen eventually physical media cannot be around forever but to that end there's still a sort of psychology that goes along with all idea of it finally let's end things on a lighter note we have some really dedicated listeners who recall amazing anniversaries for our show hey what's going on 40 14 love this show I just wanted to call in and wish you all especially Jeff happy punch a tween in the head month where was it mouth either way this is in response to the story ran last year about a kid calling in and saying I can't believe you didn't have a computer when you were 13 I've got an ipad and iphone imac and all that and jeff declared at punch between in the mouth month and it's an appropriate month since it's your birthday mom to man so have a good one happy birthday and happy punch a tween in the mouth mom I think we'll make April I think he's probably referring to march but April is officially put between in the face month let's get on that let's get on that I mean if you probably have a little cousin who spoiled yeah tha's Vita and his ipod touch and his iPad yeah engines and you dare how dare you show him your old game gear right you know that your that you should have in mint condition and it just spits on it in front of you it doesn't have to be tweens though just punch anyone in the head that had stuff you didn't have when you were a kid like I was talking to a 22 euro the other day and someone was only six years younger younger than you right right but I get talking to her about which did in high school and she was telling me like oh you know I would fill my friends doing funny stuff with our flip cameras and then we would upload them to our Facebook pages yeah and then send them to our friends cool what that sounds messy have facebook in high school I don't care that we don't have facebook I cared that we didn't have little micro camcorders right fit in the palm of your hand yeah I'm like the guy carrying around this old you know VHS camcorder shoulder shoulder mounted thing that trying to be all artsy what not have one of those in high school come on I headquarters were more advanced I know I know but it was still big it couldn't fit in your wallet exaggerating now you couldn't fit it in your pocket like you could with a flip cam yeah so we would take yearbook photos there be the guy standing behind the camera with a flash bulb that would go off is it replace the bulb in a flash yeah it's like that scene in back to the future three yeah that old all right guys hope you had a great monday thanks for tuning in we will be back tomorrow with a brand new show I think we're going to get Jill this week too it's about time is written on the show about time we looked over our finances and whatnot especially with the tax day coming up who's not a big hit show stay tuned for that um and that's gonna do it for us 866 for for CNN is the number to call email us the 44 at CNN com I just know what you thought about all the topics we covered today we'll see you soon I'm Jeff Bakalar and I'm Justin you it's the 404 high-tech lowbrow have a great monday guys see mom
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