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Epson's Moverio BT-200 Smart Glasses deliver Android apps in augmented reality

hi I'm Scott Stein at CES 2014 and I'm wearing the epson Everio bt 202 is there are a lot of smart glasses and display technology here at the show these are going to be available in march and they're available for pre-order now for $6.99 what do they do well you're actually projecting a quarter HD display right over here and it is Android so it's Android 4.0 via this little micro console that's a little touchpad here then I can activate and used to scroll around the Android screen so you could play movies you could play games there are admitted reality games that are already in development including one by Namco Bandai where you can look around you can shoot things out of the sky or move it displays 3d or 2d and it also has Bluetooth and Wi-Fi direct so you can connect this potentially in the future that gets things streaming into the device you can also stream from the internet and get content that way the BT 200th career without glasses or fit over glasses with an adjustable clip and there is head tracking as well via a nine axis and motion tracker plus it's got a gyroscope and accelerometer in there so it can track motion really really well it has a micro SD card slot as well so you can store things on it you just hold that in your hand and it's meant for consumers it's also meant for and potentially some some business and small enterprise development and there are apps being developed in that regard you could use this entertainment you could use those augmented reality glasses a little bit of both and it's one of many different types of wearable tech here at CES 2014 I'm Scott Stein and that's a look at the epson valerio bt 260
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