we were only just getting used to curved
televisions but now the game has changed
again this is samsung's bendable curved
UHD TV it moves from flat to curved
let's take a look so first let's talk
about this TV superpower and that's the
fact that it can change from flats to
curves if you watch a happening it takes
a few seconds for the transformation to
take place
it seems very silent you don't notice
any chattering the mechanism seems
really quite clever let's talk for a
minute about the size this is a 105 inch
television it's absolutely gigantic I
can't imagine who has a house that would
be big enough to fit this in it but it
certainly makes an impression standing
in front of this thing it really does
look fantastic
it's got a 21-9 aspect ratio and of
course apart from the bendable screen is
packed with other television tech to try
and give you a really good viewing
experience so not everyone is convinced
about kirb TV some people say that they
introduce subtle distortions for example
but Samsung seems really committed this
is only one of the many curved TVs that
it's introducing I really like the
concept though because it gives you that
choice if you want it flat you can have
it flat but if you prefer the curved
then you've got that option too I'm Luis
Royo CNET's check out cnet.com slash
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