once you're all there you'll have
interactive ways to have fun together
you can draw on the air with a virtual
3d marker to create anything you can
dream up from costumes to toys the
handmade games now as a kid I wanted to
be an astronaut true story so this is me
living out my dream in VR and drawing my
space helmet you'll also have countless
360 videos based on your Facebook
interests that you can experience in VR
together now I may not have actually
made it to space but I can tell you
there is nothing like seeing the
vastness of outer space all around you
with your best friends so whatever it is
that captivates you you'll have the
entire library of 360 photos and videos
from facebook at your fingertips ready
ready to just pull into your space and
experience with your friends and of
course there's a selfie stick so it's
really fun when your friends can be with
you in VR but what if they can't be with
you in VR well we've integrated facebook
spaces with messenger video calls
so when you want to show off your latest
3d drawing masterpiece or play a video
that your friend would love you just
call any friend who isn't in VR and they
can answer on their phone to instantly
open a window into your virtual world
and i can tell you I've done this a ton
of times it is still amazing every
single time
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