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Facebook clones Snapchat again (CNET News)

Facebook's latest snapchat clone is alive you might be getting a sense of deja vu at this news because doesn't Facebook already have a bunch of snapchat clones that's because the company does snapchat is well known for its storage feature with updates that disappear after 24 hours Facebook has brought a similar function to Instagram with Instagram stories Instagram stories lets you post a bunch of photos and videos that disappear after a day then there's something called messenger day found in facebook Messenger it lets friends see photos and videos which disappear after 24 hours then there's another clone within whatsapp which is also owned by Facebook so that brings us to now Facebook stories is a new feature of the Facebook app guess what it does it lets you post videos and photos that disappear after a day stories won't appear on your timeline or newsfeed unless you post them there too in facebook stories users can add filters or masks to pictures and Vince the new camera features will come this week and be found by tapping on the camera icon or swiping right from the newsfeed Facebook also says it's partnering with movie studios and will bring masks from films like alien covenant guardians of the galaxy vol 2 and others in the future Facebook users will get the ability to create their own effects with the Facebook camera for videos and stories that don't disappear within a day check out am i as actor I'll see you online
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