Facebook is shoving ads down your throat (The 3:59 Ep. 93)
Facebook is shoving ads down your throat (The 3:59 Ep. 93)
and good morning Wednesday morning last
time I checked August 10th I'm pretty
sure and we are here with another
episode of the 359 episode 92 to be
exact with Roger Tang 93 93 93 my
apologies and Sam roads good morning
everyone morning everyone hey happy I'm
so happy hump day oh yeah I say that I
don't I should not say that it's okay
you can skip it next week when I'm not
here right yeah it'll be just that so
Sam you have to remind him I'll say it
okay either way what's on tap today what
is on tap today we're talking about
Facebook's decision to shoot ads down
your throat regardless whether or not
you have an ad blocker to block ad
blockers lochhead blockers yeah wow the
cat and mouse game continues yes whether
or not that's a good thing and we'll
also be talking about sling TV adding
NFL to its lineup I just sort of giving
some credence to web streaming services
then you know a little bit of hope for
cord cutters and then lastly just thrown
out shout out to our latest road trip
story by our very own stephen Shankland
went out to france to check out the
refugee camps there and as always if you
have any questions about in these topics
leave them in the comments section our
producer brian will pick out the best
questions and we will do our best to
answer them and if there are questions
about apple and samsung low well build
those too yeah you have any questions
with that reason right like I said we'll
try our bag let's just open that door
early let's uh let's get started Brian
all right we're gonna go to speed
everybody starts submitting your
questions we are rolling in three two
one welcome to the 339 where we talked
about the top texas tech news of them
lips wow those are rare just start that
one again yeah set that one again that
was rare promise that episode 100 and
that have you figured it out figure
that's the curse you got for saying I
made a rookie minutes Joan all right
episode 93 take two one two go welcome
to the 359 where we talk about the top
tech news of the day and all the other
crap we want to throw in I'm Roger Cheng
I'm Ben Fox Rubin I'm Samantha roads
facebook is playing hardball when it
comes adds the company says it will show
you commercials even if you have an ad
blocker in place that's gotta sting
right no I mean okay so Facebook
probably isn't the worst offender when
it comes to this however it could set a
pretty bad precedent where you're just
going to get more ads even if you really
don't want them and are going out of
your way not to have them so right and
just really clear ad blocking technology
is extremely popular we're talking about
nearly half a billion people using some
form of a blocking software mobile
devices so that's that's a huge amount
of people I mean let's be very clear to
our audience that we work for an
Internet publisher and so it's probably
are bad for the bottom line for the
people that pay our paychecks right for
our own customers or whatever our own
readership to actually be using ad
blockers and so there's a lot of
discussion about that here yeah I mean
there's definitely broader discussions
like how much is content worth for years
people just been watching or reading
stuff online for free but you know this
stuff costs money right our journalism
costs money right and so not only is it
you're getting it for free but like
you're doing an ad blocker on top of it
I mean it's it's an interesting
discussion I've obviously used ad
blockers in the past I mean like I I
took it off of my browser at one point
because it was slowing down my computer
but yeah I mean like I totally get the
fact that like a lot of ads can be
really really invasive and rest super
annoying so see I don't use ad blocker
because I guess since I we're all in
journalism and whenever I read someone's
piece I know that so much work went into
that so I'm like oh what get a little ad
and be able to read the piece that they
spent a lot of time reporter is that the
same for like we're we're making case
for journalism which you know it's clear
that is fair we're drunk yeah but that's
you know there's a bit clearer cost to
what about Facebook the Facebook you
know it's a social network it's built
upon our own contributions to the site
you know do they have as much of a case
Nick I mean like they're SuperDuper
ad-supported like they make almost all
their money off of at so they want to
make sure that you're not using an
adblocker right so they're going to try
every way possible maybe maybe consumers
like it it wouldn't surprise me if ad
blockers and started creating ad blocker
plus or whatever yes now the game will
continue cold war of just yeah it seemed
likely for and I don't think people are
gonna not be on Facebook just because
they will get ads though no no I mean is
my facebook it's sort of it's part of
our lives at this point we can't give it
up unfortunately um but you know look
this is you know they make the argument
that Facebook is committed to being free
they don't want this to be subscription
service which is really the only other
model that's out there right if it's not
add based its subscription like Netflix
or Hulu and you know they don't want to
charge people to use Facebook all right
with the last minute we have left what
about sling TV well yes something sling
TV just announce that it will add the
NFL network and NFL redzone to its web
streaming service next year it'll be
included as part of its twenty dollar
base pack it's actually not on a bad
deal yeah so this is just making things
a lot easier if you do want to be a cord
cutter and you never had cable in the
first place this is just continuation of
that and like incrementally this stuff
just keeps getting better which is
pretty interesting to say yes are you a
cable subscriber or cable TV subscribers
uh yeah actually I am Wow I know it's
pretty merry as a jury or maleny yeah
however NFL's doing lots of tech stuff
now because now they're gonna be on
snapchat discover all the games are
going to be a lot of the games are going
to be put up on snap to discover so
you're a die-hard football fan you've
got a lot of options yeah twitter is
gonna be streaming a couple games yeah
NFL's definitely wine their distribution
mmm and look again back to the original
point like if you're a cord cutter I
think Sports is one of the big things
that's been missing out oh and so having
an NFL network on is a huge get for
sling yeah so lastly just want to give a
shout out to stephen shankland for his
road trip peace he went to Calais France
known as the jungle one of the worst
refugee camps country just to see how
tech plays a role there you get a chance
check it out on cnet com one or more
about the rest of these stories check us
out at cnet I'm Roger Cheng I'm Ben Fox
Rubin I'm Samantha Reds thanks for
listening and we'll open up the forum
for some questions and actually while
we're at it we'll post the link
stevens road trip story in the
description on this video after we
finish live perfect um we have a lot of
people who are interested in the ad
thing yeah majority say there's already
too many ads what the hell you guys seem
to be really like yeah I mean I was
actually kind of surprised by the
conversation that had feared more into
the journalism Otis like if I I mean to
give a lot of credence to the Consumer
Focus yeah ads definitely are getting
more and more in your face and harder to
ignore so it makes a ton of sense how
many people are doing it they are
protest the arguments always been like
we want to deliver relevant ads to you
does that make difference like if if
isn't add that something that you really
want doesn't matter what he does not
want to see ads depends my legs look big
and obnoxious it is yeah they're just
getting bigger and more obnoxious and so
it's like um people are trying to
prevent that from happening and like
just taking over your web page like they
just want to get to the content all
right we have all these tools at our
disposal though for cookies tracking
your data tracking yeah like if there's
one good thing that could come out of
being watched all the time it's like
sell me something I want so you do want
the relevant I mean I don't mind ads if
it's something I care about don't try to
sell me depends undergarments yet but
yet there's plenty of one day I might
need your very optimist listen I'm going
down a path here there but there's
plenty of stuff out I like stuff we're
Americans we're cali listen to those
like stuff I'm from America I like stuff
the Ascension video games tell me
something yet I mean to your points not
necessarily both it's relevant it is
sort of the invasiveness on how the
sheer number of ads and how they pop up
how they kind of interrupt or describe
oh absolutely and that's what Tyler and
the chat saying shout out to Tyler ads
don't bother me at all it's when they
pop up in my freaking face that I find a
knowing and that's right and they don't
block my content work it into the
exactly the screen off to the side like
sidebar Facebook has little ones that
are on the side that's fine but it's
gonna take over the whole screen or well
Facebook if it takes over your newsfeed
right like s or pops in as a sponsored
piece of content even that doesn't
bother me that much no I'd like you know
what I like i blatantly
like things on facebook to follow them
and you use that information to say oh
well the so-and-so actor is now in this
movie you should see this movie yeah
tell me about that yeah that's what the
internet is for I've actually used those
ads to find like clothes or something
that they think somebody is clicking on
those ads obviously otherwise like I
know anybody yeah anybody that says
advertising doesn't work is crazy
advertising works oh yeah absolutely so
Tyler still chattin he says that the
facebook ads are intuitive and cool the
way they are right now they're so
seamless and the way they do flow into
the feed so we've had somebody on our
side here patterns outside over the play
oh no I'm kidding I think I don't know
it seems very yeah very receptive than
the edge and he reckons we disagree with
the facebook ads I think they're all
much much worse offenders out there I I
mean he's referencing YouTube red while
we're at it where you can opt out of the
ads but all right the subscription which
ironically hulu is doing away with okay
yeah YouTube is a good example of a
website whose ads bug me a lot because
they have those little banners then show
up constantly and sometimes in multiple
different places and you kind of feel
like you're playing whack Amole while
you're watching a video so like that's a
situation where it's like I understand
you need to make money but is there a
less annoying way that you could do this
so and also they will play ads in the
beginning that take a really long time
you can't skip them for a while yeah
yeah that's that's all yeah they're just
trying to get away from the the skip bad
thing or that still mmm I seen it less
oh yeah I've seen it less wrinkled ass
like the option to they've condition
does we've been conditioned similarly
the thing that drives me nuts is when
they reshaped the entire page so like
when I'm on a page and it's taking a
minute to load and there's different
portions coming up and I have my mouse
hovering over where I need to click and
then add suddenly moves it yes oh yeah
yeah yeah yeah son of a gun son yeah I
spent yeah yeah there are actually quite
a few web pages that do that and it's
super annoying that's that's the one
that bothers me the most yeah I don't
reshape my page
don't move anything around cover the
rails cover the header I don't care I do
not care like show me something cool
yeah they don't move there are a couple
yeah a couple egregious ads but they pop
up they block the screen and there's no
like I need you to find X button oh my
god it's like it really have to hunt to
find a close bond out so oh they
intentionally move it around oh yeah
especially mobile yes which slows down
to site especially with with flash flash
kills it right well mobile phone i'm
finding especially there's more like
version of pop-up ads like they'll send
you to an app store even like you'll you
watch oh my god i don't know what we
have anything yeah that happens all the
time and like some of these are legit
sites that i'm going on okay let's make
the devil's advocate position for a
second sure though that people now want
their content for free yep and you need
to advertisers are constantly trying to
find a way to like get people to click
on this stuff so they actually see that
like the money is actually worth it so I
kind of feel like advertising is an
inevitability because people are
unwilling to subscribe to different news
sources yes no or like video sources any
sort of content whatever unless it's
like Netflix Hulu different stuff like
that so and at the end of the day you
can't have any of those things you can't
watch TV or playing these video games
for free without them making some money
some way right and so I mean you know
kind of makes sense and we didn't have
time in the podcast but I did want to
bring up I wanted to bring up the John
Oliver segment from this bad day we
talked about you know spotlight now's a
good time at it now would be a good time
we do have the time to talk about I
don't have time no I used to brings up
the point like we've been as a news
industry we be content is she giving it
all away for free and the longer you get
something for free the hardest because
it's people that it's worth something
right that's that's really the core
dilemma yes it's a total bummer I mean
like it's been happening since I've been
a reporter for like 10 years and I don't
think that we've really figured out the
solution quite yet solution is trunk by
the solutions drunk I mean like the
session is basically I think the
solution is no ads and everything is
sponsored content we're basically like
we all turn into buzzfeed and every
story that you read write some is
sorry I brought to you by pampers or I
brought to you by apple or whatever
being somewhat sarcastic here am i and
what company Anthony says ads have a
purpose and without them we wouldn't
have the revenue for innovation needed
to advance social media technology ads
have their place no a minute it is kind
of a necessary evil that's what we're
talking about right like I think we're
coming to that conclusion even though we
all find it's like pretty annoying yeah
I think think on the ground finding that
balance right here's another one you Jen
brings up there's so many repetitive ads
like Geico ads on YouTube I know my
girlfriend watches lifetime and it will
have the same ad three times back to
back in a break well wait like online or
in the online experience yes yeah yeah
what the hell give me filler give me
promo your exit up there are yeah I
think that's a problem basically every
online service it's like the same
repetitive that over and over again it's
definitely not and that's a flaw in the
salesman yeah for not being able to sell
anything else right guys Geico gecko
gecko Geico shut up maybe maybe that's
not too far though maybe that is
advertised for for geico pig factories
now it's stuck in your head mm-hmm
that's how that's how the plan is by the
way this thing I'm gonna go buy some
insurance this podcast was brought to
you by polar seltzer no it's not no it's
not Nani applying oh my god shut up and
you know the stop talking you know I
take it back the thing that's try making
some money the thing I hate the most and
I want to know if anyone else in chat
land agrees with me on this is when ads
have different volume levels than the
video content yes you're watching Blair
they started swearing is really turning
into like I hate fast oh my god Lulu I'm
looking at you I'm coming for you oh
yeah sometimes it's so much louder and
then it or you just pay for the no the
no ad version hulu again I don't mind
the ads if they work right and there
seems like a models become flawed and
like they're putting in these
infomercials that are like two three
minutes at a time yeah and they suck
like none of them are good none of our
deering i haven't seen one that I'm
willing to sit through I actually like I
think TV ads have become a lot more
entertaining or a little more of them
have become entertaining because you
have a DVR and you can you know kind of
click through them yeah they're like no
no wait
will actually try to entertain you oh
they're desperate for you to hang on to
that cable yeah yeah so I i do like TV
ads I'm finding a little bit more often
than I used to where they just you know
they knew you are sitting there and
watching anyway so they were like by
this mattress that's all mattresses are
amazing like it's kind of funny to see
some of the repeat offenders over and
over again online the ones who are
really embracing the kind of new media
model yeah casper mattresses yeah on
audible.com shoot what's that website
service square square space square c
square space all the time it's like I
say I applaud because they mix it up and
yeah they give a host of a podcast or a
show opportunity to essentially
underwrite it right and actually I like
the geico ones in particular because the
they're able to fit those those ads in
the super the short amount of time that
you can skip an ad like go fit the full
commercial not like 10 seconds then
rather than like the full of like an ad
like we realized that you've got like
five seconds before we can skip this ad
so here's the whole thing but they like
when they skip it's like a it's a weird
thing it's like two guys fishing in a
boat and then the next thing to like
there's like an eat the Eagles there the
Eagle talons or something and I guess
not everybody likes smooth jazz exactly
there you go that's clever that's a
pretty close yeah yeah entertain me I
have no idea what i get if i went to
geico but entertain me you'd get
insurance they don't i'm not sure that
for watching that at true true maybe you
get a gecko something they'll just like
give you give this stop with the geckos
I now know he still exists so jealous i
haven't seen about a misleading echo the
caveman there's a man's not at one point
they had men show different spokes do
you remember when they trying to make a
whole show out of the kia that was a
terrible idea yeah any other questions
no no I think we're all pretty much done
the same page at this point uh ads
online need some help it could be a lot
better yeah baby more they could be more
creative they could be more of an
enjoyable experience they don't have to
be disruptive yes and good news is that
that conversation is happening at higher
levels than what's happening at this
podcast hopeless yeah like a lot of our
higher ups are definitely aware of how
many people are using adblock
so maybe that maybe that means this will
improve will say all right well let's
wrap things up you like if you liked or
heard if you like anything you saw hurt
here sorry check us out on cnet our
podcast is also available on itunes
google play music tune in soundcloud
feedburner and that's it yeah click on
ads on cnet i'm not sure of this yeah
we've done three times I don't know I
don't know at well half of those I was
out for a parentally so I've only done
50 times fine sure give you another 50
more i'll i'll have a gallon yeah All
Right see y'all tomorrow
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