Facebook wants to fight fake news with bots (The 3:59, Ep. 261)
Facebook wants to fight fake news with bots (The 3:59, Ep. 261)
it's Thursday August 3rd I'm BVG its
episode 261 of the tree fitty tree 59
Ness monster I don't know how it took me
so long to make that yeah
261 episodes to make that joke Alfred
and Eric er thanks for coming in today
and yeah thanks for having us we've got
a real Facebook heavy episode today good
blame them for making all the big news
tip this morning so case you haven't
heard Mark Zuckerberg is definitely not
running for president even though he
keeps doing all these things that kind
of signals that he's got a campaign
going on at least that's what it feels
like to me and they also announced
earlier today that they're taking
another stab at fake news the whole crew
you know timeline of this has been oh we
don't have any fake news - oh man we
have fake news and now how are we get
rid of this fake news and they've been
throwing a lot at it and now this time
they're trying to use machine learning
to get rid of it
so we're gonna see if that pays off for
them or not but yeah that's that's
that's what we're gonna be talking about
today in the meantime you know what
isn't fake news this show stick around
we're gonna record the podcast and be
back to join you in the chat to close
out the workweek here with your
questions and comments so hit us up and
we'll be back to chat with you in three
minutes in 59 seconds from 3 - welcome
to the 359 I'm Alfred Inge and I'm Derek
ER so in case you haven't heard Mark
Zuckerberg is definitely 100% not
running for president or so the Facebook
founder says and his continuing vision
to not run for president Zuckerberg has
hired Hillary Clinton's former chief
strategist who's supposed to conduct
research for the Chan Zuckerberg
initiative so if he's if he's not
running for president and he has a chief
political strategist
what what is what is the political
strategists have to do with Silicon
Valley if if you know that's not the
case well this isn't the first tire by
the Chan Zuckerberg initiative of a
former Clinton strategist so they hired
well not that recently but in January I
think it was David Plouffe who came over
from uber but he was also strategist for
Obama advisor Cena and so maybe the Chan
Zuckerberg initiative just really wants
to have more political firepower I mean
where would you have the most political
firepower though if you're not the
president I mean it just seems weird
that you know he's doing all these like
cross-country trips he makes all these
stops and you know well-known swing
states and has dinner with families and
and you know goes to you know these like
blue-collar workplaces that kind of
here's me with you know at this at this
factory or something like that it just
it seems very much like a presidential
campaign yeah I see what you're saying
and also meeting internationally with
heads of state and those kind of people
it's it's true it's it's just weird that
he does all this and then just tells me
a little like I'm not running for
president and then this is just kind of
like another like layer to it you know
yeah but a lot of these companies are
looking to get lobbying power political
power and Facebook definitely is one of
those um uber has hired political
strategists live just this week hired
baladi Valerie Jarrett who was a senior
adviser to Obama so I think a lot of
these companies are seeing that they're
gonna need to get cozy with Washington
to get what they need
yeah well speaking of Washington and
Facebook we learned that the social
network is expanding its fight against
fake news it's been a losing battle for
Facebook once people figured out that
you know spreading fake news makes
pretty easy money and it goes viral in
an instant in May Facebook hired about
3,000 people to help review fake news
content and now they're tapping into
machine learning it kind of just feels
like another effort that's not really
going to lead to much especially with
machine learning I know that it has a
lot of capabilities but as far as you
know policing fake news this might be
something much bigger for Facebook to
yeah I it's unclear how much this
machine learning is gonna help tackle
fake news it just seems to be kind of a
turn of the screw and Facebook's
initiatives for fake news it's and
apparently it's just was a little update
to a blog post they had posted a few
months ago yeah last week when I was at
DEFCON I actually spoke with Gary
Kasparov he's the man he's the chest
former chess champion that lost a
deep-blue the artificial intelligence
chess machine and you know he is an a
big advocate for artificial intelligence
now and he's talking about how Facebook
you know they needed this machine
learning to match the pace of fake news
that's coming on their social network
because if it was just humans there's no
way they can police all that content
that's being posted all the time on
their website but they're saying that
you know the machine on its own can't
basically monitor all that because
machines can also be tricked very easily
and that's why they needed more more
people to hire on that end as well so if
you like what you heard today check us
out on CNET I'm Alfred Inge I'm Derek
Kerr thanks for watching so we really
need to expand on this because we don't
ever have enough time in 3 minutes and
59 seconds an alleged fit 3 minutes and
59 seconds it's a really a timer today I
didn't know how long we were going for I
think I gotta get a new one I'm sorry
alright so how exactly are BOTS going I
mean this is we you started to answer
this but how can BOTS stop fake news it
seems kind of the antithesis if I may of
the solution is to put more automation
in place I mean there's certain ways to
kind of so there's as far as automation
goes I know that there's always like
signatures for certain things at least
when it comes to like cybersecurity so
they'll take a look at basically like
telltale signs of fake news and then
they'll basically like teach the bots
like this is fake news and if anything
it like this pops up you should stop it
or but the problem with that is that
there's once people know that that's
what the bots are looking for word
tailor it to go around that and that's
why it's always like a never-ending like
cat-and-mouse kind of thing so certain
things with fake news it will be that
you know you and I know like oh this is
this like website is not real is you
know if their webpage only has like one
byline at all times or anything like
that or if you know there's no like
mission statement on earth anything like
that the articles are generally like
very short they also like tap into like
Snopes and all these other fact-checking
websites where it'll automatically pop
up underneath the article like whether
or not this has been proven or whether
or not it's been debunked how
trustworthy of it so I assume that you
know they're bots that they're using
would be also checking against that and
if it's been proven you know as like a
hoax story then it'll also automatically
be blocked yeah well it seems also from
what we know that what these bots will
be doing is looking for the fake news
and then sending their what they think
may be fake news to third party fact
checkers so it will go through human
eyes I think before being blocked yes I
think a lot of people here and in the
chat and elsewhere would agree that
that's an important part of this is a
little more human aggregation involved
in it alleged intelligence instead of
the artificial type yeah I I do think
that the the bots here are more of just
a toy like a flagging tool sure than it
is for you know oh we're gonna we're
gonna automatically block all these like
URLs and things like that so outside of
checking for already suspect sources
story length what other facets are
involved what other red flags are there
when it comes to snooping out a fake
news story I mean I know that I used to
I used to manage like a Facebook for
another like massive like media company
and the way that another factor that
Facebook kind of looks into and this is
specifically for clickbait and not for
like fake news but I'm sure that you
know they're they're looking into that
as they apply the algorithm here is the
amount of time that somebody spends on a
website once they've clicked through it
from Facebook
they back then the algorithm was if you
like spam
a lot of time on it like Facebook sees
it as like a quality article and they
promote it more on like other people's
like news feeds as far as like fake news
goes I don't know how long people like
spend reading those I feel like one of
the things is that with fake news one of
the patterns that I've noticed is
they'll just share it and they won't
actually read the article it's all
headline yeah it's all headline so that
that might be another like factor of
like spotting out fake news where you
know if the click-through rate isn't
that large or if the like time spent on
the page isn't really that long because
there's not really any substance
interesting ultimately what I'm hearing
though is we need to take more
responsibility on ourselves yeah I I
know that we are all probably guilty of
getting overexcited sharing from time to
time I try to force myself to make sure
to read and understand something before
I promote it even if the headlines look
that's exactly how I feel yeah in life I
know that that's not the way to do it
and I'm certainly guilty that I'm one
one thing that keeps getting me I don't
know if anyone else has fallen victim or
guilty to this is dates is you know
you'll see a headline from something
that sounds utterly shocking and it is
from like two years ago I can't come up
with any specific examples but I know in
recent memory I have been guilty of that
and I felt terrible for us it's like huh
man I'm only I'm part of the problem it
happened to me yesterday I didn't click
through it though because I knew what
the story was it was your honor that
like Heineken ad that went viral because
it was like a direct response to the
Pepsi commercial mmm so that Heineken
did one words like yeah have a beer and
talk about like your differences kind of
thing I saw the the the headline was
basically this viral beer ad this
controversial viral beer ad will make
you question everything and I'm like
hell is this but yeah that ad was from
like whenever the Pepsi thing happened
so that was that was like a long time
ago and people are my feeling that long
ago I was like 2 to 3 months ago yeah
couple months yeah that's that's long am
i and my loser of years but yeah people
on my feed we're still sharing it I was
like okay but yeah the whole like
timestamp thing is it's
incredibly frustrating yeah and I'd like
I said ie sometimes you just kind of
browse right over that's the one thing I
don't actively look for and I'll be
honest sometimes it's not very well and
prominent in an article sometimes I
wonder if that's part of it is they want
it to be evergreen even if it's not
evergreen yeah I mean I also wonder
though if like the bots are looking for
that though because I don't like just
because it's old doesn't mean that it's
fake news I don't know if that's
something that like they're on the watch
out for true but it could be not timely
anymore therefore it's irrelevant or
maybe not irrelevant is the wrong word
it doesn't mean it's fake right yeah
it's just it's hard to read and
sometimes it's like well this is already
done yeah you guys noticed any fake news
coming up in your feed or just generally
well I mean I kind of patrol that on my
own though say anywhere like if I know
somebody posted I kinda just like block
them or something
honestly I've kind of yeah I have I have
thinned out my feed to the point where
it's like only two people in there
anymore like two people and like stuff
about Ninja Turtles like that's all I
can fix it's it's just like memes and
videos we've recreated the bubble so
it's not a safe place it's just a funny
I like Ronnie's comments in the chat he
says I'm kind of branching off on our
prior comments was if you want to save
the world I'm going to need you to step
up and be active so robots don't take
over the world I for one look sorry
I was fishing for that I needed the
opportunity to go there my point like
yeah but the thing is is that like
there's so much content that they had to
put bots on it I mean this isn't the
first time that Facebook uses bots to
like moderate like Facebook Church you
know they do the same thing for like
images of like Isis or videos anything
that has to do like pornography there
are like image scanning BOTS that can
look out for that like if they even spot
like a whiff of like a nipple will will
like get the flag it and then a human
moderator comes and sees it because like
like BOTS can easily make mistakes like
several times there was the controversy
around last October or September when
Facebook removed the photo the the
from the Vietnam War of the of the
burning girl running the forest who was
you didn't have any clothes and they
thought it was chopped pornography but
the thing is they were saying you know
the person who posted it was arguing
this is this is like historical wasn't
it a National Geographic photo yes yes
yeah and they and and Facebook was
saying you know are like or like machine
kind of like flagged it and then some
human moderator who did not know the
significance of that photo like just
yeah this is a naked kid deleted kind of
thing so it was it was a that was a bad
example though cuz if you read between
the lines you just look at the context
of it's not like somebody posted a naked
kid the child was sorry thing is that
like the bot flagged it to begin with
okay sure yeah so but then the human
should have gotten involved and then
yeah yeah and that's just people being
uptight yeah what though that I'm trying
to make is that like machine learning
you know as smarted as it as it is its
advantage isn't that it's like smarter
than us in terms of context or anything
like that it's advantage is that it
picks up things at a pace that we can
never match you know we're like we're
not gonna be able to look through like
10,000 photos a second or 10,000 like
news links a second and be able to look
like kind of figure out like which one's
faking which isn't right like it's not
gonna happen on this scale so we'd like
to get some more input from you guys in
the chat if you have any moments you
want to admit to falling victim to fake
news to an extent you know don't don't
throw yourself under the bus here but
like I said I I forgot to check a date
one time and it caught me off guard and
I felt like an idiot there's a great
comment here from Jacob Kraft he says
here's my concern though using this it's
not too far of a jump for them to be
able to control what we see does anybody
else have concerns about that legitimate
concerns that this is going down that
kind of 1984 Road yeah that that was a
major concern when Facebook kind of
announced their whole campaign against
fake news because it got to a point
where well who are you to decide like
what we want to read and you know what's
fake and what isn't and you know some
other people also kind of made our eggs
like well what if I want to read fake
news which that's another can of worms
that I don't want to get into I mean
it's the same read same kind of people
who want to watch Jerry Springer right
so to use a dated reference
it's the fat it's the freakshow element
right the freakshow the same reason they
watch the Kardashians and all the crap
it's you just kind of want to like you
want to roam around in the cesspool for
a minute and see how bad it gets but I
mean there's also the idea that you know
a lot of these people like think that
this fake news is legitimate news and
you know when Facebook does something
like this it's like the mainstream media
trying to censor them you know with with
like in recent like weeks with like the
Seth Ridge conspiracy certain pizza gate
yep and there's people that like
legitimately believe that this is real
news and that these are the facts and
you know for Facebook's to come and like
delete it from them and like make sure
that they can't see it I can see why
they would be threatened by that
absolutely yeah I mean imagine of like
articles that you and I thought like
know or feel is like completely
legitimate and real all of a sudden just
starts disappearing because some like
high power like you know tech companies
I'm like no we don't think this is real
happens to me all the time like when the
Avengers trailer leaked the why I don't
know we didn't see don't watch anything
no that's not a bad example but you get
the idea
yeah there's no stretch of the
imagination of why people would be upset
offended is really the word if they feel
like it's being yanked out of their
hands losing control of their own little
world but I don't really have a better
imagine you're trying to tell all your
friends that you know the truth that the
earth is flat and then you know I don't
know where you find out that you can't
do it on Facebook which is probably like
the largest platform that you have as a
normal person did you hear that
here come the flat earthers because the
earth is flat the distance I saw a great
meme of a flat earth sorry I don't mean
to perpetuate this but I have to laugh
at I'm sorry and for those of you who
believe in the Flat Earth and are
offended I'm not sorry I the Flat Earth
eclipse and it was just a picture of a
like a pizza shaped like this on top of
a turtle in
shadow cast on the moon it's like I I
couldn't help myself
Josh says Zuckerberg can't run for
president because we can't have a
candidate for president having the
ability to control the news now to
expand on that we already do Donald
Trump launched a Facebook a real service
real news network
counteraction via it straight through
the face right there's no third party
website it's in India didn't Facebook
just want to be clear on that so there
you go it's already happening I mean but
also I there's no law saying that you
know person who controls the news can't
run for president so I mean I I think I
think there are some like issues like
ethically when it comes to somebody like
Mark Zuckerberg who has a fifth of the
population on his website yeah right of
the world's population not not not only
US population but just like Donald Trump
being expected to step down from his
business the same would be said for
Zuckerberg he'd have to step away from
Facebook yeah if he was to try to go
down that path that's just I mean
probably the biggest reason why he
doesn't run for president plenty of
arguments as to why that wouldn't work
why it'd be bogus even if he said he did
on and on and on it's a conversation for
another day but that would be expected
that's part a standard operating
procedure yeah I just think about the
the amount of power that Mark Zuckerberg
has as you know CEO of Facebook and I
just think you know why would some money
like that even want to run for president
but then it gets to the point where you
know he's doing all this stuff that I've
talked about on the podcast where if
that mic if a person's doing that is not
running for president then I you know I
don't know what's going on I don't know
if i 100% believe that he's going to run
for president but I don't think it's any
stretch of the imagination he's going to
get involved in activism and politics
and some yeah fashion increasingly
though perhaps even a Senate seat I
think would be a good stepping stone I
think we likely to see that before he
goes full-on chief executive yeah
that's my that's my personal perspective
I think he's not a dumb guy what your
opinion of him may vary but he's not
stupid he's not at least yeah yeah of
course he's not
exactly well that's I'm saying he would
there's some strategy to he's just not
gonna go look I'm running for president
like yeah like the rock the rock as much
as there's a morbid curiosity than me I
would like to see that I also was like
I've had enough TV stars yeah this has
become a circus now yes again a
conversation for another yes
let's get some personal opinions in here
so root I'm sorry Reese's Saab do you
guys think we can really fight fake news
totally let's get just a complete gut
reaction can we absolutely not I mean
this has been going on since before
Facebook you know there's always been
propaganda there's always been oh I
heard that like this happened and then
everyone just starts talking about as if
it like actually did I think Facebook
has helped in a way where it's basically
propagated like it's spread you know
it's a new form of propaganda spreading
yeah and it's insane and I think that
you know people have kind of picked up
on that where it's become a part of like
political strategy now where like
they're relying more on social media for
some reason people are much more likely
to trust sources when it comes from like
somebody on social media than like a
mainstream outlet or anything like that
I think part of it is that the whole
trust factor is like he's my friend why
would he lie to me kind of thing but at
the same time I also feel like that
person it's kind of like the web effect
where you know he's my friend why would
he lie to me and the person that posted
it you know probably got it from
somebody else
that was also thinking this is the exact
same thing and it spreads through like
that a vast network that way now yeah
definitely I totally agree it seems it
seems it would be extremely difficult
yeah to stop it and I mean can we come
back from this I mean I think we can
rein it in but it will take
self-discipline yeah it's gonna take a
cultural shift it's not going to be it's
not gonna be a matter of we've got BOTS
that block it now you know he's gonna
take a cultural shift of let me be a lot
more skeptical when I'm you know
clicking and reading things
remember when Facebook wasn't about just
sharing crap to each other when it was
about a communication tool what
like 10 years ago yeah I mean no the
back one day it was just yeah message
board yeah yeah I remember those days
when it first started I was just getting
into college
perfect time my generation ruined
everything yeah
FTS tuning says I think Facebook should
ban news in general so going back to
that that's actually a very good idea
because I don't care what you think
about like on my Facebook feed where
it's like oh cool there's like a new
mall near your blog I don't I don't care
like oh look I don't go to Facebook to
find news and I know that like a large
population of Millennials do do that
like I think like 30 to 40% of like
Millennials get there like main news
source from social media I made it easy
I'm not gonna lie again a lot of my news
from Twitter but Facebook is just I
think it's because you know on Twitter
there's these professional journalists
and you know industry folks that like
are tailored to what my interests are
and if what they do post is fake they
get called out on it very frequently you
know so that's the thing there's like a
cultural shift there's like a different
culture on Twitter and you know fake
news propagates like less frequently
like via Twitter people get called down
on in the comments people actually check
it out and if it's bogus it really
doesn't get shared that much and you
know if it's like egregiously bad then
you know that you essentially just get
roasted on Twitter which is yeah the
best form of you know fake news policing
whereas on Facebook it's like your aunt
or your or your like grandmother or
something like that or you know your
uncle who like gets too drunk at parties
and here's what I think about this and
it just gets to a point like I don't
care yeah yeah that is the best
description of Facebook I may have ever
heard it's just like yeah block news on
on Facebook
except see net first folks that's it no
more news on Facebook only watch this
show that's probably the perfect place
to wrap it up for the week Dara thanks
so much for joining us it's been fun I'm
Alfred alright if you liked anything you
heard today the
3:59 podcast is available on iTunes
TuneIn stitcher SoundCloud Feedburner
Google Play Music and of course cnet.com
thanks for watching bye
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