Features galore in Google's Jelly Bean - CNET News
Features galore in Google's Jelly Bean - CNET News
I'd like to introduce you to our newest
release you guys ready for this android
4.1 jelly bean there are a few things
about jelly bean we wanted to cover
today project butter the first thing we
did was improve the system frame rate
and make it consistent in jelly bean we
also introduced triple buffering in the
graphics pipeline let's take a look at
another example let's look at the quick
contacts animation and again the jelly
bean device on the right it animates
much more smoothly and much more
consistently so let's jump right in
watch what happens now when Randall
moves that widget to this screen it
magically resizes on its own and if you
want to do some spring cleaning in jelly
bean you can just pick up a widget and
toss it off your so we also made a text
input on Android a whole lot better in
jelly bean we refined and retuned our
dictionaries but sometimes your hands
aren't free to type which is why android
supports voice typing now while voice
typing works really well when you have a
data connection if you don't have one
doesn't work and it can actually be slow
if you have a bad connection so in
jellybean was shrunk the google speech
recognizer to fit on the device itself
so Randall's going to put his phone in
airplane mode and he's going to use his
voice to write an email this is a
demonstration of voice typing period
words appear even though I don't have a
connection period
there you go making sure Android works
for everyone also means improving
accessibility with jellybean we're
introducing gesture mode which enables
blind users to reliably navigate the UI
using touch and swipe gestures in
combination with speech output now let's
talk about camera the jellybean camera
app makes it possible to review photos
you've already taken really really
quickly as well so Randall is snapping
some photos here and you'll notice that
there's a new animation of the photo
flying out to the right so that tells
you with a simple wipe you can bring it
back into view and look at the photo you
just took you can tap and share this
photo as you know or you can keep
swiping to look at the other photos you
took if you want to go through these
photos really quickly just pinch to go
to filmstrip view and then you can
scroll much faster from here and if you
don't like a photo you can easily get
rid of it by just swiping it away and if
you delete a photo by accident you can
always tap undo and bring it right back
so that's camera in Ice Cream Sandwich
we introduced Android Beam in jellybean
we're introducing two new Android Beam
features first you can send someone a
photo or video by just tapping your
phones together and second you can
instantly pair and connect your phone
with an nfc-enabled Bluetooth device
like a speaker or headset by just
tapping it with your phone it takes one
second absolutely brilliant one of the
signature features of android is
notifications in jellybean notifications
show you more information so here at the
top there's a missed call from hero she
rather than opening the phone app and
calling him back you can do that right
from the notification itself just staff
on call back it's really quick and easy
now if you leave the phone app while
you're in this call when you're done you
can just go back to notifications and
hang up straight from there it's awesome
now the gmail notification moves up and
automatically expands you no longer
needs to open the gmail app at all to
see what's going on in
in box it's all right there nothing
important right now so render why don't
we just swipe that away okay now here's
a calendar notification and you can see
that there's a meeting here at
ten-thirty now if you're running late or
you can't make it to the meeting you can
easily email everyone in the meeting and
let them know just type your meal guests
and because you'll usually be in a rush
when you do this we give you a set of
canned responses you choose any of these
or of course write your own let's go
back to notifications alright so we can
see that Romain share the photo on
google+ now you can actually see the
full bleed photo right here in
notifications and you can +1 it or even
share it right into your circles all
without opening the app here's a
notification from foursquare you can
quickly like or comment on a friend's
check in again without having to open
the app in the expanded post news
notification here i can see news stories
complete with photos and headlines
really really powerful stuff
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