Feel the fear when real objects meld with VR (CNET News)
Feel the fear when real objects meld with VR (CNET News)
oh my god I see drones heading towards
us this was the first time I actually
felt like I had been in a VR world
economy Wow okay they want me to get the
gun and go after the drones the fact
that I was picking up a gun the fact
that I'm I'm opening the door and I see
it open as I open it it tricks my brain
and I felt afraid of falling down when I
get to the boiler I felt the heat on my
face and then I reached out and I
actually touched the bar that was in
between me and the boiler when I first
tried the plank I wasn't sure I could
get across it and I had to remind myself
no I'm actually on the ground
I'm not somewhere up in the sky about to
fall down okay now you gotta get to the
construction elevator at the end of the
there's a motor with an eccentric on it
so it vibrates you feel like there's a
motor that's moving you use a fan
blowing on you from above so you feel
like you're moving up because the air is
blowing down you can experience things
without needing controllers all the
items that the people have to interact
with need to be tracked and so we have
beacons on each one of the items that
they pick up they have LEDs that talk to
the cameras that are watching very
similar to motion capture technology for
moviemaking system knows what it is and
so it can render it for what you're
seeing and where it is in space in the
virtual world you can remove your
headset now
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