Firefox for Android changes course, goes native - First Look
Firefox for Android changes course, goes native - First Look
you're a Firefox fan and an Android
addict you're going to love this update
to Firefox for Android and if you've
moved away from Firefox for Android
you're really going to want to check
this one out hi i'm seth rosenblatt
first seen it and today we're looking at
Mozilla's major update to Firefox for
Android first off let's talk speed
Mozilla says that this version of
Firefox for Android is twice as fast as
the current default browser for Android
and it's also just about twice as fast
as the old version of Firefox for
Android no doubt it feels much faster
just look at the difference not only is
it fast but the new firefox for android
includes flash support for Android 2.3
Gingerbread and above and it allows for
tap to play so sites load faster the
start page shows frequently visited
sites your tabs from last time and tabs
from other computers you can see the
number of open tabs in the corner slide
it down to choose an open tab or to see
your sink tabs you can also save a site
as a PDF Firefox for Android includes
robust settings such as clear history
and clear private data disable cookies
toggle password memory use a master
password and you can turn on the do not
track header however Firefox for Android
currently lacks a private mode if
firefox is your main desktop browser
Firefox for Android is worth it for the
tab syncing and speed alone this is a
really fast and responsive browser
whether or not firefox for android can
thrive in the highly competitive android
browser market is a completely different
story for cnet i'm seth rosenblatt
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