hey everyone I'm Sharon Vaknin for
cnet.com with a quick look at Facebook's
new app for the iPad after months of
rumors Facebook finally released this
app and I have to admit that it's pretty
slick and you might even end up liking
it more than the website let's start in
the main view of the newsfeed where
recent and top stories stay on the left
with a chat window on the right which
you can sign out of by tapping this like
the iPhone app you can update your
status upload a photo or check in here
at the top the interface is super clean
and gives you nearly every option you'll
find in the Facebook web interface so
when you update your status you'll see
the option to tag out of location photo
and change the privacy options for that
post to browse the rest of Facebook just
tap this button or swipe right at any
time to view the navigation sidebar or
you can visit your profile groups apps
and pages you admin when you tap the
comments for any post a new window will
pop out from the right where you can see
old comments and add your own now head
to photos and you'll see that it's by
far one of the best features in this app
with its attractive tiled view and
bottom navigation when you're in full
screen view so that you can jump ahead
or behind to view more photos another
fun feature suited for the ipad is
nearby on the Left you'll see a list of
friends who have checked in and a map of
where they are on the right you'll
notice that this top bar with friend
requests messages and notifications
always stays on top giving you access to
the most important stuff tapping one of
these doesn't take you away from
whatever page you're on but gives you a
pop-up window instead so that you can
continue your Facebook stalking
undisturbed for cnet I'm Sharon Vaknin
and that was a first look at the
facebook app for the iPad
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