First Look: Foursquare checks in with a new interface
First Look: Foursquare checks in with a new interface
by now checking in at coffee shops bars
and sporting events is a common practice
across many apps but it was Foursquare
that really made this social activity
popular welcome everyone i'm jason
parker for cnet and this is a first look
at the major redesign of the foursquare
app the latest update the interface has
been completely reworked to a much
cleaner design so you can get to what
you want quickly using only three tabs
across the bottom of the screen the
friends tab which used to be only about
checking in now for his big photos you
can swipe to browse along with tips
lists and places your friends have saved
from here you can like or comment on an
activity by touching a button for each
the new explore tab displays what's
around you automatically you no longer
need to perform a search at a glance
you'll now be able to see places around
you with the best bargains where your
friends are currently and nearby places
you might like you still have the power
to search of course you can browse
through popular categories or you can
type in keywords to get results for the
places around your current location
instead of a standard search result that
most of us are used to with Foursquare
you get results from your friends and
people who visit the same type of venues
you like the third tab on the bottom is
where you can look at your profile
Foursquare lab says that users asked for
a way to quickly view a personal history
of check-ins tips and likes so redesign
the interface to offer more than just
badges and stats you can now touch big
buttons to see your current and friends
stats photos you've added tips you wrote
badges you've earned and lists possibly
the most important feature tweak of all
the check-in button has been moved to
the top right corner of the screen and
Foursquare lab says this was simply a
design choice to make the button more
accessible so you can use your thumb to
quickly check in each of the design
tweaks make the appt easier to use and I
think the new look will cause a
resurgence of this popular app the folks
at Foursquare labs said they listened to
user feedback and I think it definitely
shows with this latest redesign you can
grab the updated foursquare app now for
both iphone and android for free thanks
for watching everybody i'm jason parker
for cnet see you next time
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