hey guys it's donal here and you are
probably asking what I'm doing here with
this Thunderbolt Drive and this
crazy-looking thing right here well I'm
not crazy and this thing right here is
actually the most advanced Windows
computer you can find on the market
in fact it's so advanced I leave it open
so we can enjoy every part of it well
there's not many parts and the most
important one is the motherboard right
here so let's take a look at the port in
the back right here unify a bunch of USB
Ethernet and ISA and so on but if you
look below a little bit right here
there's a small strange-looking port and
you guessed it that is a Thunderbolt
port obviously Thunderball is no longer
for Mac exclusively now this motherboard
as you might have a guest is very
expensive costing close to $300 but hey
I don't know and actually have two of
them just so that you can take a closer
look this is the DeeZee 7-7 re - 75 K
motherboard from Intel the very first
funnybone certified multiple on the
market the - 75 K means that it support
unlock core i7 processor allowing for
overclocking and all kinds of geeky
stuff now apart from the support for
Thunderball you speed 3.0 and many other
features this motherboard also has
something called the visual BIOS making
matching it in cling overclocking a very
easy job for the first time now it can
be geeky without being a gig order to do
is plug the existing Thunderbolt Drive
or devices that make from Mac's
into this motherboard and they win work
yes you do have to reformat the storage
device into NTFS so that they can work
with Windows but that's all we have to
do now the question is when the airport
honorable display work - well who
infighter voila there you go it does I
did have to install boot camp drivers
however now let's move this Thunderbolt
Drive this is the Pegasus are far from
promised is very similar to the our
review last year the only difference is
the r4 has only four drive bays you can
host for four internal hard drives to
offer 40 by or 80 by up storage space
the DRI comes with a web-based software
that helps manage and monitor is status
such as changing its rate configuration
and so on on the back the DRI has two
Thunderbolt ports one to be hook up to a
host computer and the other to another
Thunderbolt device you can daisy chain
up to five other devices this way the r4
is the first ride that comes pre
formatted in NTFS which is the only
thing you have to do to make any Sun of
all dry world with Windows there will be
more drives like that soon in my testing
the r4 though not as fast at the r6 was
very fast and easily the fastest
external hard drives on the market for
Windows for now it's not cheap
unfortunately costing around $1,000 for
40 by or $1,500 for a terabyte and yes
you do have to go buy yourself a
Thunderbolt cable - there you go
the very first window based tenable
setup I know expensive but for hardcore
user is with it for me is totally what
the fun because I didn't pay for
anything and that's only because I'm
dumb no to find out more about the drive
or the setup check out the full reviews
and the write-up are calm and to find
out more how to become dumb go check out
my Facebook page or follow me on Twitter
see you there
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