First Look: The leather-look Samsung Galaxy Note 3 multitasking marvel
First Look: The leather-look Samsung Galaxy Note 3 multitasking marvel
hi I'm returning from cnet com live from
ether 2013 in Berlin take note it's the
samsung galaxy note 3 so the
distinguishing feature of the Galaxy
Note range is the s-pen stylus which you
can use to write on the screen when you
pull out the s-pen you get presented
with this air command wheel which allows
you to do different things with the
s-pen you can take a memo you can draw
around something in say some text or a
bit of bit of a webpage to save it to
your scrapbook or you can use the s
finder to search through your notes or
you can use the the pen window to draw
an appt whenever you wherever you want
to another clever feature about the note
is the multitasking option which allows
you to have more than one app running at
the same time for example you can have
chrome open but you can also have your
gmail open at the same time you can
resize where you want the different apps
how much space you want to take up and
what's really good is that you can drag
and drop stuff between them so for
example you can drag copy some text in
in the browser and drag it straight into
an email so another multitasking option
is sometimes you just want to pull up a
small app like say for example the
calculator and all you have to do is
draw a box where you want it to appear
and you can pull up the calculator with
a clock or your YouTube app so let's
pull out the calculator it'll appear
where you wanted it you can move it
around like that you can do a quick son
and get the result and then if you want
you can minimize that and your minimized
app is just floating there and anytime
you want to open up another app it stays
on top so you can still go and find any
other numbers you need to refer to and
then just do the quick some or make a
quick phone call or whatever it is you
want to do so the screen on the the note
three measures five point seven inches
which is slightly bigger than the screen
on the note 2 which is 5.5 inches but
it's still in a body that is smaller and
slightly thinner and lighter and it's
encased in this kind of leather effect
back which has feels feels cut rich it's
also got this stitching them so I'll to
everyone's taste but it's so let's give
it a bit of a premium feel I'm ridgid 09
for and this was the Samsung
Galaxy Note 3 and I have to say I'm
really impressed with some the new
multitasking features in this for more
noteworthy new products from me for 2013
check out
calm / ether
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