First Look: The relatively inexpensive 60-inch Sharp TV
First Look: The relatively inexpensive 60-inch Sharp TV
hi there I'm David Katz Meyer from CNN
and I'm sitting next to sharps 60-inch
LC 60 le 640 you this is a sharps least
expensive series of large screen
televisions this year there's also a 70
inch size actually bigger than this
thing and a 52 inch er just for the guys
who can't afford either those really big
screens to give you some sense of how
big this TV is here is a standard
blu-ray case so you can see it's pretty
much gigantic pretty much as big as
anybody would want in their living room
of course if you want to get bigger and
go 70 this TV is also relatively
inexpensive at the time this video is
about $1500 we expect that price to fall
even later in the year as we get near to
the holidays the design on the 640 U is
very basic around the edge of the screen
it's got a matte black finish it's also
very thin around the edge of the screen
so despite being such a large TV it's
pretty compact sharps entry level 640
use series doesn't have all the bells
and whistles of its step-up models
although it does offer a smart TV
Internet suite as well as built-in Wi-Fi
there's no 3d on this model or faster
refresh rates however it does have an
edge lit screen which means that the
LEDs are aligned along the edge of the
TV that allows the set to be relatively
thin it doesn't really help picture
quality that we'll get to that in a
little bit we did appreciate the matte
screen on this TV however with a great
big size like this it's really nice to
have a matte finish that can do a little
bit to reject some of that ambient light
glare that you get in some very well lit
rooms sharp smart TV suite is actually a
little bit less equipped than some of
the other competitors it's missing Hulu
Plus and Amazon as well as Pandora or
pretty much any audio streaming the Plus
ID to get Netflix YouTube and Vudu and
we did like the fact that the little
strip along the bottom is relatively
unobtrusive and easy to get to speaking
of you can program the remote controls
three favorites keys to jump immediately
to one of those Smart TV apps and you
can also immediately jump to Netflix or
the big read Netflix button here sharp
does offer a full suite of picture
controls on this set you can actually
adjust the smooth as a DJ other
processing that's a new feature this
year of course you can also play on with
CMS and get the two-point grayscale
adjustment as well as adjustable gamma
so most the things we require for
calibration are right there and the CMS
actually works relatively well speaking
of calibration this TV actually did
pretty well in the lab it doesn't have
quite as deep a black level as some of
the other LED LCD TVs we compared it
against but it's not terrible on the
plus side it does have very good color
accuracy so the set once you dial it in
can get a really natural color that is
pretty much right up to the HD spec one
downside however was it didn't process
1080p24 film based sources correctly so
we did see a little bit of stutter or on
some other TVs you'll see a nice smooth
pan for film of course knots too smooth
we did appreciate that matte screen for
rejecting ambient light and all told the
picture quality v is good not great but
for pretty good value for the price
another issue this set was a little bit
less uniform that some of its
competitors meaning that the screen
showed some subtly brighter areas amidst
some darkness although really wasn't all
that visible in most scenes in terms of
inputs the Sharps pretty well equipped
with four HDMI there's also one
component video and a few other analog
video inputs as well as two USB for
video photo music files that's a quick
look at the sharp LC 640 u series I'm
Dave cats mine
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