Brian Tong here with and we're
giving you guys a first look at FaceTime
Apple's new technology using the
front-facing camera and real-time video
calls over Wi-Fi so we have this phone
here this is the new iPhone 4 sleek and
sexy and we're gonna just set this call
up so we're calling Supriyo right now
now what I can do here is initiate
FaceTime i pressing this camera icon
here and if we'll give it a second
here's what we see right now you can see
this is using this is this is Jim right
there the cameraman say hi there is
alright and here's Supriya Supriya how
you doing I'm doing great you're looking
vivid you're looking good who's your
dresser no she said that Steve dresser
now here's a here's a great thing also
if you want to see what I see if I'm
looking forward I'm gonna hit this
little icon and it's going to switch the
camera and so now she can she
essentially sees this little current but
I'm gonna switch it back and this is
just the first time we've ever seen it
so seamlessly done now FaceTime will
only be working over Wi-Fi in 2010
they're working with the carriers to get
that resolved so that we hopefully might
be able to get to do it over 3G or maybe
4G networks down the road but here it is
your first look at FaceTime for the
iPhone 4 i'm brian tom
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