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First person shooter fighting robots are good family fun

robotic sports are getting more popular with sports like first person view drone racing robotic motorcycle races and of course giant robot battles will live building a giant robot to battle your friends seems like a huge pipe dream then check out the new app controlled fpv robots from gjs robot in china are these the future of gaming ggs robot is currently selling the ganker robot which does battle using a large sword the robot is very fast and agile and connects to your phone via bluetooth the ganker fighting bot has different skill settings as well as preset moves and fighting stances the scoring system keeps track of how many times a bot makes contact with the other bot using sensors around the robot's body geo is ggs robots next generation fighting robot geo mixes first-person shooting games with first person view experiences much like some drone racing slash battle games we've seen recently geo bot uses a high-tech targeting system to seek and destroy other enemy geo BOTS in the game the robot is equipped with an AI chip similar to what is currently being used in some self-driving cars that assists geo and auto scanning tracking and recognizing enemies on the battlefield the robot connects to your phone via Wi-Fi and has a built-in camera that displays the robots fpv on your phone much like a drone does ggs robot is currently developing and raising funds for vr goggles and will also connect via Wi-Fi giving the user of view from inside the robot currently there are three types of users that gjs robot is focused on these include normal hobbyists educational users and event organisers who put on robot battle competitions which help with marketing the robots ggs robot sent us a couple of their geo BOTS and try out here in the CNET offices and we had a blast the Geo BOTS are very easy to connect via Wi-Fi and they are super fast and durable a couple times we accidentally crash them into a wall and the batteries popped out of the bottom so the robot lost power the AR and the phone screen could be improved with flying bullets or animations of explosions and I was also missing some cool sound effects which could easily be added into a future update but we really did like the tactile feedback when the phone would vibrate much like a videogame and you're getting shot which gives you a sense of urgency to get out of the line of fire make sure to check out some more fun robots as well as some terrifying ones at
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