board was one of the first car companies
to integrate apps into their cards they
did that in 2010 starting with Pandora
now they've got about 10 apps and
they're adding more pretty much every
month so let's take a look at the
current state of Ford's Appling app link
works with the iphone android and
blackberry with an iphone you actually
have to have the iphone cable to the car
to the USB port you have to have the app
running on the device so right now we're
going to start off with Pandora so I
launched the pandora app here and now
through the head unit here I can choose
my mobile apps Pandora and it'll start
looking for Pandora start running it and
now it's loaded that up now there's a
number of commands I can also use with
Pandora once that's running the most
useful thing is can actually select the
station with a voice command please say
a command play station wagon wheel radio
and I tells do that it actually
recognizes that that channel name now if
I wanted to switch apps on the iphone of
course I pretty much have to stop and
for example say I want to switch to tune
in radio which is another app that
appling supports well I have to get out
of Pendor on here startup tunein radio
tunein radio there's other apps you can
use on here but as you can see the
iphone really isn't the most convenient
way to use it with the Android you can
actually you have it hooked up via
bluetooth you don't have to have the app
spree running on the phone so now I can
just give it a command please say a
command NPR news with NPR news now
running via Apple Inc I've got it on the
screen here i can use voice command to
call it the different channels the
different programs that they have on NPR
news like car talk or wait wait don't
tell me those are all tags so I can use
those and because this is an Android I
can also switch apps on the fly using
voice command so that's very cool
appling comes standard with sync which
is available on most ford cars like this
2012 Fiesta the current apps that are
available for it are stitcher Pandora
NPR news mogs slacker radio tune in
radio I Heart Radio as a lot of audio
oriented apps that are available for
seen it I'm Wayne Cunningham and we took
a look at Ford's mobile apps in the 2012
ford fiesta
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