Fujifilm's FinePix F900EXR great compact megazoom for enthusiasts, and everyone else, too.
Fujifilm's FinePix F900EXR great compact megazoom for enthusiasts, and everyone else, too.
hey there I'm Josh Goldman with CNN and
this is a great little compact mega zoom
for Cameron thews iasts the fujifilm
finepix f900 EXR now typically we
reserved using the word enthusiast for
compacts that have fast lenses and large
sensors at least larger than the half
inch 16 megapixel EXR CMOS that's in
this one however with its feature set
that includes manual and semi manual
shooting modes and raw and raw plus JPEG
capture and controls that make it fast
and easy to access and change settings
the f900 EXR is a camera that is better
suited for someone who's willing to put
in some effort to getting the best shots
now that's not to say it's not a good
audit camera because it is fuji films
auto EXR mode is one of the better Scene
Recognition auto modes around and the
camera has some advanced auto shooting
options for getting very good low-light
shots panoramas or even faking a shallow
depth of field plus it has built-in
Wi-Fi so you can shoot and share by
sending shots directly to your
smartphone or tablet
shooting performance and photo quality
are excellent for its class too but
again while you can leave it in auto and
get very good results you can do better
if you learn all that the camera can do
for example simply changing the camera's
EXR dynamic range setting can rescue
highlight details that other cameras
would lose so if you're looking for a
pocketable camera that has a 20x zoom
lens and it does more than just point
and shoot
this hits the mark I'm Josh golden and
that's a look at the fujifilm finepix F
900 and EXR
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