work smarter not harder with this clever
piece of prototype wearable technology
from fujitsu combining augmented reality
and NSC for workers in all kinds of
industries to see how it works so you're
hard at work in the plan to the factory
when disaster strikes and something goes
wrong but never feared on your augmented
reality specs which direct you to the
source of the problem so once you found
the problem all I've got to do is look
at the piece of machinery that's gone
wrong and when mented reality specs show
me not only what's wrong but how to fix
it so for example when I look at this
water pipe i see a representation of
water flowing through and i also see a
little direction telling me that other
do is turn this wheel to there you go
disaster averted I just saved the plant
so once you've saved the day you can
then simply use the glove to send a
report telling everybody what a great
job you just did and the best thing
about all this it's all totally
hands-free you don't have to juggle a
manual in one hand or a smartphone in
the other you can simply do it all
without having to have something in your
hands it's really useful when you're
working so this is only a prototype at
the moment we could be seeing in plants
and factories in the next couple of
years I'm rich at Trent home of seen it
for more on the coolest mobile
technology check out cnet com right back
to work he lot
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