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Galaxy S9 vs. Pixel 2: The cameras battle it out

so I've been shooting with the galaxy s 9 and the pixel 2 all day and I got some great shots and when I look at them on the phones the ones of the Google picks are to look good but the ones on the galaxy s 9 with that screen look fantastic but I'm not gonna stop there brings both of these phones back to the office and let's put these photos on my computer and really compare them pixel to pixel in everyday situations under good lighting both cameras Excel to my eyes the pixel to consistently renders photos full of detail with a wide dynamic range the galaxy s 9 is brilliant at photos with little to no noise you know those blurry specs and the photos taken in dark environments alright let's take a look at these pictures I took from a scenic overlook on Chestnut Street the image from the pixel 2 has better dynamic range in details notice the Golden Gate Bridge in the distance but the galaxy s 9 footer looks more true-to-life the texture the leaves appear more natural than the pixel to the galaxy s 9 is the only phone available today that can switch apertures in low-light situations like nighttime Street scapes and inside restaurants the galaxy s 9 switches to F 1.5 the widest aperture found on any phone here are pictures I took of a building a Nob Hill before sunrise the pixel 2 picture has more noise look closely at the clouds in the galaxy s 9 shot it's remarkably clean and looks stunning does this mean the galaxy s 9 is the low-light King yes and no while its images no doubt look brighter and have less noise than any phone I've tested the pixel 2 handled high contrast low-light situations better take a look at this shot inside zeitgeist bar the galaxy s 9 photo has no noise in it but there's blown highlights on the menu board and motion blur from people moving around and the pixel to snot you can read the mini board but there's noise in the shadows then there's portrait mode both phones offer it portrait mode separates the person in the foreground and artistically blurs the background when I showed portrait mode shots to people who were the subject they overwhelmingly preferred the ones taken with a pixel to noting the detail and sharpness in the face the galaxy s 9 produces portrait shots that are slightly more natural-looking and softer on the details many times shots have inconsistent blurring for example the right shoulder might be blurred but the left one is in focus or eyeglass frames might be partially blurred out when it comes to video the pixel 2 image quality is good but I really like the punchy saturated video look from the GAO cs9 here's a cable car I've filmed with a pixel to the image looks good here's the same moment recorded with a galaxy s 9 there's just a bit more color and things don't get lost in the shadows as much then there's slo-mo this video was shot at 1080p and 120 frames per second on the pixel - here's the same moment captured with a galaxy s 9 in super slo-mo aka 720 HD at 960 frames per second less resolution but way more dramatic oh and notice the music well the s 9 automatically selects music - under school your video don't worry you can change it why would you queue the Samsung super slo-mo montage you the slow-mo lead has been buried the s9 offers slow-motion footage in 1080p at 240 frames per second a first for any Samsung phone this is better suited for capturing longer clips of slow motion and the higher resolution makes it look great and let's not forget selfies here are selfie videos I recorded with each phone the one from the Samsung looks a little more saturated though there's like the wall behind me here looks a little blown out highlight wise the pixel 2 things look a little less saturated but it's holding the highlights and shadows better I'd be happy to have either phone in my pocket at the end of the day it's all about dynamic range for me and I find myself using the pixel to more often to take photos
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