Gameshow of Thrones: We put Theon Greyjoy to the test
Gameshow of Thrones: We put Theon Greyjoy to the test
asked a question or I mean some people
think it's a squid but it's not squared
it's a cracker easy-peasy
words and house of gradual power we do
not so we do not sell do not so we do
not show
Theon was taken by the stars because
there was a rebellion there was a big
war that happened so I'm supposed be
doing it down the camera my life I was
held by the Starks I guess held captive
and so the the Greyjoy's would not
I have to get my paper cut again for
that one no cheating no chink let's take
a wild guess then I'm just gonna say my
favorite number before stark had you
longer than I did
what do I not getting even confirmation
whether it's wrong right like oh I was
10 well none anymore because they're all
dead but I think I had to see on
sister's name in the books is actually I
think it's Asha and it was changed to
Yara for the TV show because some
country somewhere might have not been
able to differentiate between OSHA and
Asha so they had to change
the name of Theon ship is the CBP
but thought she'd be perfect for you in
the books it was because it was just a
former name that was taken from the
former slave in the TV show so the
audience would understand why I was
called Rica's because I smell so
constantly now throughout my life and
wearing deodorant so people don't
actually think oh is that how you get
into the character you just actually
so good yeah
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