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Gaming forum hacks include details of over 4 million accounts

it's official three popular gaming forums were hacked in 2015 and 2016 xbox360iso and PSP iso our forums where users can download game files those forums were hacked back in September of 2015 according to security expert Troy hunt Troy hunt runs have I been pwned a website where you can input your email address and see if it's ever been involved in a hack the site tracks data breaches and these three forum hacks recently came to light the other affected forum is run by Witcher dev CD Projekt RED the developer alerted its members in April of 2016 that an unauthorized user may have made a copy of an older forum database but confirm the breach earlier this week they urged users to change their passwords as a precautionary measure even though the hacked passwords were encrypted all three forum accounts don't include financial information but usernames and passwords were a part of the hack so if you've ever registered there and even think you use the same email and password combination somewhere else you should change those logins immediately especially for your xbox gamertag or playstation network credentials where you might have credit card information stored for more information head over to cnet com I'm Ashley sceva be good humans
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