Google's just introduced Google now for
the desktop sort of now Google now is
Google's personal assistant that loads
information for you before you need it
Amaya Zak tart and today I'll show you
how to get Google now on everything to
get started with Google now in the
desktop you're actually gonna have to
start off with a mobile device now I
happen to have my android phone right
here and what you do is you go into your
apps and you go into google settings
within google settings you'll see an
option for search and now click that
then you'll see Google now on the very
top make sure that's turned on when you
turn on Google now you'll see a bunch of
text saying hey this is what Google now
does now what Google now actually does
it takes a look at all the activities
you're doing using Google so if you
don't like being tracked
you're not going to probably want this
at all but me I like Google know what
I'm doing makes it a lot easier I'm
gonna say yes
I'm in it's gonna use my account and
right away I get information about the
weather nearby events and other items I
can even add things like my favorite
sports team so I can get updates that's
setting up Google now on your phone once
you've got that set up you've got to go
to your desktop and you got to download
Google Chrome Beta now the easiest way
to do that is simply do a search for
Google Chrome Beta it's the top result
on Google you'll find that and you'll
see download Chrome Beta you click
download and then you install the
application once you've opened up Chrome
Beta make sure you log in using the same
Google account that you're using on your
mobile device that'll connect everything
together then you'll click the chrome
notification center now in Mac it
happens to be on the top it's that
little bell you'll click that you can
click the gear icon to make sure that
Google now is actually selected as an
option Google says that now on chrome
shows a subset of the now card you'd see
on your mobile device so you're not
gonna see exactly the same stuff you
will see things like the weather or your
favorite sports team scores if you have
that enabled in my case you can see it
pops up when you click one of those
cards you actually taken to a website of
that information look at
heat looks like they beat my warriors if
for some reason you're not seeing Google
now cards showing up in that
Notification Center you might want to do
this little hack workaround you go into
the address field you type in Chrome
colon slash slash flags do a quick find
for Google now you'll see that it's set
to default make sure that's set to
enabled that way you might be able to
actually see those cards you'll see on
the bottom it's gonna ask you to restart
chrome one should we start Chrome you
should be able to see Google now cards
showing up in that notification center
if you want to edit things like your
favorite sports teams or defining where
your workplace is you're gonna still
have to pick up a mobile device actually
because there doesn't appear to be a way
to edit that information on the desktop
version you're gonna have to go back
into Google and change it on your phone
now we've got Google now on our desktop
or mobile devices we've got it
everywhere we're not gonna miss any
notifications that's really cool I'm a
big fan of Google now for more handy
tips and tricks like this check out how
to do Netcom for seeing that I might as
actor thanks for watching
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