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Get the iPhone X ASAP (Tech Minute)

mark your calendars pre-orders for the iPhone 10 begin at midnight Pacific time on October 27th and chances are it's gonna run out fast here's how to prepare if you don't have the Apple Store app on your phone download it now it's the fastest way to preorder the iPhone 10 and you don't even have to get out of bed just make sure you have Apple pay set up ahead of time so you can buy with one click on pre-order day try relaunching the app if you don't immediately see the buy option same deal if you're planning to buy it on their website sign in to your Apple account ahead of time and refresh periodically to make sure it's been updated another alternative is to go directly through your phone carriers website all major US carriers will offer the iPhone 10 just check that you're up to date with your payments and confirm your upgrade status the day before if you're not planning to pay full price still having trouble tracking it down try other retailers like Target or Best Buy or if all else fails you can always try the old-fashioned way and wait in line at the Apple Store when the iPhone 10 hits stores on November 3rd in San Francisco I'm Vanessa and Arianna is CNET for CBS News
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