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Google Daydream View VR headset (first hands-on)

this is accurate you can do and let you know where the fine adjustment hold this applies to get it up and the viewer and inside you go even VR I played a Harry Potter up fantastic game let's see how it works on a person I've got a lovely like series here from Cena is gonna put it on here we'll take a look at silicon looks like all night boomin being here's the controller Lexi break out lavender grunting just wrapping the back kind of like a ski mask you got the straps in the back here pan around what it's like having a person inside this Lexy I'm gonna go right behind you think sort of stay still love these smartphone stabilizers get a nice stable shot even though I'm using a phone to film this and I'm just gonna open up the front flap here you can see how it magnifies the smartphone is for your eyes giving you a stereo view 3d view of what you got in the smartphone screen thanks so much like so that's the Google daydream of you that's coming out in November with these controller included for $79 you use it with your new Google pixels smartphone
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