Google announces Chrome for iPhone and iPad - CNET News
Google announces Chrome for iPhone and iPad - CNET News
some of you have been very persistently
asking for one thing in particular and
before we agreed to do it we wanted to
make sure that we did an excellent job
of it I'm very happy to say that the
team has really pulled something great
out so you're probably wondering what is
I'm talking about people have been
asking you've been asking to use Chrome
on your iPhone so I'm happy to announce
that leader today Chrome will be rolling
out in the App Store but I'll give you a
sneak preview now here's Chrome on my
home screen launch it and it should look
very familiar to any of you who've used
Chrome and another device before if you
use Chrome on Android or a Chromebook
you'll see it's got a omnibox up top it
behaves just like you'd expect it to you
can open tabs and met as many tabs as
you'd like you can flick through them
easily quickly it's a silky smooth
experience really fun you can select the
one you're looking for you can even
close tabs with this with a quick swipe
and you can even swap tabs without
having to go to the switcher just by
dragging from the side makes browsing
the web on your iPhone really fun but
while we were at it we figured why stop
there it might as well go for the iPad 2
so I'll give you a sneak preview of that
as well
here's Chrome on the home screen of my
iPad launch it and you can see we put
the tabs up top here just like we did on
the Nexus 7 we've got a little bit more
space to work with it makes multitasking
easier got a bunch of tabs open here and
you can see they started to pile up cuz
I've got a few too many open it's not
unusual but I can just push them out of
the way to get to the one I'm looking
for it's a really nice overflow solution
when you've got a lot of tabs open it
it's synced everything is here so you
can see I've got my bookmarks from my
desktop find anything I'm looking for
and all my other devices are here so you
can see everything I've done today you
can see I've got all those restaurant
pages open on my iPhone you can see my
Nexus 7 where I was looking at food over
my lunch you can see the salty pig parts
query which I backed up from I'm the
book alone eyesight the work I did today
looks like I didn't get much work done
at all and you can see all those pages I
had open on my macbook pro this morning
over breakfast in case I want to pick up
where I left off with one of those pages
I'll just tap it finish reading the news
and it will load here everything just
works across devices but in this case oh
it looks like a need to log in well it's
not a problem
my credentials are synced across
machines even though I've never used in
New York Times on this device before
never logged in I can just tap log in
because I'm signed in my credentials are
synced auto-filled can log in directly
now one more feature before I quit
incognito feature near and dear to my
heart the team did a great job with
incognito here you can see it works just
how you'd expect it to from other
computers you can toggle between regular
and incognito windows just by tapping
there and I hope you'll find that using
incognito on a touch device is a great
experience Thank You Sun backpack
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