Google cancels diversity meeting as backlash grows
Google cancels diversity meeting as backlash grows
controversy surrounding diversity at
Google continues to grow on Thursday the
search giant canceled an all-hands
meeting set up for employees to discuss
issues of diversity at the company the
11th hour cancellation by Google CEO
sundar Pichai came as staff raised
concerns about their safety
after proposed questions for the town
hall meeting will leaked online in a
memo to staff obtained by recode
Petraeus said Google had hoped to have a
frank open discussion but when proposed
questions from specific employees
started appearing online staff wrote to
him concerned about their safety and
worried that they may be outed for
publicly asking questions in the Town
Hall the meeting comes amidst a
diversity backlash at the company after
Google fired one of its engineers James
d'amour for pinning a 10 page memo
titled Google's ideological echo chamber
in the note demo argued a gender gap
exists at Google not because of systemic
sexism but because of biological
differences between men and women the
memo soon went viral sparking outrage
amongst Google's employees and the wider
tech community Google moved quickly to
fire demo but now the former engineer
says he will likely be pursuing legal
action a Twitter account under demos
name with the handle fired for truth has
popped up online gaining more than
10,000 followers while supporters have
also set up a fundraising page to help
demo fight Google the page has already
reached $37,000 of its 60,000 dollar
goal I'm Claire Reilly for Senate and
for more coverage head to
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