Google-Amazon spat means no more Youtube on Fire TV (The 3:59, Ep. 328)
Google-Amazon spat means no more Youtube on Fire TV (The 3:59, Ep. 328)
and good morning on Wednesday December 6
it's episode 328 of the 359 podcast I'm
BVG and your host today is the entire
team Ben Fox Ruben Roger Chang and
Alfred a squat goals it is important to
mention that this is the last time this
year that all four of us are gonna be
together for the podcast we'll be back
well Alfred and I are gonna be doing it
next week doing it wrong I'm all for the
year starting Friday but you guys we
round up these guys will be around next
week and then we'll be taking an
extended break before CES where we will
be back on the show floor actually in
RFC net booth at CES with a live show
and then be back after that with the
audio with an audio podcast for a little
while so we'll just keep doing the
podcast the schedule is gonna be a
little wonky little weird for the next
couple of weeks so you can bear with us
yeah yeah but enjoy this moment where
we're all actually here it's like the
last family dinner before everybody gets
divorced whoo no it's a pretty dark I
may start crying today we'll be talking
about I mean speaking of drama we'll be
talking about the drama between Google
and Amazon how nice what I will be
talking about what a transition
Qualcomm's welcome microsoft's attempt
second attempt to create more nimble
laptops running on the type of
processors that power your phone so
they're a little bit more phone like and
lastly we'll be talking about Alford's
Q&A with Maggie Hassan senator from New
Hampshire to talk about IOT security so
as always if you have any questions
leave them in the comments section Brian
will pick out the best and we'll try to
get them in three minutes and 59 seconds
from 3:00 to welcome to the 359 I'm
Roger Chang I'm Ben Fox ribbon I'm
Alfred hang claws are out in the fight
between Google and Amazon Google said
yesterday was pulling YouTube from
amazon firetv know that amazon in turn
doesn't carry products at the chromecast
and Google home not coincidentally these
are products that compete with Amazon's
own fire TV and
echo line up Ben you're the story what's
up with this are we are like you are
fire TV customers just screwed out of
YouTube now at at the moment but you
know to a certain extent I guess it's at
least valuable for the public to know
that this is going on and Google's been
going on for a while yeah have
increasingly been big competitors
against each other yeah Amazon has been
getting more into online advertising
Google's been getting more into
e-commerce through Google Express so in
some ways I kind of saw this as an
inevitability the problem is is that the
customers are gonna end up losing out
like if you shelled out money for an
echo show for instance you're just not
gonna have YouTube on it for the time
being which kind of sucks it's like a
primary reason to have the definitely
lose a lot more not having YouTube than
you would you know not having Amazon TV
or anything or like anything like that
yeah like I would rather have YouTube
than prime video yeah there's a ton of
content there and I think Amazon did try
to figure out a workaround where they
just provided the web service like they
just opened the web page for YouTube
temporarily while they were in a
disagreement with Amazon or with Google
about this and Google basically is now
restricting even that which is which is
pretty intense and might be like the
disputes between you know networks and
cable company whenever there's issues
over right yeah just like in that case
it's really the customer they ended up
losing next up we want to talk about
Microsoft and qualcomm availing the
first two pcs running Qualcomm
Snapdragon processors now the big deal
about this is it turns these laptops
essentially into phones they last for 30
days on standby one of the laptops would
leave the seuss one or the hp1 runs
video playback for 22 hours straight
that's like a huge amount of battery
life you know there are some downsides
it does run on Windows 10 s that's sort
of the lockdown version but it does run
all the core Windows apps that is a big
contrast from Windows RT this is the
software they unveiled five years ago
that was supposed overall supposed to
run on these Qualcomm processor is
supposed to be lighter and more
efficient and
total failure yeah there are there are
some cool things about this the
always-on connectivity the availability
to instantly wake I don't know if it's
really gonna be the shot in the arm that
the PC industry needs but I mean they're
trying it's interesting I do I question
whether people want a laptop that's
constantly connected to a cellular
network cuz that means you have to pay
for that cognitive a right does anyone
want to pay like an extra whatever 10
bucks a month for that yeah I don't know
I'll believe it when I see it I mean
they've been talking up this whole you
know PC like that are more like your
phone's thing for a really long time now
and it really hasn't worked out for them
in the past alright lastly offered you
interviewed senator Maggie Hassan about
security IOT security what'd she have to
yet she essentially she co-sponsored the
IOT security bill essentially saying
that federal government should have a
standard of security on any
internet-connected devices that they
purchase right I think the biggest
takeaway from her points though is that
there needs to be a balance between
government regulation and innovation in
you know Silicon Valley but the other
ideas there kind of been moving like way
too fast on their expansion and it's
time to slow down a bit and take yeah
and take a good look at yourself and you
know what are we doing here and could
this have any adverse effects before you
go and push through of these kinds of
like new tech the idea of having
basically forcing like any government
purchased product to have these minimum
standards because they'll be adding
those standards to these products don't
basically add these centers to all
product yeah yeah so alright for boiling
these stories check us out and see net
I'm dr. Chang I'm Ben Fox ribbon I'm
Alfred Inge
thanks for listening and that's a cut on
the recording of the audio podcast stick
around everybody I'm gonna jump into the
chat start fishing out some good
questions and commentary or whatever you
got for us
in the meantime talks time talk amongst
yourselves you know if that was the last
show we did together for the year which
it was I was I was pretty happy with it
a lot information I really wanted to
talk a bit more about your interview yes
yes correct let's go yeah let's get into
yeah so I mean what are the odds that
this thing actually passes though it's
getting a it's having a hard time
getting on the floor currently but I
don't think
because it doesn't have to support cuz
it's a bipartisan bill there's like both
Democrats and usual this time
yes age we're like everything has to be
partisan yeah I think I think the reason
why it hasn't like had an audience on
the floor yet is because there's I think
IOT security is a very important like
issue but I also think like as far as
Congress goes there's there's still a
lot more fish to fry out there first
what one other fortunate one other area
that I wanted to touch on relate to this
is do you have any sense of how the tech
industry is responding to this because
this would be increased regulation yeah
I think that it's it's it's clever from
the government's perspective to direct
this at government issued yeah
acknowledge II so that that kind of
thing restricts the focus a little bit
more but also could potentially expand
yeah accurate II cable yeah so she was
talking about that where essentially you
know they don't want to put regulations
on Silicon Valley just yet they don't
want to say you know if you want to sell
this to the public you have to meet
these kinds of standards they're so
they're kind of putting on themselves
for so basically if we're going to be
buying IOT products they have to meet
this this level of security so it's not
saying you know they're not going to
company say you need to be better at
this it's kind of for themselves saying
we need to be better with the kinds of
products that we buy the hope is that
because they buy so much that you know
makers out there will say okay well we
need to raise our security standards
because if we don't like we lose the US
government as a customer and they're
like one of our like biggest customers
out there right I would probably say
that especially with IOT it's it's
always a weakest link type of situation
that's that's generally what ends up
happening so some of the knockoffs or
like lower tier players are the ones
that generally get consumers in trouble
we're not talking about like yeah store
Amazon and these are the government's
yeah that's that's where I was going for
so so unfortunately I think that I mean
in in the area of IOT where consumers
would end up getting privacy or security
issues this bill because it's directed
at government-issued stuff probably
isn't going to significantly impact I
mean I would disagree with that I think
that a lot of what the government
as in IOT stuff isn't like products like
Bill like you know like nest or Amazon
products it's not like they're buying
like a smart doorbell for like the
Senate floor or something like I would
love to see that the the federal
government like the majority of the IOT
stuff that they're buying is more so
like sensors that they put in which
street lights or you know like
underwater to like test water levels and
things like that so those are like would
I would say are around the level that
you're talking about where yeah it's
cheaper it's cheaper it's single purpose
like Security's not really built in like
by design and that in that aspect so
it's hard to find like name brand like
sensors you know Google is not going out
with like oh we've got these like water
system like level testers kind of I do I
do like that this is kind of they're
trying to change the culture and the
thinking of the industry in terms of
their attitude security because what why
don't we move on to some of the
questions we got a couple sure let's
start off with our old friend Matthew -
or the - in the chat - yeah I'd like to
see Amazon try to build a service like
YouTube there's like kind of like kind
of sort of a version that already exists
there yeah they tried to get like pro-am
video creators onto a certain language
no it's done it now it's not a wedge
which they introduced it I think it may
have been last year and I don't know
that it really went anywhere but it was
they did attempt to try to get more
pro-am video creators to start going to
prime program as professional amateur
yeah okay so it's so it's not like it
was because like the way that they
directed it it's like YouTube was more
like come one come all and this one was
a few more hurdles like you had to be at
a certain I know Facebook's trying this
but like this point there there are no
other sources even close to YouTube when
it comes to content you want to watch
right right but it's probably good that
people are basically is getting pretty
close to it though I'd say yeah
professional Facebook not Facebook watch
but like when you scroll in your
Facebook feed like what's the majority
of stuff that you see video but if the
video been somewhere else
yeah yeah yeah it's not necessary stuff
I yeah actively go to Facebook to think
video ya tube is the video source my
point being like it's a big blow right
not having that is a huge huge deal but
you see more and more of it become
something of a coagulate where there are
actual competitive services out there
which should ultimately be a good
warning shot across the bow of YouTube
right now in the midst of ad pocalypse
sort of look I mean back to dachas
original question like I don't think
Amazon I can come up with anything even
close to my eye unfortunately the
closest thing that they have is probably
twitch but which is specifically
targeted a Vimeo and dailymotion are two
direct competitors that have existed for
years and they're specifically targeted
in a video and I would argue that
they're nowhere close to the size or
scale of YouTube so even if Amazon
wanted to get really really serious
about video I think it's a very high bar
in full disclosure - said he was being
sarcastic but I don't know it was
actually great question is a good
question considering his sarcasm yeah I
now that you've brought up the term Pro
Am though I kind of want to rename the
show that is kind of what we are
professional amateur oh we're really
good at being amateur it's very it's
very definitive of how we operate uh
Tammy Thompson Google money grab
they are rumored to be working on a
video home assistant so this will be
forcing others off to force you to buy
theirs you know what Tammy I didn't know
that isn't that a rumor that's been out
there did we just break news on the
podcast we don't we never did no why
would we but either way if they are
planning for an echo show competitor
number one that would be really
interesting number two they have the
capabilities so I wouldn't I wouldn't
say that I think it's easy to blame
Google but you feel like it's also
Amazon you know is the is basically the
largest online retailer out there and
it's shutting out Google's eyes right
it's clearly like anti-competitive
reasons so you know they're neither
party here is completely guilty and it's
okay just to get amazon's person
active out there bring it it's not
clearly anti-competitive reasons their
take on it wise is that they throw out
Apple TV and Google chromecast two years
ago because they weren't as good it
wasn't as good of an experience for
prime video because you couldn't
actually get it sounds pretty anti-gay
I'm just I'm just from a reporting
perspective I just want to get you still
there so partnerships what's interesting
is is with Apple TV now getting prime
video does that then mean that Apple TV
will get really introduced on
I would probably I mean like it's
totally hard to predict that though I
have no idea if they would actually do
it because they in some ways they've
already paid the price of kicking out
Apple TV good points
Jesse gateman what does Google actually
want from Amazon before they put the app
back I think they just want to be on the
store second largest retailer online
retailer world's largest online reach
like okay that's why you that's why you
have me here it's okay so is it it's
different products are they just saying
like mostly they're like TV stuff like
chromecast and home and all that and
nest like apparently I I would have to
look it up but apparently a bunch of new
nest products were also bounced from
Amazon Oh quietly last month and like
nobody even noticed so that's the thing
and and like those were apparently
bestsellers so there's a lot of
shenanigans I would say going on none of
this is surprising to me because
Amazon's been known to do that kind of
stuff when they were having a fistfight
with her shed the book publisher they
also significantly degraded the ability
to search for her shed books on its
website I mean that that is amazing
delay consolidation of power that's what
happens you've got a retailer like that
everybody goes to you they they can they
have a huge impact if ya if you get on
their bad side I love I love
billion-dollar companies making things
harder for average people because they
have disputes with each other yeah
I don't know that hissing match I don't
know that it makes either one look good
it's pretty hard it's pretty hard to
like defense people and same deal like a
network cable network no one really ends
up winning not only that but like they
both end up like they're talking points
are very customer oriented that we're
doing this for the customer the customer
is right all this other stuff the
customers sitting there being like I
just spent two hundred and thirty
dollars on an echo show I don't I don't
care about your talking points I just
want to watch what I want to watch yeah
exactly and on that note do or do not
there is no try
awesome screen name I love Star Trek you
just took the G he's broken do or do not
there is no try says both Google and
Amazon need to be reminded who the
customer is yeah totally Emmet's
themselves because apparently you know
it's alright for the customer whatever
they do I don't know there there are
plenty of other places that you could
buy those Google products I'm not saying
that they don't have a point here as far
as like trying to get onto
but it kind of it's pretty lousy for
customers I mean I think we all are the
timing of this is interesting I mean
they just rolled out or Google just
rolled out their their expanded line of
new home Google mini and you know that
was that was clearly a hot product sold
at Best Buy but they were missing a big
chunk of business with people going to
Amazon and just seeing echoed on right
that's the same price um I did ask my
echo died to purchase a Google home mini
mm-hmm and it offered me an echo dive
really thank you and if you go on you put in Google how mini
your search more than that come out with
yeah echo product so you know there's
wonderful does that where like if I try
googling echo dot like the photos autos
like a cool whole mini they don't and
and I think they get into a lot more
trouble with that because that's there
is Amazon's like technically doing the
same thing yeah it's like my video is on
store so I guess it's
I don't know the problem is is that
amazon has been widely seen as being
searched for shopping and that's usually
the first place that a lot of people go
online to search for any given item
because they have so many of them so III
do think that there's a point to be made
as far as them gaming and you
know just not including competitor I
just feel like it would be more obvious
I think regulators would jump on Google
a lot faster if they sort of
manipulating I wouldn't disagree with
you but I think that Amazon should be
held to a similar standard good point
all rights take a few more questions
before the end of the show Josh Moya do
you think Google is gearing up to
release an echo show or tablet of them
of their own that does kind of make
sense tablet I don't have I mean I think
he means sort of like a kitchen table
desktop type device III really we have
very smart viewers because I hadn't
considered that but it does make I hope
they don't just because I still think
the echo shows like very dumb it's dumb
it could be improved upon I definitely
could be a man it doesn't look great but
you know I put my iPad on the kitchen
like you know on a stand in the kitchen
and we use kind of like what the echo
show is used for you use video Chad you
recipe but imagine if your iPad on the
stand in the kitchen could only be that
like you couldn't move it anywhere ever
like it stay there it'd be useless
that's where your family congregate I
mean honestly I'm in my kitchen a lot
and I don't like I mean I I have my
tablet I piranha stand five minutes ago
yeah this is also true the echo show is
still pretty new so I think we're still
trying to figure out who the customer is
for the echo show I think families do
you give any indication of how well it's
done I don't think it's doing super well
but I don't have a ton of statistics on
that we just know very very clearly I
think I do not have statistics so
because Amazon doesn't really like send
out numbers unless it's doing amazing
yes that's correct however there's a lot
of research firms don't there's a lot of
third party information that shows that
the echo dot is by far like the biggest
one like that's that's really really
strong law so my biggest thing is like
aesthetically it still just looks kind
of ugly to me but the show I just hate
the concepts of it I don't need like a
like standing tablet well unfortunately
now you can't even watch YouTube on its
behind it's it's just like a big heavy
break that's like sitting and you know
taking yeah and like I feel like YouTube
is like kind of perfect for that look
like the scenario that you're talking
moment is just in your kitchen you can
like look up like recipes on that like
what am I gonna watch like top gear like
in my kitchen watch Top Gear in general
it sucks know what's their new show that
they have read tour yes Grand Tour which
is pretty yeah bring back good girls for
a vault what you are chef there you go
JB JB all right we're almost at a time
mallum ace is Google cutting accessories
Amazon to Amazon the micro version of
net neutrality the idea of like cheating
I guess I mean goes back to the original
question you're talking about in terms
of like prioritizing your products over
someone I think it kind of is it's
actually kind of a smart analogy because
it's ideal like as a store you should
technically be neutral which no sorr
really is yeah I don't know I think I
think the idea of the internet was like
this is supposed to be something for
everybody Amazon like we're a business
and we can sell what we damn well please
Ben's point like the idea like holding
it to a higher standard that's kind of
like that would be the net neutrality or
holding yeah because it's I just heard
the search of shopping I think the
problem is is that Google gets held to
that standard a lot because they're so
dominant in search and searches like the
entry point to so much of the Internet
but for shopping Amazon is clearly very
very dominant in that space right so
there are arguments to be made obviously
Google is making them that like why are
you including our products like this
isn't cool so I this is also worth
mentioning that like this could
potentially just be a negotiate
point oh yeah Google and Amazon are
probably having negotiations Google
decided in the heat of the holiday
season we're going to embarrass Amazon
and make this look bad maybe they're
gonna have a kumbaya moment at some
point it seems like it's entirely
possible I mean like Amazon needs that
echo show to have YouTube on it and yeah
nice to have it on the fire TV too so
yeah I mean my expectation would be that
they are gonna come to some sort of
I was excited it's really dampened my
prospects of getting and Amazigh like a
fire TV like a stick or anything like
that oh yeah
most of the stuff I watch is on YouTube
yeah the 350 drawing live stream I know
which is which is really good and the
viewers again our viewers are probably
the best probably the best viewers I
would say so ever I mean yeah definitely
- Josh boy - oh yeah Danny Green you
can't find on Amazon fire TV alright
just to bring us out since we are done
for the week yeah and Rodgers done for
the year
wait wait no you lost
Damon no we're back tomorrow actually
today actually is today the last day
we'll all be together I guess that's
that is right tomorrow so sorry beer we
are here tomorrow okay just because you
need to get emotional it's going to be a
continuing looming topic do we have any
more developments about the net
neutrality case I know that they are
petitioning for a delay on the vote yeah
information good question nothing beyond
that right now I think they're still you
know there's obviously a lot of movement
and the kind of Pro net neutrality
camped to kind of delay and to sway the
republic commissioners ultimately I mean
I think it's still just gonna go through
there are three Republican commissioners
Hopkins almost always vote anti net
neutrality or anti these regulations and
so but now no no concrete updates yeah
delay doesn't in to a certain extent is
just a short-term band-aid for that was
just like I heard I said last night
you know we get a Democratic president
in a couple years then maybe it all
swing backs the other way so that's
government for you it's gonna swing yep
swingers gonna swing yeah all right I
think we're just about to place stop
yeah so sad yeah let's keep doing this
for another 20 minutes
That's not me man all right you like to
anything you saw her here chickens on a
sea net our podcast is available in
iTunes tune in stitch your fee burn
google play music and the Amazon echo
but no but not that is available on
YouTube well I'll be the podcast is
available in by the way thanks
thanks also
yeah which we also own is that
yet you done I'm done
I was done a while ago these guys are
just chiming in All Right see y'all
tomorrow thanks everyone
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