with grand theft auto 5 rockstar have
tried to reimagine the open world game
in a number of ways the game world is
beautiful massive and diverse
a sprawling satirical reimagining of
modern southern california covering
mountains and oceans expensive stores
and strip malls urban decay and
untouched wilderness features and
backwoods the sub line and the
ridiculous greed and hypocrisy you tell
me exactly what you want and I will very
carefully explain to you why it cannot
be what so what we doing here now we're
working amigo for the first time the
game features not one but three would-be
heroes smell one Michael a one
successful bank robber and now less
successful family man you know you're a
real asshole what did you just say to me
stop it you're ruining my go go Franklin
hungry street hustler convinced he's
surrounded by morons can't wait for the
assets of a Deadman bitch sitting cheap
asshole and then there's trip
the less said about him the better
introducing three lead characters
transforms both the narrative into one
inner woven story and the structure of
individual missions players can cut
between vantage points daddy's little
back up here and from one high-octane
moment to another
get out of here this helps to get
missions new levels of diversity and
hey when not on a mission the use of
three lead characters also allow for a
touch of voyeurism as you can drop in at
any moment and find out what your new
friends have been up to as they go about
their days cheese pop too much more than
maybe I won't be dead by 35
the world is not only huge is packed
with a vast array of things to see and
do cars to customize planes to fly close
dubai sports to play Nirvana's to pursue
oceans to dive animals to spot hunt and
be hunted by freaks to watch meet and
befriend i gather bounties down and on
and on how've you been Oh simply
wonderful and you somewhere stuck
between joyful and peachy
there's also been a huge focus on
mechanics in the game to make every
aspect is fun and fluid as it is broad
everything from driving and shooting to
tennis and bike riding feels fun and
however alongside all of this leisure
people also have to take care of
business for all their pretensions these
men are dangerous thieves it's an
industrial area right so I'm thinking
vehicles trash truck to block hope from
to survive they have to set up and pull
off a series of increasingly audacious
heists gentlemen some plans for your
attention the player sets things up
themselves then decides how they execute
them and with food the two ways i see of
doing this we go in smart let's go where
we go in loud and down mr. Shore moment
please don't make me ruin all the great
work your plastic surgeons have been
doing after the take is divided you
decide what to spend your money on
anything from sensible investments like
tattoos and fast cars
too risky ventures like stocks and Los
Santos real estate and then there's
Grand Theft Auto online which we will
show you properly soon
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