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HP's Star Wars laptop takes you to the Dark Side, for less.

you think you've got everything Star Wars well do you have a Star Wars laptop even the box itself is covered with cool Star Wars graphics I'm sure you're gonna want to keep that around and inside when you're taking out the laptop for the first time the box the power adapter comes in has cool Darth Vader graphics on it and even the foam things that hold the laptop in there look like little thai fighters okay so once you've got the laptop out of the box you can see it is fully dressed front to back and kind of battle worn Star Wars graphics on the back of the lid we've got Darth Vader and some Imperial looking stuff and on this side we've got a stormtrooper we've got some more sort of battle scarring a little death star in the background some Star Wars language up here one of the cooler parts I thought was the touch pad which has that x-wing targeting computer view from Episode four just printed right on top of the touch pad and of course the keyboard is backlit in ominous glowing red when you dive into the actual system itself you're gonna find the Star Wars control center and that gives you access through a whole bunch of different Star Wars windows themes with rotating background images and even system sounds whether it's the original trilogy or the new movie that's coming up also image galleries lots of behind the scenes stuff and sketches and production photos if you take away all the Star Wars stuff you've got a fairly mainstream 15-inch Core i5 laptop the nice touch here is that starting at $6.99 this really isn't more expensive than if you just want a non Star Wars version of this although I will say for the holiday season in 2015 there are some pretty stiff discounts on the non Star Wars pavilion 15 laptops right now but as it is it's a reasonably inexpensive way to get a cool piece of Star Wars ephemera and that also works as a perfectly fine mainstream everyday laptop you
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